God of Malice (Legacy of Gods #1) by Rina Kent

I clear my throat and tuck a blonde strand behind my ear. “You know how I get in violent situations.”

“So don’t go there anymore, Glyn. I can’t protect you from Lan in his environment.”

“I don’t need protection from Lan. I’m not scared of him,” I say it and mean it this time.

Dealing with Killian has taught me that there are always monsters worse than the ones you know.

Even monsters have levels of depravity, and Killian’s is on the highest pedestal.

Bran gives me a look. “Just be careful.”

“Don’t worry, I will.”

Seeming to be satisfied with my answer, he pulls me to his side as we join the others. We sit beside Remi, who has already moved all our sofas and even decor lamps to create a circle that resembles Satan’s summoning ritual.

Creigh’s munching on some snacks while sitting on the floor, his legs crossed.

Ava and Cecily, who lost terribly, are sitting side by side, crossing their arms and glaring.

The only one who’s laughing is Remi while mixing drinks and throwing a snack in Creigh’s direction. Then he reaches into the container he brought and grins. “Guess what I have here, bitches?”

“If it’s not your severed penis, we’re not interested,” Cecily says.

“Not interested,” Ava echoes. “And holy shit, did our resident prude just say penis? Please tell me someone recorded that.”

“Shut up. You’re ruining the comeback line,” Cecily nudges her.

Ava snorts a laugh, then stops. “Fine, fine, we’re totally not interested, Rems.”

“Are you sure?” His face is pure mischief mixed with gloating as he slowly opens the container to reveal several smaller containers. “Because I’ve got fish and chips!”

Silence fills the room before Creigh jumps up and snatches a container—no, two.

“You get one for being the sweetest ever, Glyn.” Remi gives me a container and then another to Bran. “And you for being a bloody good sport, mate.”

Then he smirks at Cecily and Ava, who are watching the containers with parted lips that are only short of drooling. “You two, however, will need to beg my lordship.”

Creigh already opened his container, and the smell wafts through the air. Ava swallows. “It’s our house. The least you can do is pay up for interrupting our night.”

“I’ll pay up in money, but not fish and chips. Now, say, please, your lordship.”

“Go wank a horse, your lordship.” Ava glares.

He makes an error sound like this is a game show. “You have two more tries.”

“Just give me that.” Cecily snatches a container and Ava jumps on his back to stop him from fighting.

“Cray Cray, save me from these crazy cougars!”

My cousin, however, has zero interest in his environment when he’s eating. His whole attention is on devouring the chips.

Bran and I laugh as we begin to eat, too. Or I do. Bran puts his down and starts sketching.

Some would assume he’d sketch them, but since he doesn’t do humans, he translates the scene into a chaos of lines and shades of gray.

“That’s insanely beautiful. Please tell me you have social media I can follow.”

Both Bran and I glance back to find Annika staring down on his sketch. The smile on her face is so big that it’s contagious.

She’s wearing a purple leotard over tights, probably having come out in the middle of practicing.

“Hi, I’m Annika. You must be Glyn’s brother. She talks about you all the time. Actually, no, she’s not the talkative type. Ava does, though.”

“I’m Brandon.”

“Nice to meet you.” She retrieves her phone. “What’s your IG? TikTok? Snap? WeChat? WhatsApp?”

“I only have IG.”

“Oh. That’s fine,” she chatters happily and fawns over the work he’s posted online.

Something that makes Bran happy—so happy that I can feel the joyful energy radiating off him. He’s definitely not bothered by Annika’s hyper energy.

“Why, hello there.” Remi shoos both Ava and Cecily and slides to Anni’s side. “Am I dreaming or have I stumbled upon an angel with an American accent?”

All of us, except for Creigh, cringe.

Anni chuckles. “You’re so sweet!”

“I prefer hot, but we can go with sweet for now. I’m Remington. Son of a lord and grandson of an earl and currently holding a lordship title. One hundred and ninety-five in the line to the throne of the commonwealth and have the perfect looks and wealth to go with it.”

“Wow, that's impressive. I’m Annika. No royalty, though.”

“She’s mafia royalty,” Cecily waltzes to her side, holding a container, and Ava occupies her other side. “Stay away from her.”

“You’re so beautiful and pure, and I have to warn you away from this den of vipers, Anni.”

The three of them start arguing again, and Annika finds her way to Creighton’s side. “Hi there.”

He doesn’t reply since he’s eating. Creigh takes that seriously.

Super seriously.

“I’m Annika. You are?”

No response. It’s like she’s not standing in front of him. So she waves her hand, and when he doesn’t show a sign of recognition, I expect her to give up. That’s what most people do.