Heart of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #3) by Rina Kent

He nods and strides toward the entrance.

I take the route in the opposite direction, a hand in my pocket and a small smile on my face. Sure enough, Kristina has gone to the back entrance, where there’s a parking lot that’s usually used by the staff.

Although she was running, she wasn’t fast, considering the heels and the impossibly long wedding dress. By the time I arrive, she’s jogging all over the parking lot. Her tears come faster the more she frantically circles the cars and doesn’t find what she’s looking for.

I hide around the corner and check my watch. At this rate, I’ll get back to my actual wife sooner than I previously calculated.

But for now, I’m only missing popcorn for the movie that I made sure would happen.

Kristina’s headless-chicken phase comes to a halt and the ex-robot actually sobs. “Where are you? I came as you asked… Where are you—”

She cuts herself off and lets her dress drop to the ground as none other than my ex-baby brother—he’s a fucking giant now—emerges from between the cars. He has a hand in his pocket and the other holds a gun as he breathes harshly.

“Konstantin…” she lets out in a murmur.

“You came,” he whispers back, his face appearing boyish, like he’s a decade younger.

A bit of a weird moment to witness.

Kristina takes a hesitant step toward him. “I…couldn’t do it. Even if my parents disown me and my brother kills me, I couldn’t…couldn’t marry Kirill when all I can see is you in his face. I just…couldn’t.”

“Good, because if you didn’t come, I was planning to kidnap you and hold you hostage before my fucker of a brother could marry you.”

Fuck you, asshole. If it weren’t for me, none of this would be happening.

“Oh, Konstantin.” She palms his cheek. “I love you. I lived all my life for duty and accepted being my family’s trump card. I didn’t allow myself to feel or live or breathe for anything but duty, but that changed when you came along. I hate you for making me feel, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He clutches her by the waist and hauls her toward him. “I love you, too, Meelaya. You’re the only reason I manage to wake up every day.”

And then he kisses her, open-mouthed while releasing repulsive noises.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes or cringe for eternity as I snap a few pictures.

Only my brother is cheesy enough to pick the most sickeningly sweet term to call his woman. My darling.

Though it surprisingly fits someone like Kristina.

When they break apart, she smiles and wipes the lipstick off his mouth. “What are we going to do now? If Papa sees you…I don’t even want to think about it. And Kirill? What is he going to do to you?”

“Fuck that asshole.”

Hey. Is this all the thanks I get for my services?

“Let’s leave,” he lets out in a determined tone. “No one will approve of us when you stranded my almighty bastard of a brother at the altar. The blame will fall on you more than me, and I don’t want to see you suffer in this world.”

“But…Papa and Alexei will hunt us down.” She visibly shakes against him. “You don’t know my brother. He’s not as diplomatic as Papa and he’ll kill you on sight. I can’t…I can’t do that to you.”

“I’m willing to take the risk if it means being with you.”

“But…what about your goals and aspirations?”

“I don’t need those if I have to achieve them without you.”

I finally get enough of my cheesy fucking brother and stroll out from my hideout clapping my hands. “Bravo! Love the concept of forbidden love. The execution, however, could use better dialogue.”

Both of them stiffen and Konstantin actually hides Kristina behind him as if I’ll snatch her away or something.

Now, I’m fully aware that my brother isn’t as trigger happy as, say, Damien, but he still has his moments, and right now seems to be one of those as he tightens his hold around the gun that he never hid.

“Care to explain what you’re doing with my future wife, Konstantin?”

His upper lip lifts in a snarl. “She’s never going to be your wife. She’s fucking mine.”

I guard my nonchalant tone. “Is that so? Did you discuss this issue with Igor? Alexei? The Pakhan, for that matter? Because as I’m sure you know, this is highly frowned upon by the brotherhood. A bit taboo, too. Her neck is on the line, and, hey, so is yours.”

“Let her go,” he says almost pleadingly.

My brother has never begged me for anything since the day I enlisted. He hasn’t asked me for anything, either, and has only talked to me to act as Yulia’s obedient minion.

We haven’t been on good terms since the day Karina was traumatized for life, but when I decided to leave, he looked at me with these same imploring eyes.

The ones a younger brother would have for his older brother.

Back then, he said, “Please don’t leave us.”

Now, he says, “You’re powerful enough to break this marriage off.”

“That I am, but I’m afraid I can’t be the one who goes against the deal I had with Igor and the Pakhan. Otherwise, my interests will be in jeopardy.”