The Summer Proposal by Vi Keeland by Vi Keeland

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to imagine the entire thing. I could see exactly what she’d described—the TV on, running to my purse to fish out my ticket, even grabbing my cell phone to call someone. But…then I stare down at my phone. I’m not sure who to call first.

I opened my eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t know who I’d call!”

“Welp, that’s what you need to figure out. You know what we need to help us do that?”

“A pros and cons list?”

Maggie guzzled the last of her wine. “Nope. More wine. I’ll be right back.” She pointed to my glass, which was still half full. “Finish that before I return.”

While she was at the bar, my phone started to jump around on the table. I picked it up and smiled seeing Max’s name. Since Maggie was talking to the cute bartender who hadn’t yet filled our glasses, I figured I had a few minutes. So I swiped to answer.


“What’s up, beautiful? You know what I was thinking about earlier?”

“What?” I sipped my wine.

“Eating you out while you’re sitting at your desk.”

I inhaled sharply. Unfortunately, I hadn’t swallowed the wine all the way yet, so it went down the wrong pipe. I started to cough.

“Are you okay?”

I patted my chest and spoke with a strained voice. “No! You made me choke on my wine.”

“I wish I was there to make you choke on something else.”

I felt my cheeks heat, and it had nothing to do with swallowing down the wrong pipe. “Someone is in a mood today.”

“I can’t help it. I had that meeting with the general manager. He was running a few minutes late, so they showed me into his office. He had this big desk with all these awards hanging on the walls and stuff. It just looked like the office of a guy who was in charge. That got me thinking what you might look like sitting behind your desk—all powerful and sexy. It makes me want to make you beg.”

“Let me get this straight. You envision me being powerful, and that turns you on and makes you want to…make me beg?”

I obviously couldn’t see him, but I heard his smile in just two words. “Fuck yeah.”

I laughed. “You’re bad.”

“Why don’t you go lock the door to your office and let me tell you the things I want to do to you while you slip your hand down into those lacy panties I know you have on.”

Damn, I kind of wished I were still at the office now. “Tempting…but no can do. I’m not at the office.”

“Where are you?”

“At a bar a few blocks away with Maggie. She’s trying to get me drunk.”

“Nice. I’m glad you left the office at a decent hour tonight.”

“I still have a lot of catching up to do.”

“Well, get it done. Because once I’m back, I’ll come carry your ass out if you’re working too late. You promised me a summer, and I’m not taking just weekends.”

I smiled. “I’ll try.”

“Alright. I’ll let you go so you can enjoy your time with your friend.”

“You’re flying home tomorrow, right?”

“Shit—no. That’s what I called for. You made me forget by telling me you wanted me to eat you while you sat at your desk.”

I laughed. “I did not say that.”

“I heard it in your voice. But anyway, I called to tell you my dinner with the owner was rescheduled to Saturday night. His daughter had a baby a few weeks early, so he flew out to wherever she lives. He’s coming back Saturday, so I had to change my flight to Sunday. I have to cancel our plans for Saturday. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Unless you want to get your ass on a plane after work tomorrow. There’s a desk in my suite. I can make due.”

“Tempting. But I really can’t.”

Maggie returned, carrying two glasses of wine and a phone number scribbled on a napkin. I shook my head, pointed to the phone, and mouthed Max.

He was quiet for a bit. “I miss waking up to you.”

My heart squeezed. “I miss waking up to you, too.”

“There’s a simple way we could both be out of our misery…”

I smiled. “I know. I just have too much to catch up on at work to jump on a flight tomorrow afternoon.”

“Okay. But if you change your mind, let me know. I’ll get you a ticket.”

“Thanks, Max.”

“Have a good night. Stay safe.”

“You, too.”

I pulled the phone away from my ear to swipe, and Maggie grabbed it from my hand.

“Max? Are you still there? It’s Maggie.” She grinned at me. “Oh, hey. Listen, buy the ticket. I’ll get her ass on that plane.”

“Give me that phone,” I said.

She leaned back, as if that would keep me from reaching.

“That’s a good idea. Thanks, Max.” She wiggled her fingers at the phone even though he obviously couldn’t see her. “Toodle-oo.”

Maggie swiped to end the call and held my phone against her chest, looking all dreamy-eyed. “He told you he missed waking up to you. You have to go.”

I shook my head. “I wish I could, but I can’t. I have so much to do at the office.”