Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

I have so many questions and things I want to know about him, but damn, he’s putting me on the spot.

I stare straight into his green eyes, showing no fear. Just say it, Opal. “An orgasm.”

He jerks his head back slightly, and his eyebrows rise. “Yeah?”

“Yep,” I clip out. “A big one.”

“I didn’t expect you to say that. Damn, Opal.”

I keep my gaze on him, not wavering in the slightest on the outside, but inside, I’m a freaking mess. What in the hell got into me? I’ve never been this woman until now. “Worried you can’t make it happen?” I challenge him. “Most men can’t find the…”

His eyes darken as he brings his face close to mine. “I know how to make you come, Opal,” he whispers, making the hair on my arms stand on end. “I’m debating whether I should let you hit me because I want to taste you more than I want to breathe. But that would require me not proving my point and you having a false sense of security.”

“It sounds like you have a conundrum there, big man. Decisions, decisions,” I tease.

“Either way, I win,” he assures me with a salacious smile.

“I don’t see how I’m losing either,” I tell him.

He brings his face closer, our lips almost touching. I can’t stop staring into his green eyes, captivated by the deep green color. “I’d rather lick your pussy than kiss your lips, but you’re right, they’re both a win-win. Though, now I’m thinking I’ve should’ve gone bigger with my prize.”

My already-weak knees start to buckle, and it takes everything in me to stay standing. I’d rather him lick my pussy too, but I’m not getting into it now. “Enough talking. Are we doing this or what?” I ask, taking the bat from his hand and trying to ignore the sudden fire in my body.

It’s not just a small fire; it’s a full-fledged inferno.

Stone sucks in a deep breath before he pulls his upper body back and steps away. “I’m going to come through the door, and you try to knock my ass out.”

“You sure you want me to give it my all?”

He laughs. “Babe, you can’t hurt me. Give me everything you got.”

“You’re going to let me hit you?”

He shakes his head. “I have no doubt that orgasm you crave isn’t too far away, whether I win the bet or you do,” he says, then turns around and walks out the front door.

“Fuck,” I hiss into the air, staring at the closed door.

He’s right, though. I’m damn sure the orgasm isn’t too far away either, based on the way we’ve been staring at each other.

I take a deep breath, backing up a few steps before hauling the bat over my shoulder. Bending at my knees, I ready myself for the swing of a lifetime. My body’s shaking, scared as hell that I’m going to hurt him and anything that’s between us will evaporate in a split second.

“Don’t be a pussy,” he says through the door. “I want you to pretend it’s Jeff walking through this door and not me.”

My blood turns cold at the mere mention of that asshole. “Got it,” I call back, tightening my grip on the tape-wrapped handle. “Bring it, big man.”

The door starts to open, and I rear back on one foot, ready to swing, hoping I don’t kill the guy. He’s so nice, and it would be impossible to explain to the cops exactly what transpired here and how stupid we were.

Stone moves quicker than I expect, and I swing, barely making it halfway before his hand closes around the end of the bat, pulling it from my grip.

“See?” he says, sounding all smug.

I’m instantly deflated. One, I’m going to miss out on an orgasm, and two, my plan didn’t work. Imagine if Jeff had tried to break in to my place? What a freaking mess. “Yeah. You were right,” I say flatly, dropping my hands to my sides, ready to plop my ass back on the couch.

I don’t make it two steps away before the bat falls to the floor and Stone wraps his hand around my wrist. He hauls me backward like I weigh nothing at all.

“Not so fast,” he says, pulling me to his chest with very little difficulty. “You have a debt to pay.”

I tip my head up, closing my eyes and puckering my lips. I wait and wait, but nothing happens. I open my eyes, looking at his face. “What are you doing? Kiss me.”

Stone’s full lips turn up at one side as he slides his arms around my waist, sliding a hand up my spine to my hair. “I want to do it right,” he tells me, his voice husky and deep.

I melt into his touch, the warmth and hardness of his body. He bends his neck, bringing his face closer, and I close my eyes right before his lips touch mine.

A sizzle of electricity shoots from my lips, down my body, and my knees wobble again. Stone’s strong arms and frame support me, holding me upright, keeping me tight against him.

I feel him everywhere on my body as his lips move with mine. They’re softer than I imagined, but somehow hard and demanding as he kisses me. I move my hands to his arms, sliding them up the muscular path to his shoulders. I press my breasts against his chest until there’s no space between us.

He kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before. His teeth pull at my lower lip, nipping at the delicate flesh, sending a jolt of pleasure and pain through my entire system.