Rogue Darkness by Dianne Duvall

“Yes. If you give us your number, we’ll keep you informed—”

“Bugger that. I’m comin’ with.”

Kent took a step toward him that Sean supposed was meant to be menacing. “No, you’re not.”

“You think so?” Sean got up in his face, not at all intimidated. “Well, there’s gonna be a bit of a barney if I don’t.” He motioned to the FBO behind him. “The kind this hoity-toity place might frown upon, especially when I tell them I’m here to protect my fiancée, who clearly has a concussion. Maybe I’ll tell them she isn’t here of her own free will. Maybe I’ll tell them you gave her the concussion. What do you think they’ll make of that?”

“Kent,” the woman said, her smile tight, “stand down. George… That is your name, isn’t it?”


“George, Mr. Belanger didn’t mention you accompanying us. I’m afraid we can’t let anyone on the plane without preapproval.”

Sean drew out his cell phone. “No worries. I’ll call Nick and get it.”

“You have his number?”


The woman placed a hand on his phone to keep him from making the call. “You know what? That won’t be necessary. As you said, you’re close to the family. Nicole isn’t objecting. So you may accompany us. But you’ll have to turn your phone’s cellular service off, shut it down, and let us hold on to it during the flight. It messes with the pilot’s instruments, and we can’t risk you forgetting and making a call.”

His skin began to prickle as he turned off his cell and handed it over. Giving Kent a shove to dislodge his hold on Nicole, he took the man’s place at her side and wrapped an arm around her. “Shall we go then?”

After giving Kent a pointed look, the woman turned and led the way to the stairs.

Sean urged Nicole to climb them in front of him so he could catch her if she tripped on a step and fell. She didn’t seem to be too steady on her feet but made it safely inside.

The two pilots in the cockpit barely spared them a glance as they conducted whatever tasks pilots must prior to takeoff. The interior of the jet was the height of luxury. A couple of inches above six feet, Sean could walk down the center aisle without ducking.

They passed through a swanky galley into the passenger area. The most comfortable seats he’d ever seen flanked a center aisle. Two of them faced the back of the plane. Two more faced forward, creating a little conversation area. Behind those, more opulent furniture created a larger gathering space. A long sofa and two chairs formed a U around a sleek coffee table. Across from them, two men occupied cushy chairs parked on either side of a large-screen television. Both men wore blazers that gaped a little as they rose, revealing holstered weapons.

These guys looked like hired guns.

Experienced hired guns.

Beyond the TV area lay a hallway with an open door on one side that probably led to a bathroom. The short hallway ended at a second open door that revealed…

He stared. Was that a king-sized bed?

Kent, his buddy, and the woman crowded in behind him as Sean guided Nicole down the aisle.

Pausing, Nicole turned and started to say something. When she looked past him, her eyes widened.

Something hard connected with the back of his head.

Pain careened through his skull.

Sean staggered forward a step. Fury rising, he was about to spin around and go medieval on Kent’s ass—he just knew that was the bastard who hit him—when Nicole touched his arm and gave her head a barely discernible shake.

Oh. Right. He was supposed to be human.

Damn it.

Forcing his body to go limp, Sean gritted his teeth as the floor rushed up to meet him.

Chapter Twelve

Nicole cried out as Sean collapsed like a ton of bricks, his poor head thudding against the floor. Her thoughts were so muddled by whatever the hell that woman had sprayed in her face that she almost slipped and called him by his real name. “George!” It was George, wasn’t it? What the hell had been in that spray?

The pilots spun around in their seats.

“This doesn’t concern you,” the woman snapped. “Just get us out of here.”

As they turned away, she slammed the cabin door.

Kent wouldn’t let Nicole lean down and touch Sean. Grabbing her arm in a meaty fist, he shoved her into the nearest seat and reached for the seatbelt.

Nicole batted his hands away, knowing he was the kind of asshole who would touch more than the seatbelt if given the opportunity. “What are you doing? Don’t touch me! Get away from me!”

The woman stepped over Sean. “I’ll do that. You take care of George.”

Kent’s resentful scowl confirmed Nicole’s guess as he reluctantly backed away.

The woman took his place and swiftly buckled Nicole’s seatbelt.

“What’s happening?” Nicole asked, her thick tongue making her sound as drunk as she felt.

“Everything’s going to be okay, Becca.” Those words would be a lot more reassuring if she hadn’t delivered them without emotion. “I work for a very important man who is interested in getting in touch with your new stepdaddy.”


“Yes. And you’re going to help us do that.”