Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

“If he acts up, let me know. I’ll deal with him,” Dad tells Opal.

“He’s been nothing short of a complete gentleman.”

My father stares at me, looking shocked and impressed. “I taught him everything he knows.”

My mom rolls her eyes. “Babe, don’t lie. You’re two steps above caveman. If he’s being nice, that’s all me.”

My dad grabs my mom around the waist and hauls her backward into him. His arms seal around her body as he tucks his face into her neck. “He’s the best of both of us, baby girl.”

“I’m sorry about them,” I tell Opal, trying not to get sick over their public display of affection. They’ve been like this my entire life, and I imagine they always will be for as long as they’re both alive.

Opal doesn’t take her eyes off them and their ogling of each other. “It’s sweet.”

“Don’t hog the girl,” Aunt Max says from the back of the room. “Give her space. We all want a good look at the one who caught Stone’s eye.”

Opal blushes but doesn’t look like she’s about to run.

“Come on,” I tell Opal, pulling her away from my parents.

I spend the next fifteen minutes introducing Opal to the older generation. They keep their questions short and not too intrusive, which isn’t like them at all. I’m guessing they had a conversation about her past and current situation before we arrived. Fran probably filled everyone in on everything.

“They’re all yours?” Opal asks me, staring over the group of my aunts and uncles.

“This is only a small portion of them.”

“So fucking lucky,” she whispers.

My grandpa comes strolling into the kitchen from the hallway. “Sorry about that. Harley and Jackson wanted to go for a walk to try to catch some butterflies.”

“Did you get any?” Gram asks him.

“No. They tried like hell, though.” His eyes find me in the crowd and then move to Opal. “Hi, sweetheart. I’m this big lug’s grandpa, Sal.”

“Hi, Grandpa Sal.”

Those words instantly make my gramps’ face light up. “Sweet and beautiful.” He reaches for her hand, lifting it to his lips. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

“You too,” she says, instantly drawn into my grandpa’s charm. “Thank you for having me over for dinner.”

“The more, the merrier,” he tells her, releasing her hand. “Make yourself comfortable, and don’t leave hungry. Try to keep that one in line.” His eyes flicker to me. “He can be a pistol.”

Opal chuckles. “He can be something else.”

“You have no idea, but if you want stories, I have enough on him that you could blackmail him for decades.”

Opal’s chuckle grows louder, and my stomach flutters. The sound is so beautiful, and I hate myself for feeling that way. I’ve turned into a mushy fool around her, and if I could, I’d punch myself square in the face to snap the fuck out of it.

I’m starting to not even recognize myself. I used to care about me and only me. But ever since Opal dropped into my life, I’m more concerned with her happiness than my own.

“I may just take you up on that offer,” Opal replies.

My grandpa steps away and heads toward my grandma. He’s quick to give her a kiss on the cheek and pat her butt. “You need me?” he asks her as Opal watches them.

“Always, Sal, but not right now. Behave,” she warns him.

“They’re cute,” Opal says from beside me. “I wonder what that’s like?”

I place my arm around her waist, holding her a little closer to me. “What what’s like?”

“Loving someone for that long,” she whispers.

“I have no idea,” I mutter, wondering if I’ll ever have that in my life.

My grandparents were already married at my age. Probably a kid or two in tow, too. I can’t imagine living that life, but I know I want what they have when I’m older, but I’m not ready for it now—or at least, I thought I wasn’t.

“Everyone is so happy and loving,” Opal tells me, resting her head on my arm, finally relaxed.

“That they are.”

“Fucking lucky,” she mumbles. “You have no idea, Stone.”

I want to argue because I know I hit the freaking jackpot, but no matter what I say, it won’t sound genuine. I can only assume what the opposite feels like. I’ll never understand what it’s like to be alone. I haven’t had a minute’s peace my entire life.

I squeeze her side and enjoy the moment, looking around at my family through her eyes, with Opal relaxed against me like we’ve been this way forever. It feels so natural and like she was meant to be here with me in this very moment.

When did I turn into a freaking Hallmark card? I want to run to the bathroom and check my balls to make sure they’re still there. Never in my life have I talked such pure and absolute flowery shit, and I am scaring myself a little.

What the hell is going on with me?

You’re falling for her, you big dummy.

I swallow, pushing all thoughts of love right out of my mind. I’m not ready. I’m not sure when I ever will be. I want Opal, but can I imagine taking the next step?