Inferno - Chelle Bliss by Chelle Bliss

“I hate melting into the cement more.”

“Want to race?”

“Uh, no,” I laugh, pulling back on his hand so he doesn’t get any thoughts to act on his idea. “I don’t want to take a trip to the ER today.”

Thankfully, the water isn’t too far from the house. The closer we get, the stronger the breeze. It’s the only saving grace of the walk.

“It’s always so beautiful.” I stare out over the turquoise water, remembering the first time Stone took me to the beach. “I could look at it for a lifetime and never get sick of it.”

When I turn to look at Stone, he’s down on one knee.

“What are you doing?” My heart races, and I’m on the verge of throwing up from excitement.

“Opal,” he says and pauses, thrusting his hand upward with the biggest diamond ring I’ve ever seen in my entire life. “I’ve never been as happy as I’ve been since the day you walked into my life. We haven’t known each other long, but I know exactly what I want…who I want forever.”

“Yes,” I say before he has a chance to ask me the big question. I throw myself into his arms.

Stone tumbles backward, and I fall on top of him. He laughs, wrapping his arms around me. “I didn’t get to ask the question.”

I stare down at his handsome face so filled with love and life. “Ask me.”

He lifts his head, taking my lips with his. “Opal, will you marry me?” he murmurs against my lips.

“Yes. Yes. Yes,” I say against his mouth, hoping our lives are always this happy, but maybe not always this hot.

Thank you for reading Inferno. There’s only one more book left in the Men of Inked Heatwave series. CINDER is now available for preorder on all retailers and it’s going to be a wild, steamy ride. Want a sneak peek of CINDER? Turn the page to read the first chapter now.

There’s still one last scene between Opal and Stone. When I finished writing this book, I knew it was missing something. So, if you want to be a guest at their wedding and watch as Opal officially becomes a member of the family, CLICK HERE.



“Bless your heart,” my gram says to the cashier as she counts the change wrong for the third time. “Keep the change, honey.”

“Are you sure, Mrs. Washington?” The cute girl looks dumbfounded.

“Yes, child. I’m sure,” Gram says, smiling sweetly—although she’s anything but, especially when people aren’t bright.

I grab the bags, heading toward the door with my gram at my side.

“The girl’s lucky she was born with beauty. She sure didn’t get an ounce of brains,” Gram says, hoisting her purse strap onto her shoulder.

“That’s not very nice, Gram.”

“I said she was beautiful.”

“And dumb,” I remind her.

She shrugs as we walk toward my truck. “We can’t all have everything, baby. But I’m telling you right now, always go for brains first and beauty second. Looks change. Smarts don’t.”

“Asher? Asher Gallo?” a female voice calls out, making me turn my head.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” my gram mutters. “Here we go.”

That’s when I see her. A girl I haven’t seen in a handful of years, and the last time I laid eyes on her, she was nowhere near as stunning as she is now. “Asher. Oh my God. Asher. Look at you,” she says, rushing up to me and throwing her arms around me.

“Olive?” I whisper, unable to stop myself from hugging her back even with my hands full of groceries.

I knew Olive Thornberry for the first sixteen years of my life, but then her family moved away, and I hadn’t seen or talked to her since.

“I’ve missed you,” she breathes into my ear, sending goose bumps scattering across my skin even under the sweltering rays of the sun.

“You too, Olive,” I say to her, pulling away to get a better look at her face but regretting the loss of contact at the same time. “What are you doing in town?”

“I’ve been staying at my grandparents while they’re on a cruise to checked out the USF campus for grad school, but I’m heading back out tomorrow,” she blurts out, barely taking a breath.

“Grad school?”

She nods, beaming with so much pride. “I got accepted into a medical research program there and start this fall.”

“A smart one,” Gram says, elbowing me in the ribs. “Beauty too.”

I ignore my grandmother and keep my focus on the beautiful brunette in front of me. “That’s impressive.”

Olive shrugs like it’s no big deal, but it very much is. “It’ll only be impressive if I can finish the program. Getting in isn’t the hardest part.”

“I’m sure you’ll kill it.”

“Enough about me. How are you?” she asks, her eyes roaming away from my face. “You look…” she smiles softly, soaking me in “…well.”

“Kids today,” Gram whispers under her breath from behind me. “Asher, mind if I wait in the car while you two catch up? It’s too hot out here for an old woman such as myself.”

I look back and down at my short little grandmother, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Sorry, Gram. Let me get the door for you.”