Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

And for the first time in a very long time, I’m being loved back.


The sound of my name pulls me out of my love-induced haze. I spin around, expecting to see someone from Stone’s family, but I’m met by a man I never wanted to see again.

“Jeff,” I whisper. “What are you doing here?” There’s a slight quaver to my voice. I glance out of the corner of my eye, hoping someone will see him from inside the house.

“I came for you,” Jeff says like it’s not the most asinine thing in the world.

I blink, confused by the seriousness on his face. Not anger, but seriousness. He believes what he’s saying, which sends my head into a tailspin. “You what?”

I stare at him, letting my eyes wander over his disheveled appearance. His T-shirt is stained, his jeans are covered in dirt, and his hair is greasy. He clearly hasn’t been taking care of himself since he got out of jail because in all our time together, I never saw him like this.

“Let’s go,” he says in a stern voice.

“Go where?”

He reaches into his pocket, and I can’t believe my eyes when he pulls out a gun. “Get in the car,” he says, motioning with his head to the beater parked on the street. “I’m not asking.”

Well, that escalated quickly.

I think about running, letting him chase me down. I know there are dozens of people inside that house who’ll have my back, making sure he doesn’t harm me.

But doing that will put them at risk.

They don’t deserve it.

“You wouldn’t shoot me,” I say to him, trying to buy a little bit of time.

Jeff’s face changes, and his seriousness turns into something more sinister. “I have nothing to lose.”

I swallow down the fear that’s climbing up my throat. “Yes, you do.”

He shakes his head with a smirk, waving the barrel of the gun in my direction. “I’ll shoot you first, and then I’ll move inside.”

My insides seize at the thought of Stone’s family being harmed. These people have been nothing but welcoming and loving to me. “You wouldn’t.”

“Are you willing to risk finding out?” Jeff raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head. I’d give my life before I’d let anyone in that house be hurt because of my dumb life choices and my poor taste in men. “No. I’ll go,” I tell him, glancing toward the house one more time.

I’m trying my best to use mind tricks to make someone notice I’ve been out here longer than I should’ve been. But I know how it is inside, and the likelihood is slim. Stone is tied up with his father, who’s being overdramatic about our relationship.

I know I should stay.

I should stall.

Anything to keep him here and keep me safe.

But I can’t do it.

I can’t risk their lives.

I leave my purse dangling on the edge of the seat, sure it will fall out of the truck. A red flag for anyone, even a man like Stone. I move slowly, dragging my feet as much as I can.

But Jeff isn’t having it. He grabs my arm, jerking me forward while pointing the gun at me with his other hand. “Move it,” he demands, all traces of the man I once had feelings for gone.

“I’m going,” I snap as I grind my teeth together, wishing I were stronger or braver.

He pulls me toward the car, looking over his shoulder, past me to the house. He’s waiting for them to come out. He’s ready to shoot the first person who pops their head out the front door.

I move a little faster, not wanting anyone to get hurt. I don’t hesitate in opening the car door and plopping myself down in the seat. “Let’s go,” I tell him as soon as my legs are inside the vehicle.

“I knew you’d come to your senses,” he says, slamming the door, clearly out of his mind.

“What the fuck am I doing?” I whisper, toying with a piece of string hanging from the hem of my jean shorts. “He’s going to kill me.”

I inhale and exhale, each breath coming and going faster than the one before. My head starts to spin, and my vision blurs as I close my eyes, hoping to keep myself awake.

Do not pass out.

I can do this.

Do not pass out.

I can keep them safe.

I stare at the house as Jeff rounds the car. Every instinct in my body tells me to run, but I push it down, ignoring my inner voice. I can see the outlines of people through the windows, wishing I were in there too.

“Where are we going?” I ask Jeff as he gets into the car next to me.

The engine’s still running. He knew this was an in-and-out deal, leaving the car on for a quick getaway.

“Where we can be alone. Far, far from here.” He doesn’t waste another second before he pulls out into the street, heading away from the house.

I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing they’re safe.

My life has felt inconsequential for so long. No one really cared if I lived or died before I met Stone. I always felt like Jeff would rebound quickly if I disappeared, and I was spot-on. I missed the entire stalker aspect, but that has nothing to do with love.

“I’ve missed you,” he says, staring at the pavement as he pulls onto the main road. “Life hasn’t been the same without you.”

“Okay,” I mutter, not knowing what else to say.