Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

“But I have to…”

It’s my turn to lift my hand and shut him up. “No, you don’t. We don’t want your money or your business.”

He laughs like I’m an idiot. “Whatever, man. I don’t need this shit. It’s a trash tattoo anyway.”

Gigi growls, and I know she’s holding herself back because the woman would love nothing more than to launch herself over the counter and strangle him.

He reaches for Opal and wraps his hand around her wrist, trying to tug her forward. “Let’s go.”

Opal doesn’t move, digging her rubber heels into the floor. “No,” she whispers.

His entire body goes rigid, and he slowly turns his face toward her. “I’m not asking.”

I step toward Opal, not letting her leave with him under any circumstances. If I have to knock him out and dump him in the parking lot, I’ll do it. I’ll deal with the consequences of my actions later.

We’ve officially hit the fuck around and find out portion of the day for Jeff.

Opal’s lip quivers, and her eyes become glassy. “I don’t want to go with you,” she tells him again.

I put myself between them, her arm brushing against my hip as he holds on to her like she’s his personal property.

“You heard the woman. She’s not leaving,” I inform him, cracking my knuckles.

His dark green eyes narrow as his lip curls. “What are you going to do, meathead? Beat me up?” He laughs like the idea is lunacy, but I’ve beaten bigger men for far less than the way he’s acting toward Opal.

“Yep,” I snap. “And I’ll enjoy it too.” I move my gaze over his shoulder to Gigi, and I pray she can read my mind a little when I make the next statement. It’ll be make-it or break-it without becoming a major incident. “I’ll give you the first shot free and clear. If you can knock me off-balance, you can take Opal and go.”

Opal gasps from behind me.

I have a good fifty pounds on him, and I’ve spent most of my life taking punches from guys bigger than he is. It doesn’t hurt that my father was an MMA fighting champion and taught me how to take a punch.

“Deal?” I ask as I see Gigi coming around the desk from the other direction, reading my mind.

Jeff slides his gaze from me, around my side, to where Opal is standing. “She’s not worth the hurt I’m going to give you,” he says, clenching his hand into a tight fist.

I cross my arms over my chest, making it clear that I’m not going to hit him back. “You a pussy?”

His nostrils flare. “I’m not a pussy. But she’s honestly not worth the hassle. You can deal with her lazy-ass, annoying behavior. I’m done with her. She’s a lousy fuck anyway.” He drops her hand and takes a step away. “She’s good for nothing.”

Opal sniffles behind me, and I can’t bring myself to look at her. I’ve seen enough hurt on her face to last me a lifetime, and I’ve only known her for a few minutes.

I stalk forward, making him back up faster. “Out you go,” I tell him, balling one hand into a fist.

“Hit me and I’ll sue,” he threatens, not surprising me at all.

Pussies always want to resort to a ridiculous threat because they know they can’t win when it comes to strength.

He’s the typical abuser.

Demean someone with words and even physically, but only because they’re smaller and weaker.

He’s a bully and deserves to feel the same type of pain, but now isn’t the place or the time.

“Get the fuck out!” I yell, finally raising my voice and running out of patience.

He flinches.

I smirk, moving toward him so he doesn’t waste any more of our time. “Now!”

He punches open the door, walking quickly to his shiny sports car that no doubt is his way of making up for all the other ways he’s lacking.

I keep my gaze pinned on him, taking a few deep breaths to calm my breathing.

“It’ll be okay,” Gigi says softly behind me. “Don’t cry.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, hating that someone so beautiful and soft is shedding a tear for that waste of a human being.

“What am I supposed to do now?” Opal asks Gigi.

“I don’t know, honey. Do you want a ride somewhere?” There’s a pause and no response. “Any friends?” Again, a pause and no response. “There’s a hotel nearby.”

I turn around, soaking in the sight of Opal in one chair and Gigi in another. Gigi’s stroking Opal’s back as she leans over the chair, looking like she’s about to be sick.

“I’ll figure something out,” Opal says.

“There are tons of hotels a little farther down the coast,” Gigi tells her.

“I don’t have any money for a hotel,” Opal says softly. “My purse and phone are at Jeff’s place. I’m not allowed to bring them with me when we’re together.”

It’s not shocking that he isn’t only abusive, but also controlling.

“I have a spare room,” I say without much thought. “You can stay with me tonight and grab your purse tomorrow.”

She lifts her head, and her blue eyes framed in red meet mine, looking wary. “I don’t think…”

I want to say something, but I don’t. She’s been interrupted enough tonight.