Rogue Darkness by Dianne Duvall

She stared at him. “They do?”

“Yeah. And they basically said that if we run into trouble, they’ll have our backs.”

“Awww. They did? All of them?”

He nodded.

“That’s so sweet.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “So, you were talking about us?”

He smiled. “I was worried that pursuing anything more than friendship with you would jeopardize your career.”

“I was, too. But, Sean…” All laughter left her expression. “Your dad’s vision.”

“What about it?”

“What if I’m not the woman he saw you spending the rest of your life with?”

“You are.”

Dropping her gaze, she started drawing circles on his chest with an index finger. “You asked him?”

Slipping a finger beneath her chin, he tilted her head up so she’d meet his gaze. “No. I don’t have to. I don’t need to. You’re it for me, Nicole. If you aren’t the woman he saw me with in his vision, then his psychic ability must have been wonky that day, because I don’t want to be with anyone but you.” He drew a hand over her hair. “You’re my best friend. When I have news, you’re the first person I want to share it with. When I hear a funny joke, you’re the first one I want to tell because I love to make you laugh. When I’m troubled, you’re the one I want to turn to. And if you’re troubled, I want to do everything I can—beat the bad guys, move mountains, defeat dragons, whatever it takes—to make everything better.”

She leaned into his touch. “Even if that dragon is Seth?”

“Even if.” His lips turned up in a self-deprecating smile. “Although Seth would totally kick my ass if I ever went toe-to-toe with him.”

Her expression softened. “I feel the same way.”

He grinned. “You feel Seth would kick my ass?”

She laughed. “Yes. But I was actually saying that I feel the same way about you, Sean.” Leaning down, she touched her lips to his in a loving kiss. “You’re it for me.”

His heart began to pound as she stroked his stubbled cheek. Rolling them to their sides, he snuggled her closer, their legs entwining. Some of her hair fell forward and obscured her expression. Wanting to catch every nuance of her reaction to his next words, he brushed it back and cupped her cheek. “Will you marry me, Nicole?”

Those beautiful brown eyes widened a fraction then filled with tears as she nodded. “Yes.”

He kissed her. “Did I ask too soon?”

“No,” she assured him with a smile. “This has been almost three years in the making.”

“True.” He kissed her again. “I’m sorry my proposal wasn’t more romantic. I promise I’ll do it again. We can dress up, have a fancy dinner, and—”

She pressed a finger to his lips. “You did it right, Sean. It was perfect.” Replacing her fingers with her lips, she whispered. “You’re perfect.”

Rubbing noses with her, he whispered back, “I’m glad you finally noticed.”

Laughing, she shoved his shoulder.

Sean grinned and hugged her tight. He would’ve never thought a day that had gone so horrifically wrong could end up feeling so right. Closing his eyes, he sighed in contentment. They would have one hell of a story to tell their grandchildren.

He stiffened. His eyes flew open as dismay shot through him.

“What is it?” Nicole asked, sensing the change in him.

Stricken, he met her gaze. “I can’t give you children.” Immortal males’ sperm died as soon as they ejaculated. And even if they found a way to keep his sperm alive long enough to fertilize an egg…

The fetus would be infected with the virus. And they had no idea what effect the virus would have on a baby.

“I know.” She said it matter-of-factly and evinced none of the disappointment he felt.

“That won’t…?” He swallowed. “You’d be okay with that?”

“Yes.” He must not have hidden his doubt well, because she shook her head. “I’ve never really been able to imagine having children, Sean. You know my history. My mom and dad weren’t exactly stellar examples of parenthood.”

Her mom and dad had sucked. They’d shown her no love and had kept such an emotional distance from her that she may as well have been their employee.

One slender shoulder raised in a slight shrug. “What kind of mother would that make me?”

“A great one,” he answered with complete confidence. “A fantastic one because you’d give our children everything your parents denied you.” But what kind of father would he be, unable to go outside during daylight hours, killing vampires for a living? How would he even explain his profession to his children? You see, kids, Daddy uses these sharp knives and swords we’re always telling you not to touch to stab, kill, and behead vampires. That’s right. Daddy cuts off their heads. It’s a brutal and bloody business, but it has to be done.

Nicole toyed with the hair on his chest. “Actually, instead of having children, I was thinking…”

He heard her heartbeat pick up. “Yes?”

“How would you feel about us being the next Immortal Guardian power couple?” She darted him an uncertain look.