Lies of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #2) by Rina Kent

After he nods, Kirill walks to my side and grabs me by the arm. I don’t have time to protest as he drags me and the suitcase to the adjoining bedroom and closes the door.

I twist my arm free and jump away from him, my mind racing with countless options. I can still hit him now and run. That man outside didn’t look strong enough, so I can probably handle him—

“You should have everything you need here.” He pushes the suitcase in my direction. “Make it quick.”

Curiosity gnaws at me, but I don’t touch it. “What’s in there?”

“A wedding dress. Lingerie. Some makeup in case you need it.” He reaches into his jacket and then retrieves a black velvet box.

My heart nearly stops when he opens it, revealing two rings. One is a simple band for a man and the other is a gorgeous gold solitaire with a huge green rock on top.

The vase falls and hits the mattress as Kirill walks in my direction.

I think I’m going to hyperventilate.

No, I am hyperventilating.

Is this a dream?

Because if it is, then it’s too cruel.

“These took longer than I preferred.” He pulls out the ring, and tears gather in my eyes.

Oh, God.

On the inside of the green ring, ‘Kirill’s’ is engraved. As for the band, it says, ‘Sasha’s,’ both done in cursive. “K-Kirill…what…?”

“You asked me if I could make it happen.” He takes my hand in his and kisses the back of it. “I’m making it happen.”

“But what about Kristina? Igor? The alliance? Your position—”

“Shh.” He places a finger on my mouth. “Don’t worry your head about any of that. Just get changed…unless you want to get married looking like this?”

I shake my head frantically. “I’ll get changed… Just give me a moment.”

A rare grin curves his lips. “Does that mean you agree to marry me, Solnyshko?”

“I didn’t know I had a choice.” Besides, he just proved that he chose me over Kristina, so why can’t I choose him?

“You don’t, so I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

I smile, and he brushes his lips against mine, then possessively bites the lower one before he leaves and closes the door.

He’s really an asshole.

And I’m marrying this asshole.

Oh my God. I’m actually marrying Kirill.

Maybe I should think about this more or say no until I can process the consequences. If I marry Kirill, I can’t be his guard anymore, and I have to be a woman. If this gets out, then both of us will be in trouble and…

I shake my head and open the suitcase.

You know what? I don’t care. I’ve always made decisions for other people’s sake. This is the only chance I’ve gotten to have something for myself.

Even my heart, which was battered to near death not too long ago, has stitched itself back together again and is already chanting Kirill’s name.

He chose me.

After I begged him to pick me over Kristina, he did, and he’s proving it with actions instead of words.

Happy tears cling to my eyelids when I bring out the carefully wrapped wedding dress. The material is soft satin and lace. There’s also the most beautiful lingerie set I’ve ever seen—cream trimmed with pearly beads.

After I put them on, I’m struck by two things. One, they’re the perfect size. Jeez. Even I don’t know what size I am in women’s clothes, but apparently, Kirill does.

Two, I feel so beautiful. So feminine at last.

I might be a tomboy, but I’ve always dreamed about wearing a wedding dress and dolling up.

There’s a whole makeup case with items that I don’t even know what to do with. I go for the simple things because I don’t really know how to use the others. I put on some mascara and blush, and I finish with soft pink lipstick.

Those are the only things I trust myself with or else I’ll paint my face like a clown.

There’s also a jewelry set that matches the green ring he showed me earlier—a dazzling necklace, bracelet, and earrings.

He even thought to bring earrings that don’t need piercings since mine have long since closed.

After I put them on, I stand up and stare at the mirror.

I almost don’t recognize myself. I look so different from my male persona.

The dress hugs my waist and falls to the floor in an extravagance of lace, satin, and pearls sewn to the fabric.

It looks so elegant and stunning.

Even my face has a soft, more feminine feel than usual. My hair, though…I grab the huge flower bouquet, pull out some rose stems, and quickly form a small crown. Then I put on the veil and place it on top.

I smile at my reflection. I’m finally me.

After years of hiding behind another persona, today, I get to be myself.

A knock sounds on the door and Kirill’s booming voice follows, “Are you done yet?”

“Yeah! Be right there.” I stumble when I try to walk in the shoes. They’re not high heels, but they’re women's shoes.

I can’t believe I forgot how to walk in women’s shoes.

The horror.

After I spray some perfume he brought, something soft and flowery, I inhale deeply and exit the bedroom. The man from earlier is sitting at the dining table with some papers in front of him, but that’s not what makes me stop.