Lies of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #2) by Rina Kent

So my gut was right. That place was linked to the cursed mission where I lost my men. I was so sure Roman was behind the whole scheme, but maybe there’s more to it.

I neatly stack the bottom row of cards. “Have you figured out who owns that place?”

“According to our last mission, it’s insurgents and illegal weapons dealers, and while that’s true to an extent, I believe there may be hidden information about that particular mission.” He pauses. “You know of the Belsky Organization scheme, right?”

“The organization that clashed against the government and stored weapons, only for them to be wiped out?”

“That’s public and military general knowledge, but it’s neither as simple nor as justifiable as the tales indicate.”

I keep building my house despite the volatile nature of my dimming patience. “I don’t see why the Belsky Organization has anything to do with those two warehouses.”

“They were owned by the family.”

My gaze meets Viktor’s through the small triangles. “Didn’t the military have them wiped out?”

“Not all. It’s impossible to locate the entirety of their warehouses, considering they kept them hidden in places even the KGB doesn’t tread near. They could also have allies in those areas to help maintain their anonymity.”

“You’re talking as if they’re still alive.”

“I suspect that a few members are, yes. Otherwise, those warehouses wouldn’t have remained functional.”

“Some other group could’ve gotten hold of them.”

“They could, but it’s highly unlikely. That organization operated like a cult and no one aside from their inner circle members are aware of their strategic weapon vaults.”

“So you think the Belsky Organization members are the ones behind the last Spetsnaz mission failure and my getting shot?”

“It’s a possibility, yes. I’m not saying the late Mr. Morozov didn’t have a hand in it as well, but all the arrows point in their direction.”

“Riddle me this, Viktor.” I clasp my hands to form a steeple at my chin and lean my elbows on the table. “Why would they target me when I’ve never dealt with them?”

“Could be a mercenary mission or for a reason we’re not aware of. Their guards certainly turned into rogue assassins who are only interested in money after the organization's famous cleansing.”

I adjust my glasses with my middle finger. Where does Aleksandra, who’s definitely not a Lipovsky, fit into the picture?

Is she in a relationship with the leader of the remaining Belskys?

Maybe she’s a Belsky herself. It makes sense with all the spying and acting suspiciously. There’s also the fact that she supposedly hid her gender because it’s dangerous to be a woman.

Whatever the case, she clearly thinks of me as an enemy. It’s no secret that Roman was involved with the Belsky Organization—one of his multiple foolish decisions. That one nearly got him in trouble with the Pakhan, so he said he’d take care of it.

If by ‘take care of it,’ he meant the annihilation of the organization, then I’m not surprised they would come after his heir—aka me.

I’m going to also take a wild guess that the people who kidnapped, tortured, and then sent Konstantin back in a duffel bag as a message belong to the same faction.

Was Aleksandra getting close to me to gain information?

No, she clearly passed that stage and moved on to the execution part, where she watched as her lover shot me down.

The red haze from that day blurs my vision and I have to close my eyes briefly to disperse the energy. When I open them again, my hawk-like focus returns. “I need all the information you can find about the Belsky Organization. Every file, every member, and every movement they’ve made before and after their alleged annihilation.”

Viktor appears stunned for a second, but then recovers. “That’s impossible, Boss. Even the government and its intelligence agency couldn’t figure out much about them, which is why they called for outside help to eliminate and get rid of their influence.”

“Dig deeper. Call your friends in the KGB, the Spetsnaz, and the military. I don’t care what you have to do in order to get me information.”

“I can try, but I’m afraid I can’t promise any results this time.”

“Just make it happen, Viktor. If we don’t know who’s after me, how can we stop it?”

“Got it.”

“Don’t get anyone else involved.”

“Not even Yuri?”

“To an extent. Don’t disclose all the information to him. Make it look like you’re still digging into the setup from the final military mission.”

He nods, then, after making sure I don’t need anything, steps out of the room.

My mind is left bubbling with different possibilities. I wasn’t in the military when the Belsky Organization was annihilated, but I’m apparently involved in some way. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been targeted.

It must be because of my genetic relationship with Roman. That old man was always up to no good. Not that I’m any better, but I at least know which battles to pick and which to steer the fuck clear from.

One thing’s for certain, though. Aleksandra and her lover have something to do with that scheme.