Blood of My Monster (Monster Trilogy #1 ) by Rina Kent

Am I really the only one who sees the signs?

I’m about to release him when I sense something taut on his chest, right beneath the oversized T-shirt. I let his head fall to the ground and reach toward it.

A smaller hand grabs my wrist, halting me in my tracks. Lipovsky’s eyes shine in the darkness, resembling a feral injured animal. I’m almost sure he’ll start to snarl and hiss any moment now.

Like a powerless kitten.

He shakes his head once, whether in warning or suppliance, I’m not sure. This little fucker has the audacity to touch me.

I jerk my wrist from his hand and stand to my full height, but I don’t change my position, so I’m glaring down at him. “Do you or do you not know that you fainted, sunshine?”

A red hue creeps up his neck. No shit. It splashes over the pale skin and spreads until it fully covers his ears.

Is he…blushing?

“I told you that I couldn’t take it anymore, sir,” he all but announces as if this is some sort of amateur training that he gets to quit whenever he wishes.

“Say that again.” My voice has turned chilly, deadly almost, with no hint of coolness whatsoever.

Any smidge of red disappears from his face, and he meets my gaze with his weary one.

“Cat got your tongue?”

He purses his lips but has enough self-restraint to stop from talking and unavoidably earning himself a disciplinary punishment.

“You’ll continue to do this training every day and you’ll also add a muscle-building routine. Every night. Every morning. If I find out you’ve missed any, you can kiss the military goodbye, because I could—and would—get you discharged, Private.”

An expression of pure panic covers his features and his voice comes out a bit weak, apprehensive even. “I…can’t leave.”

“Why not?”

“I just can’t. It’s not safe for me out there.”

“It’s not safe for you here either, if you remain at this level.”

He sits up, desperation coating him like an aura. “Please, sir, don’t have me discharged.”

“Begging is rather pointless. So instead of indulging in futile things, how about you do as you are told?”

He inches closer and grabs the threads of my boots in a fist as his eyes shine under the silver light.

I’m not sure if it’s desperation, a last resort, or something in between.

“Sir, I—”


Lipovsky’s words die in his throat as a new presence materializes in the silence. I don’t have to look back to know who it is.

“A word,” he insists in his gruff voice.

I crane my head to catch a glimpse of my longtime companion, my bodyguard since we were kids and the man who would offer his life for mine on a platter.


He’s built like a giant, has more muscles than he needs, and he’s been my right hand both before and in the army.

Needless to say, he enlisted just because I did. In fact, most of the men in my unit are the same as Viktor and have a similar level of infuriatingly persistent loyalty.

Part of their annoying behavior is cutting in without reading the atmosphere. The live example is how Viktor interrupted whatever Lipovsky was about to confess.

He slides back on the ground and then pushes to a standing position and watches Viktor peculiarly. As if he’s seen him before.

If discomfort could be observed on someone’s face, Lipovsky’s is emanating it in waves.

The view is worth watching, but not enough to have Viktor take interest in him, or worse, put him on some sort of shit list.

“Remember what I told you,” I say, then turn around and head toward my guard.

Viktor throws one last glance at the private before he falls in step beside me.

“Who was that?” he asks with a note of doubt, suspicion, and every other synonym in the thesaurus.

Being distrustful is both his strongest and his weakest point.

“No one you should worry about.” I glance at him. “What are you doing in camp? Shouldn’t you be drinking or making sure the others aren’t drinking too much?”

“Too late. The fools are wasted.”

“No surprise there. They’re celebrating being out of your dictatorial reign, Vitök.”

“Are you sure that shouldn’t be reversed to you, Captain?”

He’s staring ahead, having not a care in the world after he threw out the statement as if it’s a given.

“You must be tired of living.” I speak in my usual somber tone, but that doesn’t affect Viktor one bit.

“Speaking of living.” He moves in front of me and stops, forcing me to do the same. “Your father is demanding your immediate return to the States. Apparently, things aren’t the best.”

“When have they ever been?”

“He said it’s an order.”

My jaw clenches.

The reminder of my so-called home and my father always brings a bitter fucking taste to my mouth.

It’s too early to go back to that blood pit.

Not that there isn’t blood here, but here, it’s on my terms and with my methods.

“Let me guess, you’re going to ignore him again,” Viktor says, his brows drawn and that usual calculation passing through his gaze.

“You guessed correctly. Give yourself a pat on the back.”