Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

I ignore her as I move things around in the living room, finding my purse and phone hidden behind a couch cushion.

“I hope you like orange,” she adds with one shoulder lower than the other and her arms crossed over her chest.

I spin around, glaring at the woman standing in what was my living room less than six hours ago. “Listen, bitch. This was my house, and that was my man. He’s trash. He’s abusive. But from what I’m getting, you’re not a gentle little thing either. He’s your problem now, not mine. But if I were you, I’d get dressed and run. Get as far away from that asshole as you can before you’re standing in my shoes, being harassed by a woman who’s eating your sloppy seconds.” I place my slingback purse over my shoulder and stash my phone in my back pocket.

“Lying bitch. He told me about you,” she seethes, clearly thinking I’m making shit up.

“Whatever.” I throw up my hands, done with the bullshit. “He’s your problem now. You two deserve each other.” I stalk away from her, moving toward Bear, Stone, and Fran.

They’re smiling, looking proud of me, which is such a foreign thing for me to see. No one has been proud of me since my parents died.

“Come on,” Stone says, holding out a hand for me.

I grab on to him, using his steadiness as I step over Jeff. I don’t look down. He’s nothing to me anymore. He’s part of my past. A bad memory. But one thing is for sure, he’ll never be part of my future.

“Good job,” Bear says to me, looking impressed.

“You okay?” Stone asks as I almost topple forward straight into him.

“I’m good,” I tell him, which is kind of true—if I ignore the way my body’s shaking.

“Stay with me tonight.”

I gaze up at Stone, knowing I’d be safe. Although my judgment has been off in the past, this man has done nothing but be kind and caring to me since he put himself between Jeff and me. “Okay,” I whisper.

Stone’s smile wipes away any ounce of fear and doubt left inside me.

I have no idea what the future is going to hold, but I know it isn’t going to be filled with fear. I’ll never allow it again. And for the night, I’ll have Stone to make sure I’m safe.

“Let’s roll before the cops come,” Bear says when we don’t move fast enough.

We leave Jeff lying in the doorway, bleeding and motionless. He wouldn’t give me a second look, and I do him the same courtesy.

“Thank you,” I say to Stone as we rush to his truck.

“Anytime, Opal. I would’ve done more to keep you safe and make you happy.”

I smile as I climb into the passenger seat of his truck, wondering what his idea of more is. He’s already done too much.

“You deserve the world,” he says as he closes the door.

Who is this man, and how did I get lucky enough to have him drop into my life, becoming my rescuer?

I’ve never been told I deserve anything, but the way Stone looks at me, I want to believe it’s true.

Whatever happens from here on out, I’m going to try to lead a life worthy of their help, especially Stone’s.



I tiptoe into the kitchen, needing coffee. My eyes are barely open as I push start, standing in front of the machine until I hear the familiar bubbling. I stretch, getting all the sleep out of my system along with the stiffness from being still for too long.

“Hey,” a soft voice says from behind me, making me jump.

Opal. I’d forgotten she was here, which seems impossible after everything that happened last night.

“Mornin’,” I reply, placing my palms on the countertop but not turning around.

My already granitelike morning wood gets a little bit harder with the sound of her voice and the remnants of her perfume in the room.

I wait a few seconds, thinking about all types of horrible shit, trying to make it go away.

The chair scrapes against the floor before she sits down. “Do you have enough for two cups?”

“Yep. I’m making an entire pot.” I glance down, hoping my cock isn’t on full display.

“Thank God,” she says in this breathy tone that once again does nothing but aggravate my dick.

I grab two mugs out of the cupboard above the coffeemaker before sliding over to the fridge to get some cream. “You take sugar?”

“The sweeter, the better.”

“Gotcha,” I mutter, annoyed with myself and my dick.

He’s always been a complication, getting me in more trouble than I want to admit. From an early age, he’s given me nothing but problems. He has his useful moments, but there are occasions when he’s begging for attention at the wrong time.

This is one of them.

“We forgot your car last night,” I say to her, hoping to talk about something…anything to make him not so interested.

“It’s at the shop. I’ll call the dealership and see if they can pick me up so I can get it. Then I can get out of your hair. I appreciate everything you and Bear did for me last night, but I know when my time is up. And my time is up. You’ve done more than enough, and I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you.”

I wonder what it’s like to go through life feeling like a bother to everyone around you. Opal has a hard time accepting help, which I imagine made her ripe for the picking for Jeff. A man like him wants a woman who doesn’t feel she’s worthy of anything. It’s how he was able to get and maintain power over her for as long as he did.