Blood of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #1 ) by Rina Kent

Instead, he brought his son, Alexei, and more men to convince me that we can help each other.

Yuri closes the door behind them and stands there with his arms crossed. Viktor finally moves from his statue-like position by the wall and stops in front of my desk.

“That’s a good deal,” he says.

“I wouldn’t be so quick to conclude that.” I drum my fingers on the desk. “Igor, and especially Alexei, don’t do favors for no reason.”

“Igor was friends with your father.”

“That means nothing. He’s not friends with me, and if he’s offering to back me up, there’s a price to pay. If not now, then somewhere down the line.”

“Then you can use his influence and discard him later.”

“That’s a dangerous path to take,” Yuri, who’s been silent all this time, intervenes. “Just because Igor’s unit doesn’t flash victories like Damien’s or Mikhail’s doesn’t mean it’s weak. In fact, it’s one of the strongest in the organization. Making enemies with him would be both foolish and suicidal.”

“Correct.” I snap my fingers in his direction. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit around and do nothing. If an alliance is what he wants…he’ll think that’s what he’s getting.”

My biggest ally, however, will always be Adrian. I stack cards on my desk and start to build my house as I pull out my phone and dial his number.

He picks up after a few rings. “Volkov.”

“Morozov.” I match his closed-off tone with a touch of mockery.

“If this is another one of your idle chats…”

“Now, Adrian. Why have you turned so heartless? We’ve known each other all our lives, overthrew our tyrant fathers, and took over their legacies. We should be closer than this, don’t you think?”

“I’m hanging up.”

“What if I tell you I have an in with the cartels?” I drop the amused tone.

There’s a long pause, then, “Keep talking.”

“I can’t unless you give me your word for a partnership.”

“I’ll have to see results first. Which cartel do you have an in with?”

“I did say cartels, plural. I’ll pick and choose when I get there.”

“You’re either a suicidal idiot or an unhinged genius if you think you can pick and choose with cartels.”

I laugh, building my house at lightning speed. “When I bring in the first shipment, you’ll call me a maestro.”

“How will you do that?”

“Didn’t you ask me the same thing when I got us that deal with the Yakuza? Not only are they our allies now, but they’re also profitable.”

“That was a stroke of luck.”

I put the phone on speaker so I can focus on the harder parts of the house. “You don’t even believe that, Adrian. But don’t they say work hard enough that outsiders think it’s easy?”

“So you did something right once. Now, what? You think you can handle another beast this soon?”

“And another and another.” I stack two more cards in a perfect inverted V. “And another.”

“I’m only warning you because I don’t want the hassle of dealing with your brother if you somehow get killed, so listen carefully.”

“Aw, worried about me, Adrian? I knew you had a place for me in your little black heart.”

“If you don’t shut the fuck up and listen, I’m hanging up.” He pauses, releases a breath, then continues, “The cartels are different from anything we’ve ever dealt with. We’ve always had some relations with the Italians, Irish, Triads, and Yakuza, but a deal with the cartels always falls short before the execution stage. They’re not good with newcomers or outsiders, and you look nowhere near Hispanic.”

“That, I don’t. But I do have my ways. I’ll hit you up for intel soon.”

“Your plan?”

“I don’t ask you how you get information, so don’t ask me how I come up with my plans. Let’s both just do our own things.”

He doesn’t say anything more and we hang up on a cold note from Adrian, because he’s an asshole.

But, anyway, it’s a start.

“We have an in with a cartel?” Viktor asks. “Cartels, plural? When did that happen? In fucking Russia?”

“Of course we don’t, Viktor. But we will. Soon.”

“You just told Adrian that we do,” he points out like an idiot.

Yuri steps forward. “If lying to Igor is dangerous, doing it to Adrian is nothing short of begging to be killed.”

“I wasn’t lying since I will have an in. I just failed to mention the timeline.”

My father had an in with three cartels, but he always screwed it up due to poor decision making. Lucky for the organization, I’m better than him in picking and choosing people.

I stack the final two cards at the top and stare at my creation with a satisfied smile.

Everything and everyone are going according to plan. The organization doesn’t know this, but they’ll soon fall into my hands.

A commotion reaches me from outside—some bickering and fooling around. Then all the noise disappears, and a knock sounds on the door.