The Love Wager by Lynn Painter

            He opened his sleepy blue eyes, and she wanted to rub her hand over the morning scruff on his jaw. The blanket had ridden down to his waist, and she was having trouble focusing with his half-naked torso laid out before her.

            “Quit dripping on me,” he said, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

            “Sorry.” She moved her head, but that just dripped more water on him. “Just got out of the shower.”

            “Did you? I couldn’t tell.”

            “Are you always grumpy in the morning?” She sat down on the edge of the bed and thought he looked like an adorable little brat as he was waking up. “This is fascinating.”

            “I’m only grumpy when I find myself in a real-life only-one-bed trope.”

            She laughed at that. “Don’t blame me. If we’d railed last night, you probably would’ve slept like a baby.”

            “I don’t think ‘railed’ is the proper derivative of getting railed,” he growled, and she thought it was funny how much deeper his voice was in the morning.

            “If you’d railed me—is that better? If we’d railed the hell out of each other?” She snorted at that and said, “Ooh, that’s a good one.”

            “Why are you so perky this morning?”

            “Well,” Hallie said, and paused. She was ridiculously peppy because she’d had a blast spending the night with Jack. Had they shared a night of passion? Nope, not even close, really. But sleeping in the same bed as him, hearing the snuffly sleeping noises he made, waking up to his arm resting over her in his sleep—she’d loved every bit of it. “There are donuts in the lobby.”

            He shot her a look. “This elfin mood is donut-inspired?”

            “Absolutely.” Lies. She was also in a good mood because she’d decided that since Jack was the AntiSex, she was going to play the one-up game big-time for the entire day. After all, it was the last day of the trip. They were going home tomorrow. She stood and said, “That’s why I woke you up. Want me to snag one for you?”

            “No, thanks.” He pushed back the covers and got out of bed, and Hallie’s eyes went straight to his calves. Okay, not straight to them. They may have made a pit stop at his boxer briefs, but as she watched his legs flex with every step he took toward his suitcase, she decided she was grateful he liked running. “I don’t usually eat until after my run.”

            Hallie tilted her head. “Are you sure you should be running around the mountains by yourself this early in the morning?”

            He unzipped his bag. “Why would that be an issue?”

            “Bears. I don’t want you to get your face eaten off.”

            “Awww. So sweet.” He reached for a pair of basketball shorts. “I’ll be fine, Hal.”

            “I’m going for donuts, then.”

            “Enjoy.” He looked at her then, like he was finally awake enough to see her, and when he gave her a slow smile, she felt it in her fingertips.

            That was really the last time they were together that day. While Jack was running, Hallie was summoned to her mother’s room to help tie ribbons on tiny bottles of bubbles. After she finished, she was informed she only had an hour before she had to head to the salon with the rest of the bridesmaids.

            When she got to her hotel room, Jack wasn’t there.

            She texted: Where are you? Please tell me a bear didn’t eat you.

            Jack: You’d miss me, wouldn’t you?

            Hallie: I was really looking forward to embarrassing you with my offensive PDA today.

            Jack: I ran into Chuck, who wanted me to go with him to get edibles since they’re legal here.

            Hallie: That reminds me, I need to text Ruthie and check on Tig.

            Jack: Do you want any edibles?

            Hallie: Baby, I’m a shit show on my own. I don’t need help.

            Jack: Baby?