The Summer Proposal by Vi Keeland by Vi Keeland

She jolted upright. “Holy shit! Max?”

It was hard to talk because my throat was so dry. “You were snoring.”

“Are you joking? You’ve been in a coma for weeks and the first thing you say when you wake up is I was snoring?”

I smiled. “I think you left some drool, too.”

Georgia covered her mouth and started to cry. “Oh my God, Max. I thought I was going to lose you.”

“Shhh... Come here.”

“I think I should go get the nurse. Or the doctor. Or both.”

“In a minute. Just lie back down with me first.”

She kept shaking her head and crying. “You’re really awake. I can’t believe you’re awake. I’m afraid to lie down because what if I’m dreaming, and I go back to sleep and this isn’t real when I wake up?”

“Stop overanalyzing.”

“Are you in pain?”

“I feel like someone beat the crap out of me. But that’s not new.”

She snuggled back into the crook of my arm. “I’m so mad at you. You should’ve told me, Max.”

“I’m sorry. I was trying to do the right thing. I’ll make it up to you.”

“Oh, you will alright. For the next forty or fifty years.”

I smiled. “Your version of punishment is my version of heaven, sweetheart.”

“Do you know how long you were out?”

I shook my head but remembered those numbers again. “Was it ninety-six days?”

“Ninety-six? No. You were out for eighteen days. Why would you think ninety-six?”

I shrugged. “I remember hearing that number.”

Georgia’s brows drew together before recognition dawned on her face. “Ninety-six?” She pointed over to the window. “You must’ve heard us talking about those.”

I turned toward the window and squinted. The entire sill was jam-packed with action figures. “What are all those?”

“They’re all ninety-six original Star Wars action figures. The one in the front is the Yoda you gave me the night we met. But all the others your teammates and friends sent you. Some of your doctors brought them, too.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe you heard us talking about those, that you remember the conversation. What else do you remember?”

I told her the jumbled bits that had come back to me.

“Wow. That’s amazing. And I can’t believe you’re awake, Max. I would love nothing more than to lie down and snuggle with you, but I really think I should get the nurse to make sure you’re okay. And I need to call your mom. She’s been so worried. We all have.”

I nodded. “Okay, but come here first. Bring your face closer to me.”

Georgia leaned so we were nose to nose. My arms felt like they weighed three-hundred pounds, but I managed to lift one to her cheek. Her eyes glistened with happiness. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

She clutched her chest. “You heard me tell you that?”

“Of course. That’s what kept me fighting.”

• • •

Eight days later, I finally left the hospital. It took another week to get my family to go back home. I felt bad that they’d all been away from their lives for a month, but I also couldn’t wait to be alone with Georgia.

My walking wasn’t so great yet. It was going to take me a long time to build up my strength, so I stayed on the couch while Georgia walked the last guest out. When she came back, the house was quiet. She walked over to me.

“You hear that?” I said.

Georgia looked around. “No, what?”

I yanked her arm. “The sound of you moaning.”

She giggled. “I don’t think I was moaning.”

“I guess it was just a premonition.” I fingered the button of her jeans. “Why do you have so many damn clothes on?”

“Umm... Maybe because your brother just walked out the door two seconds ago?”

I unbuttoned her pants. “I hope you locked the damn thing.”

“You’re not supposed to do anything strenuous for four to six weeks.”

“That’s four to six weeks post-surgery. It’s been more than thirty days. We’re in that window.”

Georgia bit her lip. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I won’t. You know why?”


“Because you’re going to do all the work. Ride me, sweetheart.”

I saw that familiar fire ignite in her eyes. “Okay, but you really need to let me do all the work. You can’t top from the bottom, Max.”

I made an innocent face and wrapped my hand around her throat like I knew she liked. “Who, me?”

We shed our clothes in a frenzy. Georgia first, and then she helped me undress. I could’ve managed myself, but I loved seeing her on her knees on the floor in front of me, yanking at my pants. Her fingernails scraped my thighs as she pulled off my boxers, and then she climbed on top and straddled me. I felt the wet heat of her pussy up against the bottom of my shaft.

“I want you,” I groaned. “I fucking need you.”

“I need you, too.”

Georgia put her hands on my shoulders and lifted to her knees. I reached between us, fisted my cock, and dragged the head across her wet opening. She smiled, leaning in to kiss me as she lowered herself. It took every shred of willpower I had not to buck my hips and take over. The urge to fuck her into oblivion had my arms shaking.