God of Pain (Legacy of Gods #2) by Rina Kent

If—when—Glyn brings Killian along, we’ll have a bloody circus on our hands. One, Lan still can’t stand him, Uncle Levi barely tolerates him, and Grandpa Jonathan still views him as the thief who took away his cute granddaughter. Two, Kill and Eli have grown a bit close, demolishing all the parents’ attempts to keep them apart, and, therefore, are always stirring up trouble.

I’m definitely kidnapping Annika the hell out of here before the circus begins.

If she hadn’t been so quick to accept my parents' invitation, we wouldn’t be here in the first place.

Thing is, it was hard getting my folks to warm up to her entirely after the shooting episode. Mum was a bit difficult at the beginning because she couldn’t stand the thought of anyone hurting me.

Annika actually spent months on end bribing her, calling her, and talking to her about everything and nothing. She even offered to be her designated spy in college.

Dad, on the other hand, was suspicious of her, considering her background. He didn’t believe she or her father wouldn’t hurt me. Not to mention that Dad and Adrian met exactly two times, and everyone in the room had to stop them from murdering each other.

The fact remains, after I got back from the island, Dad said he was proud that I went after what I wanted, because that’s the right ‘King’ way of doing things.

However, no matter how many difficulties Mum and Dad posed, my girl still managed to win them over with her cheerful personality and ability to empathize with anyone.

Besides, unlike her father, who acts like he doesn’t like me—but deep down does—my parents are happy when I’m happy. No questions asked.

I tilt my head to the side and watch as she helps Mum clean the table. We have staff, but Mum dismissed them today because she wanted the ‘homey’ experience. This time, Dad cooked—thank fuck.

My gaze follows Annika as she moves with the grace of a feather. She’s wearing a purple-and-white floral dress, and her hair is held up in a ponytail with a fluffy purple butterfly that matches the ones on her flats.

Annika always complains about how I tear her clothes, but I can’t resist when she looks like a present I have to unwrap. And I’m too impatient to do it properly, so her clothes have to pay the price.

The more I watch her, the harder my cock strains against my jeans. I discreetly readjust myself and force my gaze away from her.

And that’s when someone hits me upside the head. “Pussy-whipped.”

I glare up at my brother. “Sure you want to say that?”

His eyes darken, but he soon smooths his expression and runs his fingers under my chin. “Did I mention you’re so adorable lately?”

I try to push him away, but he’s no different from a parasite sometimes. I have a deep appreciation for my relationship with Eli and how he’s always been there for me, but I can’t get used to him being a wanker whenever he pleases.

“Leave your brother alone,” Dad chastises as he strides from the lavatory and sits at the head of the table.

Eli squashes my face between his fingers. “Look at his adorable cheeks.”

“He’s not a baby anymore.”

“Unfortunately.” Eli lets out a bored sigh and releases me, then focuses on our father. “And don’t be jealous, Dad.”

He gives him a blank stare. “Of what?”

“Our beautiful relationship.”

Dad snickers and Eli’s eyes narrow. “What was that for?”

Dad says nothing.

“What was it for?”

“Are you guys bickering again?” Mum strokes Eli’s hair and touches my cheek, then she kisses Dad on the lips. “Can we not? Just for tonight?”

Dad wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her against him. “Do I get a reward later?”

“Dad!” I protest.

“Seriously?” Eli echoes.

“What?” He stares at us innocently. “She’s my wife.”

“And our mum,” I say.

“We didn’t need that image,” Eli mutters.

“Maybe the problem is you, not me. Get that image out of your heads, sons,” Dad tells us as if the topic is completely normal.

“Aiden, stop it.” Mum smiles and tries to slip free. “Let me go help Annika with dessert.”

“Eli or Creighton can do it. You worked hard tonight.”

My brother is ready to bolt, but I’m out of my seat before he blinks.

“I can’t believe you abandoned me, you little fuck!” he shouts behind my back.

“Should’ve brought a date!” I smirk, and he flips me off.

I find Annika in the kitchen, fussing over some ice cream.

“I’m almost done!” she calls out and I grab her by the elbow and wrench her small body back.

Annika gasps, slamming the glass of ice cream against my chest, spilling it on me. “You.”

“Me.” My voice lowers and she understands the meaning quite well, because she shakes her head.

“Not here, Creigh.”

“Why not?”

“Everyone is waiting for dessert.”

“Everyone can come get it themselves.”

“They’re right outside.”

“They’re preoccupied.”

I pull her behind me into one of the storage rooms and she yelps when I push her onto the table and fling the dress to her hips.