Heart of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #3) by Rina Kent

“With Kosta,” Karina replies. “He said Yulia tried to kill him, so Kosta pushed her away, and Kirill shot her. She’s in the ICU.”

Oh. A sense of relief grips hold of me and I release a long breath. I was so certain he’d definitely been shot this time.

The door opens and Kristina walks inside. She smiles upon seeing me, even though her face is pale and tired.

“Sasha, you’re awake. Thank God.”

“Is…” I study all their faces. “Is my baby okay?”

“Yes, yes.” Kristina clutches my hand. “You had a little complication, but you protected him. The doctor said you need a lot of rest, though.”

My chest deflates and tears fill my eyes as I place a palm on my stomach. When I saw the blood earlier, I thought that I’d lost him for sure.

Both of them. My husband and our son.

“Does…Kirill know?”

“About the pregnancy?” Karina asks. “Of course. He was the one who brought you here and threatened to kill everyone in the hospital if they didn’t save you.”

“How did he take the news of the pregnancy?” I feel awful that I didn’t get to tell him myself. Worse, I wasn’t even there to see how he reacted.

All my reasons for hiding it from him have vanished now. So what if he uses this to keep me by his side? That’s exactly what I want.

“It wasn’t clear,” Anna says in a motherly tone. “He seemed more concerned about your safety.”


Doubt starts to niggle at my insides. Maybe I’ve miscalculated this. What makes me think Kirill wants a child? Knowing his parents, he could abhor the family institution.

We’ve never spoken about children before, and he didn’t seem interested when Karina mentioned it the day he locked up his brother.

“Are you okay?” I clutch Karina’s hand. “About Yulia.”

She lifts a shoulder. “I don’t give a fuck about that woman. I’m just glad you, Viktor, and my brothers are safe.”

Me, too.

I hope Konstantin thinks the same and doesn’t hold a grudge against Kirill.

My husband might pretend that he’s a lone wolf, but he needs the level of support only Konstantin can provide him.

My stomach churns at the idea of seeing him and talking to him about the pregnancy. What am I supposed to say? Should I say anything?

Everything is muddy right now, and I can’t seem to concentrate on one thought for too long.

At the same time, I can’t stop thinking about Kirill. Am I a bit disappointed that he’s not by my side? Yes. But I also know why he needs to be with Konstantin after he shot his mother.

At any rate, I need to find him. But before I can do that, the doctor comes to check on me and tells me that both the baby and I are safe. However, I need to rest for a few weeks to avoid putting any more strain on my condition.

No physical activities aside from walking. No rough sex—that bit got me frustrated. No journeys that extend over an hour. No flying either.

After she leaves, I stand up and put on a fuzzy robe that Karina brought for me. As Anna helps me tie the belt, I ask, “Oh, by the way, did any of you see my brother?”

Karina’s face pales.

My heart nearly drops to my feet. I think I remember Uncle Albert shooting, but Anton also had a gun. He couldn’t have hurt him, right?

“What is it?” My voice shakes. “Is he okay?”

“Yes, don’t worry.” Kristina pats my shoulder. “He’s safe.”

“Why do I sense there’s a but there?”

“Maks saved him and got shot instead. He’s also in the ICU,” Karina blurts, tears brimming her lids.

Oh, God.


I don’t know how I get the energy, but I’m already wheeling the IV drip and storming out of the room.

I don’t listen to them calling my name or asking me to be careful.

My whole body feels like it’s on fire as I take the elevator to the ICU. Then all my chaotic emotions come to a halt when I arrive near the waiting area.

A bulky mass of muscles sits on one of the chairs, blood soaking his neck, hands, and shirt as he holds his head in his palms.

I slowly approach my brother, my heart thundering so loud, I’m scared it’ll bust out. Once I’m in front of him, I carefully touch his shoulder.

Anton lifts his head, and for the first time in our lives, I see tears clinging to his eyes.

“Malyshka…” he whispers in a low tone, and I just hug him to my chest.

His arms wrap around my middle, and his whole body shakes against me.

“I’m so sorry, Tosha.”

“I could’ve killed Uncle Albert in that moment, but I hesitated and only killed him when it was too late. I’m the reason Maks threw himself in front of me. He didn’t hesitate, Sasha…he just offered his life for mine without even thinking.”

“That’s because he loves you, Tosha. And I know you love him, too.”

“What if…what if I lose him, Sasha…? What am I supposed to do then?” I can feel the anguish and pain emanating from my brother in waves.

I have to stop myself from giving in to the dooming thoughts, but I can’t control it as we both shake.

“You won’t.” I pull back and stroke his hair. “Maks is a fighter and won’t die just like that.”