God of Wrath (Legacy of Gods #3) by Rina Kent

At the start, I refused to admit that his treatment of me after sex is the reason for the bursts of emptiness I feel sometimes. I don’t even like Jeremy.

I don’t.

Not even if he buys me special editions of my favorite mangas, lets me talk about whatever subject I’m studying, and fixes me delicious dishes.

I certainly wouldn’t grow a soft spot for him because he makes each of my sexual fantasies come true. Or admit that he’s slowly allowing me to grow into that part of myself and accept it as a fragment of who I am.

While I enjoy the sexual part of things and how he pushes every button inside me, I’m well aware of who Jeremy Volkov actually is.

I know of his mafia legacy. While I’ve been dreaming of helping others as Mum does, he’s set to be a leader for blood-fests.

We don’t speak or think the same things. He’s too emotionless, and I’m too caring. He lacks empathy, while I feel it more than need be.

Jeremy and I are doomed for disaster, but don’t they say toxic relationships have the best sex? Though we’re not in a relationship.

I don’t even know what to call the thing we have.

It’s something, but I’m not sure what.

And because we’re not in a relationship, I shouldn’t have let Ava drag me to the fight club to watch him.

Or more like to watch the semi-finals. Between Jeremy and Landon.

I’ve been on edge ever since I heard those two would fight, but I never thought it would be so nerve-racking in person.

The buzzing crowd from our university and TKU don’t help. Noise, chatter, and bets made under the table mix in a symphony of chaos.

I’ve never liked these scenes, but Ava has a thing for watching men clash.

And I don’t have the heart to let Ava come on her own. Glyn loathes violence and never comes here if she can help it, not to mention she’s probably busy with her boyfriend, Killian.

As for Anni, well, she’s occupied with her own romance, too. Besides, she’s forbidden to set foot here under her tyrant brother’s orders.

I swear he enjoys ordering people around. Whenever I attempt to defy him, he turns up the crazy a notch to put me back where he thinks I belong.

Ava punches her open palm, craning her head in the direction of the fighting ring. We’re in the second row on the side, so we have an excellent view, all thanks to her ticket-purchasing talents.

“May Lan beat that arsehole to a pulp and free Anni of his dictatorial reign. Amen.”

I inch closer to her when some guy bumps into me. Ava shoos him away and takes my place, so I’m near the wall. My friend knows full well that I don’t like to be touched, especially suddenly or by strangers.

You don’t mind being fucked to within an inch of your life by Jeremy.

“I don’t hear your amen, Cecy.” Ava gasps. “Or do you want Jeremy to win?”

“What? Of course not.”

I don’t even know what I’m doing watching this match.

There’s been murky water between me and Lan ever since he abused my trust. I deleted the folder I have of his pictures and stopped having stupid feelings for him. As for Jeremy and me, we’re…fuck buddies who share the same kink but don’t have anything else in common.

No clue why that thought fills me with a sense of depression.

As if on cue, Landon strolls to the middle of the ring in a roar of cheers from REU students.

He’s wearing only blue satin shorts and wraps that cover his hands and wrists. The crowd goes nuts and starts cheering and screaming and chanting his name.

A wolfish grin lifts his lips as he flings his arms wide and throws his head back, looking to be in complete euphoria.

“King! King! King!”

Lan was made for showmanship and doesn’t miss a chance to flaunt his superior looks, defined physique, and genius skills.

While most art students are allergic to violence and even sports to protect their hands, Landon punches with the same hands that create masterpieces.

He’s been part of the underground fighting scene since we were in secondary school and didn’t quit at uni.

Not only that, but he’s also the leader of the Elites, and the number one student grades-wise in the whole of REU and TKU combined. He’s been getting some competition from a girl in the American university, but she’s yet to push him off from his first spot.

Lan always makes sure to come out on top, demanding to be worshipped like the god he thinks himself to be.

And while I ignored those narcissistic traits in the past, they make me uncomfortable now. Especially as I watch him bite his lip, enjoying every chant, every admiration.

It hits me then.

Lan never belonged to anyone but himself.

“Woohoo! Go, Lan! King! King! King!” Ava shouts at the top of her lungs and I shake my head.

She’s too enthusiastic about this.

The commotion from our students partially dies down when TKU’s crowd roars to life.

Jeremy strides to the ring accompanied by Nikolai and a blond man—the guard who told me about his state that day I went to the Heathens’ mansion.

I’ve been fucked continuously by Jeremy for the past two weeks and a few times before that, but this is the first time I’ve see him half naked.

Considering the way his muscles bulge through his shirts and leather jackets and whenever I’m flattened against him, I figured he had a developed physique, but nothing I could’ve imagined would rival the scene in front of me.