Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

He laughs again, making my entire body shake. “You want kids someday?” he asks out of freaking nowhere.

“What?” I ask, my entire body stiffening again, but not out of fear.

“You want kids someday?” He pulls back, staring down at me.

I blink a few times, trying to let his words penetrate my brain. I’ve wanted a family for as long as I can remember. Growing up alone made me long for a ton of kids running around me. I never wanted anyone else to experience what I had. “Someday, yeah.”

“How many?”

“Two,” I whisper, but really it’s more than double that.

“You good with at least four?”

I’m almost stunned speechless. “You want four kids?” I wheeze out, hoping I don’t hyperventilate.

“At least. Maybe more. It’ll depend on how quick we get started because I don’t want to be using a walker when the last one graduates from high school.”

I laugh at that mental image. “You don’t want the other kids to think you’re the grandpa?”

“God, no. That would be awful. If we start soon, then maybe something like five or six. You good with that?”

“I can’t believe we’re talking about this.” I want to pull away from him and pace around the room to burn off the mini freak-out I’m experiencing.

He tightens his hands around my waist. “I’m not playing around, Opal. I want you to know I’m serious about us. Dead-fucking-serious. I’m not talking short-term. I want to go the distance.”

“How does a man never date and then talk about having an entire baseball team of kids with someone?”

“When you know, you know,” he says casually. “I knew the other ones weren’t for me, but the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. I gave you some time to work out whatever you needed to work out, but now we’re together and I’m pressing on that gas, making sure I don’t let you slip through my fingers because I’m not the smoothest when it comes to this stuff.”

“You’re pretty smooth, big guy.” Smooth enough that he already got me naked, and it didn’t take a declaration of love to make that happen either.

I’d never been the type to sleep with someone without at least some sort of commitment, but Stone had his way with me way too easily. I knew then I was a goner for him. I tilt my neck back, looking up at him. “At least you are with me.”

He brushes his lips against mine so softly that I barely feel them. “Make me earn it, Opal. Don’t go easy on me. I want only the best for you, and when I’m being a shithead, I want you to call me out on it. Got me?”

“I’ll try.”

“Stay with me tonight.”

“Okay,” I say way too easily and quickly.

He smirks. “I’m going to give you so many orgasms, you’re going to pass out.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

“You’re going to scream my name tonight, baby.”

“Fuck,” I moan, thinking about the things he did to my body last time.

“I plan on it,” he promises as he moves his hands to my ass. “Now, let’s fill that belly because you’re going to burn a lot of calories tonight.”

“Thanks,” I whisper.

“For what?”

“For saving me.”



“You really went for it, didn’t you?” Pike asks me as soon as I sit down at my station. “Didn’t mess around at all.”

“You said lock it down, and I locked it down.”

Pike leans back, staring at me with a smug smile. “You listened. You never listen to anything I say.”

I rub my temples, trying to relieve the headache he’s giving me. “I always listen to you.”

Pike laughs. “Do you believe your own bullshit?”

I cross my arms, staring at him. “If you keep giving me shit, I won’t listen ever again.”

Pike raises his hands. “I’m not giving you any shit.”

“Any more shit,” I correct him.

“How’s my baby brother?” Lily asks as she walks into the back of the shop carrying an extra-large coffee, which is no doubt filled with sugar.

“He’s a bit grumpy,” Pike tells her, earning himself another glare. “See?” He waves a hand in my direction.

Lily laughs. “Why the hell are you grumpy? You looked happy when you left after dinner yesterday.”

“I’m not grumpy. Jesus,” I groan.

“Oh yeah. You sound happy as a clam,” Lily says as she plops into a chair across from me. “What’s Opal up to today?

“She’s meeting with Tamara this morning.”

“Oh yeah. I forgot about that.” Lily smiles. “Everything’s falling into place.”

“What’s falling into place?”

“Your future.” She rocks her head back and forth, looking so damn happy. “Our future.”

I laugh and shake my head. My sister is such a weirdo. Always has been and probably always will be. But that’s what I love about her. She marches to her own drum and doesn’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks. “What the hell does it have to do with your future?”