God of Pain (Legacy of Gods #2) by Rina Kent

The girl treats animals like a mother would treat her baby, for fuck’s sake.

Then I noticed that the more I showed up, the more annoyed she became. And I like getting on her last nerve, catching her glaring at me, or watching me with that puzzled expression.

Besides, many students started volunteering at the shelter soon after I joined. Cecily said it’s because of me and that I should stay.

Who am I to say no to such a great cause?

It’s been almost a week, and I’ve been going there every single day, deliberately sacrificing my sleeping time.

“Spawn! You have it in you to betray me with this me wannabe? You can try for an eternity to dress like me, walk, talk and act like me. You might be the next best thing, but not quite me.”

“Wait. Isn’t that Eminem?” Ava asks.

“Point is, I’m wounded, spawn,” he says in his overdramatic voice. “And here I thought I was your favorite. Now I need to go find me another spawn who’s willing to follow my lordship’s teachings. I’ll take candidates starting now. No pushing, I can’t accept everyone.”

No one comes forward and he laughs. “Don’t be shy. I know I’m intimidating, but I can be cool as fuck.”

Annika inches forward and opens her mouth. There’s a tidbit I’ve learned about her during the time we’ve spent together in this unholy group. She doesn’t like seeing anyone in a vulnerable state and is always game to sacrifice herself for it.

Either that or she’s seriously considering Remi for the position of her fake prick.

I’m not ready to find out which it is. Before any words come out, I say, “You already have me. Why would you look for someone else?”

“Right!” He points at me with a laugh. “I knew I was still your favorite and no attempts from the crazy cougars will be able to tear us apart. Hear that, nerd? You mean nothing.”

“And you think you do?” Cecily throws right back.

Ava holds out both hands. “Time out! Ces, don’t you think we have something more important to discuss, especially now that everyone is here?”

“Oh, right, of course.” Cecily sits beside Annika and Ava takes the other side. “We’re gathered here today for an important reason that’s a bit more pressing than choking the life out of Remi. Our friend, Anni, needs someone to pretend to be her boyfriend for enough time to convince her family not to arrange a marriage for her. Who’s up for it?”

Annika stares at me with wide eyes and I narrow mine. I specifically told her to erase this idea out of her head, and by association, out of Cecily’s and Ava’s heads.

“No funny business in the fake dating.” Ava points a finger at my cousin. “I’m talking about you, Remi.”

“Define funny business, love.” He grins mischievously, and I can feel that tension rising in my compressed throat.

The darkness shimmers from the background, threatening to devour everything in its wake.

“No, you’re out,” Cecily tells Remi. “Like, totally out.”

“Why the hell are you the one who decides that? It should be Anni! From the potential candidates present, I’m the most handsome, duh, and would make the best boyfriend material.”

“Your arrogance is astounding.”

“Thanks, my lady.”

“That wasn’t a compliment, Remi.”

“Whatever. All I’m saying is that the girl of the hour should choose. Out of everyone present, who do you want to be your fake boyfriend, Anni?”

Her eyes meet mine again, bright, so fucking bright that it’s blinding. She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, chewing, biting, waiting.

My jaw tightens as other images fill my mind. All of them start with her trapped beneath me with no way out.

There won’t be any nibbling or chewing. There’ll be slapping, throwing, choking, flogging, gagging, fucking, fucking, and more fucking until I tear her tiny little cunt.


The fuck is wrong with me lately?

She releases her lip, all red and plump from how much she bit on it. “If he’s willing to help, and it’s in no way an obligation, of course, but if I had to choose, it’d be Brandon.”

My fist tightens on the fork and I’m surprised it doesn’t snap in two from the ferocity of my grip. My jaw flexes and my muscles stiffen until I’m no different than a rock.

The only thing stopping me from hauling her onto my lap right at this moment is the knowledge that I would break her skin. No doubt about it.

The clever little minx avoids my gaze completely, knowing full well that she fucked up.

But she doesn’t know to what extent.

Annika just unleashed the last bit of control I’ve been conjuring for weeks.

My soul craves the darkness and that’s exactly what I’ll give it.

“I’m sorry to say this, but you have a terrible taste in men, Anni.” Remi flips his hair back. “But then again, my lordship was never meant for fake anything.”

“I’m honored you chose me.” Bran smiles. “I’d be happy to help—”

He’s cut off when I stand up abruptly. This time, Annika looks at me with terrified eyes.

The right eyes.

I don’t say a word as I turn around and leave.

She can have her fun all she wants—or think she is.