Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

I nod. “Never been more sure about anything in my life,” I lie, shaking my leg underneath the table and trying not to hyperventilate.

“Perfect,” Gram says with a clap. “You can meet everyone at once.”

“Way to give her anxiety,” I tell Gram, keeping my eyes trained on Opal. “It’ll be okay.”

She nods. “I’d love it,” she says softly. “Thank you, Maria.”

“You know,” Gram says, and I brace myself because whatever is about to come out of her mouth is going to send me into a tailspin. She never starts anything with “you know” unless it’s going to be big. “If you two work out, you’re going to have to call me Gram, too.”

Opal’s smile falls. “I’ve never had a grandmother.”

Her words are like a dagger to my heart. I can’t imagine never having a grandma. Hell, I have two. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but they’re filled with love. My life would be so boring if I didn’t have them to spoil me like they’ve done since the day I was born.

I didn’t know much when I was younger, but I always knew I was loved. There has never been a day when I haven’t felt that energy around me. And until I met Opal, I didn’t know there were people out there who didn’t know what that felt like.

“That’s tragic, sweetie,” Fran whispers. “I’ll be your grandma, no matter what happens. You and Stone don’t work out, I’ll be your Granny Fran.”

Opal’s gaze swings Fran’s way. “You’d do that?”

Fran smiles with a quick nod. “I can never have too many grandchildren, and I’d be honored to have one as great as you.”

“You don’t know what you’re getting into,” I warn Opal, but I also know Fran is one of the best. She loves to cause trouble, but she’s a ball of fun and love.

“Zip it, buddy,” Fran says to me, pointing her damn knife my way.

“You pick this old bird up every once in a while for lunch and shopping, and you’ve got yourself a granny.”

“Bear ready for another grandkid?” I ask her, risking my life and limb with my dumb question.

“Yep. The man is ready for anything I throw his way, even a kid. And hell, he doesn’t even have to change a diaper this time.”

“You guys are too much,” Opal says, her blue eyes glistening in the sunlight streaming through the windows.

Shit. She’s tearing up. I’m so wrapped up in my fear that I’ve pushed aside the way she must be feeling. I want to swoop in and rescue her. I want to give her all the things she was never given. And in this moment, I know my fear is inconsequential in comparison to my need to see her happy.

There is nothing better than a smiling Opal, and I’ll do everything in my power to keep that smile on her face.



It’s Friday afternoon, and I’ve been summoned to Nuts & Bolts by Tamara. There’s no doubt in my mind Fran and Maria have been chewing her ear off about me and twisting her arm to find me work.

They’re nice old women. Stone told me they were nosy, but that is an understatement. Though they mean well.

“Hey.” Tamara hops off her counter-height stool as soon as I walk through the customer entrance.

I push my cheap plastic sunglasses on top of my head. “Hey. Thanks for this.” I give her a smile, trying to hide my apprehension about the whole thing. “I wasn’t expecting you to call so soon.”

Tamara comes around the counter to stand in front of me. She’s simply stunning. A natural beauty with a definite wild side. Her ripped jeans and classic rock T-shirt round out the look perfectly. “Are you kidding me? I’ve been dying to get you alone.”

“Oh,” I mumble, unable to stop my eyebrows from rising in surprise. “Well, here I am.” I glance around, noticing there’s no one except us in the customer waiting room.

She reaches out and takes my hand, leading me to the chairs. “So, first things first.” She gently pushes my arm to place me in a seat before she takes the one next to me. “Gram called to tell me about the bind you’re in and that you’re a graphic designer. Did she get that right?”

I nod. “It’s what I used to do in Chicago. I worked for a big advertising company.”

“That would be so damn cool.”

“It was,” I tell her with a half-smile, wanting to kick myself for giving up such an amazing job for such a loser like Jeff.

I have tried for the last month not to beat myself up on a daily basis for making such a stupendous mistake. Some days I fail, but I’m getting better at only looking forward instead of dwelling on the past.

“I started my own local marketing company right after college. Nuts & Bolts was my first client.” She glances around the room, beaming with pride. “I can’t take all the credit for what this place has become, but I had a heavy hand in its success.”

I love that she isn’t shy when it comes to talking about her accomplishments and her abilities. “Is that how you met your husband?” I ask her.

She turns her gaze back to me with a smirk. “No, babe. I met him before I finished college. It’s one of the perks when you sleep with the owner of the company…you get their work without any questions.”