Empire of Hate (Empire #3) by Rina Kent

Only so I would realize I was only a substitute for his dear Astrid. A silver medal. A second choice.

Maybe that’s what I am to Daniel, too. Levi has his dear Astrid, so he settled for me.

I jerk up so fast, four pairs of eyes focus on me. I try to keep my composure but I have a feeling that I fail as I blurt, “I have to go.”

My movements are stiff and uncoordinated as I practically jog out of the gazebo and to the house.

Where did Jay go again? We need to leave, like right now.

I spend a few minutes contemplating if going upstairs would be rude, then recalling I shouldn’t even be worried about that.

Steps echo behind me and I wish Daniel followed me and will now take us home.

No, I don’t mean that his flat or mansion have become our home. They aren’t.

They shouldn’t be.

When I turn around, however, it’s not Daniel who’s staring at me. Uncle Henry has followed me and is now closing in on me.

I turn around to run.

“Nicole, please.”

My chin trembles and I grab the handrail for balance as I slowly whirl around to face him.

Seeing Uncle Henry again is nothing short of being electrocuted. It’s been nine years since I last saw him, but the hands of time didn’t touch his strong bone structure and tall, broad figure.

Even the few white strands give him an elegant edge more than a sense of old age.

But the thing I could never forget about Uncle Henry? The way his green eyes hold the calm of Buddha, the wisdom of Confucius, and the kindness of Mother Theresa.

He made me feel safe.

Until safe wasn’t on the list of things I could have.

“How have you been?” he asks, oblivious to my near freak-out state.

“I’m f-fine.”

“Are you sure? If I make you uncomfortable…”

“That’s not it…”

“Then what is it?” He places a hand in his pocket and I’m glad he doesn’t invade the distance between us. “Last time you saw me, you ran away and I couldn’t find you again.”

“I had to protect my brother.”

“Jayden, right?”

“How… Did Astrid tell you?” She practically gave him a report on the drive here.

“It was Daniel, actually. He called me two days ago, told me he found you and your brother. He also told me that he’s bringing you to London, in case I wish to meet you.”

“He…did that?”

“Yes, and I’m grateful. I’ve been searching for you for years.”

“But why? Don’t you hate me?”

What resembles pain crosses his features. “I never hated you, Nicole. I admit that after I found out Victoria toyed with Jasmine’s breaks, caused her death, and nearly killed Astrid in that hit-and-run, my sole purpose was to make her pay.”

“She…died of cancer after giving birth to Jay.”

“I know. I visited her often.”

“You did?”

He hated her with a ferociousness that scared me, so to say I’m surprised he’s the one who visited her while she was in prison would be an understatement.

“Yes. I wanted to see her suffer. But it wasn’t the imprisonment or cancer that ate her alive, Nicole. It was the fact that you turned your back on her.”

“She turned her back on me first.” I fight the tears gathered in my eyes.

The main reason I let Christopher roam free is because I was scared of her, of the sacrifices she made for me, of how people would see us.

I was terrified of her reaction to even consider mentioning it.

If it was Uncle Henry, he would’ve fought for me. He wouldn’t have told me to swallow the knife with its blood.

“She hurt you when you only took care of us,” I continue in a broken voice. “She made me lose you for good.”

He takes one step forward. “You never lost me, Nicole. The day I let you walk out of my house is one of the worst regrets of my life.”

A bubble-like pressure deflates in my chest and I can’t control the lone tear that escapes my eye. “I’m sorry, Uncle. I’m so sorry I’m the daughter of the woman who caused you so much pain. So sorry.”

He erases the distance between us and wraps me in a fatherly hug. Uncle Henry is an aristocrat through and through, so showing any emotion is blasphemy, but he’s patting my head now.

And I cry like a baby.

I cry for losing him. For thinking he always wanted to get rid of me.

“It’s not your fault, Nicole. I’m the one who’s sorry I let hatred blind me from what’s important.” He pulls back, smiling. “It took losing you to realize you’re my daughter as much as Astrid is.”


“You can call me Papa or Dad, as Astrid does, whenever you’re ready.”

“You really forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive. What Victoria has done is on her. You were a victim, too.”

“But…but Astrid doesn’t like me.”

“It’s because she only saw the mean side of you. She’ll get around as Daniel has.”

I bite my lower lip. “I don’t think he’s come around.”

He just likes the sex. He said it himself, that he enjoys fucking me out of his system.

A knowing smile covers Uncle Henry’s lips. “Yes, he has. But if he hurts you, just let me know.”