Blood of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #1 ) by Rina Kent

“So the best thing to do is get him on your side.”

“In theory, yes. In reality, however, he’s on no one’s side but his own and only holds loyalty to the Bratva. He’s strong enough to only answer to the Pakhan and be considered the strategist. He’s a bit of a recluse, though, and doesn’t show up as much as everyone else.”

My gaze falls on the men again. While Vladimir and Kirill talk, this Adrian, who I’m starting to think could be the key to Kirill’s inauguration, remains silent, composed, and detached. He barely drinks from his flute, only offers nods occasionally, and doesn’t seem to be disturbed by any presence near him.

That is a dangerous man.

Maybe on the same level as Kirill.

I focus back on Maksim, needing more information to understand the current climate. “I assume Roman Morozov was one of those leaders, and now, one of his sons will take over?”

“You assumed right. Roman was the third of four kings. Boss already lost the internal family vote. Konstantin has Yulia’s vote and her family’s support.”

“Her family?”

“Bankers. Those suckers are richer than God and have the immorality of the devil.” Maksim clicks his tongue. “She was one of the reasons her husband rose in power so tremendously in the first place. She’s using that same method to support Konstantin.”

“But isn’t Kirill a member of their family, too?”

“Not one who brings in profit like his brother does. They don’t care what the name is as long as he’s profitable and is tolerated enough by Yulia to recommend him to her family, but…” He pauses. “And this is a big BUT. Boss can still rule without internal support. He just won’t be able to sleep soundly at night because of how hostile the environment in the house is. Every day will be a battle for his life.”

“How about…Karina? Does she get a vote?”

“Yes, she does, but she might have switched to team Konstantin. She used to be close with Boss, but that was before he left for Russia. Now, she has joined her brother and mother's anti-fan club.”

I can see that. In fact, I still remember the rage and hostility in her eyes when she stabbed him. She didn’t look like someone who’s on Kirill’s side.

Hell, she’s been doing the ‘I’ll slice your throat’ motion whenever she sees me.

But there’s a weird shift in her expression whenever he’s around. Maybe if I get to the root of the problem…

That thought trails off when Maksim says, “None of this matters if he somehow gets the votes at the next general meeting. Sergei, Vladimir, Adrian, and the three kings, Igor, Mikhail, and Damien, all get to decide whether they will welcome Konstantin or Boss in their midst. Someone from the business front of the Bratva might get a vote, too.”

“Wait. Who’s Damien?”

“No clue.” My friend lifts his shoulder. “He wasn’t around when we left. Rumor has it, he killed the previous king, slaughtered his family, and conveniently took his place. The guards who stayed here while we were gone describe him as a crazy, volatile motherfucker. But we have no way of checking those facts since he chose not to show up today.”

“Can he do that? Miss a leader’s funeral, I mean.”

“Out of respect, no. But if he’s as much of a dark horse as everyone describes him to be, he probably doesn’t give a shit about things like that.”

I see.

I’m starting to understand how this operates. In a way, it’s no different than the army. There are codes of conduct, hierarchy, and goals to be attained.

The only difference is there’s no military law. Just the law of nature—you keep whatever you get.

You kill whoever poses a threat.

Survival of the fittest.

I still don’t know why Kirill chose to stay here instead of going back to Russia. His father is gone, so he can’t interfere in his missions anymore, and he still has loyal men who will follow him anywhere.

He did say that he’ll take over the world, and there was a genuine gleam in his eyes. Dark and sadistic but definitely bright.

So maybe, instead of the army, this is what he actually enjoys doing.

This danger-infested environment does seem to be more in line with his personality.

“Come on.” Maksim grabs my shoulders and pushes me in the opposite direction. “At least go grab something to eat so you won’t fall on your face. Even boring Yuri is on a break.”

“I guess I can take some time off.”

“Thank fuck. Go. Don’t come back for another hour.”

I salute, and he grins in such a charming way that I have no choice but to mirror it.

Once I’m out of his sight, I don’t go to the kitchen. One, Anna dislikes me. Two, Viktor will be a grumpy asshole and give me some type of chore. That guy has zero understanding of the concept of resting.

Three, and most importantly, I’ve been thinking about something ever since Maksim started getting me familiarized with all the players in this game.

Kirill might not have asked for my help, but I have a role to play. Besides, if he stays here, I have more chances to uncover his father’s involvement with my family’s massacre.

The main house is buzzing with people, servants, and a general grim atmosphere, but when I go upstairs, it’s the exact opposite.