The Game by Vi Keeland by Vi Keeland

“It is a big deal. If a male executive did that to a woman, would you think it was okay? Someone in a position of power should not be making unwelcome sexual advances.”

Christian pursed his lips. “You’re right. I wouldn’t. But I never felt threatened by it. It’s just the way she is.”

I shook my head. “It’s still very wrong.”

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel in the silence. “Wyatt seems like a good kid.”

“He is. He’s very different around kids his own age than he is around me or his mom. Believe it or not, he’s pretty shy. Football has really helped him come out of his shell. And I’m pretty sure he’s going to be king of his school for a while after this evening. Thank you again for doing that.”

“No problem.”

“He is definitely starstruck. I told him I’d bring him and his friends to the owner’s box for his birthday, which is coming up in a few weeks. And the first thing he said was ‘Will Christian be there?’”

Christian shook his head. “Damn. Your sister wants to hang out with me, and your little buddy does… What do I have to do to get that kind of attention from you?”

I smiled. “You have my attention. But I don’t think anything more than friendship is a good idea since I own the team you work for. I mean, your contract is up for renewal this year.”

“You just said yourself, someone in a position of power shouldn’t be making sexual advances. But I don’t have the power here. You do. Though I’m just going to put it out there—if you get the urge to make sexual advances, they wouldn’t be unwelcome.”

I laughed. “I’m flattered. Really, I am. And to be honest, it’s very tempting. But—”

Christian held up his pointer. “I wasn’t done. I need to address your other point. My contract is up this year. But rumor around the organization is that you’re letting Tom Lauren run the show while you learn the ropes. Is that true?”

“Well, yes…but—”

He shrugged. “I don’t see any problem then.”

“It’s not only the circumstances; it’s also how it would look.”

“I stopped giving a shit about how things look a long time ago. You learn that real quick when your face is splashed all over the newspapers every week and half the time the headline is made up.”

“Even if we remove all of the work issues, I’ve just started dating someone. Julian and I have known each other for a few years.”

“You’ve known him for years and he only recently asked you out? He sounds like an idiot to me.”

I smiled.

Christian sighed. “Okay. I’ll back off. For now. But if you want me to, I’ll still help you with the team stuff that might affect your algorithm and fill you in on what makes people within the organization tick.”

“I’d like that. Thank you.”

He pointed up ahead. “Are you hungry?”

I hesitated, though I was actually starving.

Christian noticed. “It’s not a date. I’m asking you to have a completely platonic meal with me at my favorite burger joint.” He pulled up at a red light and looked over with puppy-dog eyes. “Not that you owe me anything, but the reason I haven’t eaten yet is because I went out of my way to drive to Queens during rush-hour traffic to see Wyatt play.”

I chuckled. “That wasn’t manipulative at all.”

He flashed a crooked smile. “Is that a yes?”

I nodded. “Sure. I’d love to share a platonic burger with you.”

About a half mile down the road, Christian parked, and we walked down the block to an unassuming little eatery. There was a handwritten sign taped to the door: CASH ONLY. I stopped as Christian opened the door.

“Shoot. I don’t think I have any cash on me.”

“You don’t need it. I’d never let my date pay.”

I squinted at him. “I thought this was the platonic sharing of a burger, not a date.”

He put his hand on my back, guiding me inside. “My ego is bruised enough. Just let me pretend.”


* * *


Bella’s phone jumped around, vibrating on the table with Julian flashing on the screen.

I wasn’t being nosy. Her phone was sitting almost in the center of the table, between our plates of burgers. But I was definitely curious about what she was going to do now…

She stared a few heartbeats, and her eyes lifted to meet mine.

I grinned. “Phone call…”

Her cell continued to shimmy around on the table while our eyes stayed locked. Eventually, after three more rings, it stopped.

I tilted my head ever so slightly. “Why didn’t you answer?”

“Because we’re in the middle of eating.”

“Ah.” I nodded. “And Julian wouldn’t be happy to hear you’re sharing a meal with a handsome athlete?”

“First of all, full of yourself much? But I meant it would be rude of me to talk on the phone while we’re in the middle of having dinner.”

“So it’s about manners, then? Julian wouldn’t be upset you were on a date?”

“This isn’t a date.”