Rogue Darkness by Dianne Duvall

Well, she supposed she feared it for the same reason someone whom wolves had attacked might not want to venture into the forest again. Having been mind-controlled once, she couldn’t help but fear history would repeat itself.

“Sean saw the vampire,” Jared said. “Search his memories instead.”

That was kind of him. His empathic ability must have let him feel her apprehension.

After a moment’s pause, Seth turned to Sean. “Did you get a good look at him?”

Sean nodded. “I think so. See if it’s enough.”

Seth stared at Sean’s forehead for several long seconds, then blinked. “That will do. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Seth crossed to the desk Melanie often used in the infirmary and picked up a pencil and a blank sheet of paper. Leaning down, he held the paper in place with his left hand and began to draw. His right hand and forearm blurred as streaks of gray rapidly filled the page.

After only a few seconds, he set the pencil down. Turning to Tessa, he held up the paper. “Is this a good likeness?”

Her eyes widened as she stared at it. He might as well have snapped a black-and-white photograph of Reed. It was that detailed. “Yes. That looks exactly like him.”

Seth handed it to Chris.

“I want a copy of that,” Nick growled, radiating fury.

Though Kayla half reclined on the bed next to her daughter, her expression was as murderous as her husband’s. “I do, too.”

Nodding, Seth returned his attention to Chris. “Send every immortal in North Carolina and their Seconds a copy. This Reed fellow didn’t appear to know who Becca is—that she’s a gifted one and the daughter of an Immortal Guardian—but I’d like to confirm that if we can.”

Nick loosed a scoffing sound. “Are you serious? You think this was a coincidence?”

Standing beside Melanie, Bastien shrugged. “It could’ve been. You know universities are prime hunting grounds for vampires. Drunk college students make easy prey.”

“Becca hasn’t been drinking,” Kayla protested, her expression stony. “We would smell it on her.”

Unruffled by the rebuke, Bastien spoke calmly. “I know that, Kayla. I was going to say that eggheads staggering home after pulling all-nighters studying are easy prey, too. Neither are vigilant. And while trolling for those particular groups, vampires sometimes get sidetracked by pretty girls. Cliff and I have come to the rescue of many young women on our hunts, both students and employees, as have you and Nick, I’m sure.

“All of us have,” Sean commented.

A rumble of agreement ensued.

“If this Reed fellow had targeted Becca,” Seth said, “he wouldn’t have needed to band together with other vampires. He could’ve simply waited until she was alone to take her. So yes, it’s possible that she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nevertheless, Chris, see what you can dig up on Reed.”

Reordon nodded. “Give me twenty-four hours.”

“Done.” Seth met Kayla’s gaze. “Becca will suffer no ill effects from the bite. But if the three of you would like to sleep at David’s tonight, you are more than welcome.”

She nodded. “Thank you. I don’t want her returning to her dorm.”

Chris looked up from whatever he was writing. “Her dorm is as secure as I could make it without stationing guards inside the halls and along the perimeter. I’ll have my guys review the university’s surveillance feeds for the past couple of weeks and see if Reed has been hanging around. I also had a crew add a few non-university-sanctioned hidden cameras of our own after you joined the Immortal Guardians family, Kayla. The cameras cover the entire exterior of the building and every interior hallway that leads from the entrances to Becca’s room. And before you ask… no, I did not install cameras in her room.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

“If Chris finds anything,” Seth said, “I’ll call a meeting. In the meantime… Sean, Tessa, you’re done hunting for the night. Do either of you have any injuries you’d like me to heal before I go?”

Tessa shook her head. So did Sean.

“Good. I’ll head over to Duke and check on the cleanup crew.” He vanished.

Tessa looked at Sean. “I just realized I left my car at Duke. I can’t give you a ride home.”

Jared spoke. “I can teleport them home and retrieve your car from Duke.”

Surprised by the offer, she looked up at him. “Really?”

He nodded.

Reaching into her pocket, she retrieved the keys and held them out.

He shook his head. “I don’t need them.”

She blinked. He could start a car without a key? “Well, now I kinda want to go with you to see how you’ll do it.”

He grinned. “Let me take Sean and Nicole home. Then I’ll return for you.”

At last, she found a smile. “Thank you.”

He crossed to Sean and Nicole, then gripped their shoulders and the trio vanished.

Chapter Three

As she had every evening for the past week, Nicole donned a stab-proof vest. She had shadowed Sean compulsively ever since Becca’s attack. So far, his hunts had been of the standard variety. He’d encounter one or two vampires, engage in a quick battle, and defeat them without incident. Reordon had found nothing to suggest that Reed had been stalking Becca. And no Immortal Guardian had caught so much as a glimpse of the elusive vampire.