The Game by Vi Keeland by Vi Keeland

I looked down at the bike and shook my head. “I don’t know what to say.”

Christian pulled a duffle bag from the SUV and took out two helmets and water bottles. He handed one of each to me. “You wanna give me a tour of the place?”

I smiled. “I’d love that.”

For the next hour and a half, Christian and I rode around the campground. It was overgrown and beat up, but it didn’t matter at all. The sun was shining, the wind blew in my face, and I had that warm feeling in my chest that coming here with my mom had always given me. It felt like I didn’t have a care in the world. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been able to say that. When we got to an area with picnic benches, Christian pointed.

“You want to take a break for a few minutes?”


We parked the bikes and sat with our asses on the table and feet on the seat. I let out a content sigh. “This is the best day I can remember in a long time.”

Christian smiled. “Good. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I don’t think I realized how tense I’ve been. Living in a constant state of stress made me forget what being relaxed feels like.”

“Exercise is good for more than just the body. It’s good for mental health, too.”

He was right, of course. But it wasn’t only the exercise that had me feeling this way. It was the man sitting next to me. And I wanted to show him what he did to me. So I stood on the bench seat and lifted one leg to climb into Christian’s lap. Facing forward, I straddled him and wrapped my hands around the back of his neck. “It’s more than exercise that’s making me feel this way, Christian.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist. “Oh yeah?”

I nodded.

Christian’s eyes dropped to my mouth, and we both moved at the same time, closing the distance between us. The minute our lips fused, my entire body lit up. Slow lasted all of five seconds. One of Christian’s hands slid up to my neck and squeezed, while the other hoisted me closer to him. Neither one of us seemed to be able to get close enough. We’d taken too long and had so much pent-up frustration to let loose. My hands curled into the back of his T-shirt, bunching the material into my fists as Christian used the hand at my neck to tilt my head and deepen the kiss. Oh God. We’d definitely waited too long. Way, way too long. I wanted to strip the man naked right here in the outdoors and climb him like a freaking tree. Christian groaned, and the sound traveled through our joined lips and straight down between my legs. His body hardened beneath me, and I knew it would only take sliding back and forth a few times for the friction to set me off. And I was considering doing it, until Christian wrenched his mouth from mine.

“No…” I panted. “Don’t stop yet.”

Christian’s breathing was harsh. He leaned his forehead against mine. “Someone’s coming.”

“What?” I glanced around to find a car pulling over next to the picnic table we were making out on. I hadn’t even heard them coming. “Shit…” I went to climb off, but Christian hauled me back. Instead, he turned me and positioned me to sit between his legs.

“You need to stay right here, sweetheart,” he whispered. “Or we’re about to greet whoever this lady is with an extra arm.”

A blond woman parked and got out of the car. She had on a pair of high heels and dangled a purse from her forearm, walking toward us like she was Elle Woods. “Hi. I’m sorry to interrupt. I’m Cat Block, the real estate agent you spoke to.”

Christian’s head dropped, and he groaned quietly. “Great.”

I stood and reached out my hand. “Hi. I’m Bella, and this is Christian.”

Christian stood and did the same, but was careful to keep his body positioned behind mine.

She looked over at the bicycles. “Are those yours?”

Christian nodded. “I wanted to see the entire property, including the areas the car can’t make it to.”

Cat smiled. “Smart. Well, I just thought I’d stop by and see if you have any questions. How do you like the property so far?”

He squeezed my hip. “I like it a lot.”

“Great. I’ll let you finish your tour and give you a call tomorrow to see what you’re thinking.”

Christian nodded. “Thank you.”

We waved as she pulled away.

“Did she say her name was Cat Block or Cock Block?” Christian groaned.

I laughed. “I didn’t even hear her pull up.”

I turned around and rested my palms flat on Christian’s chest with a sigh. “That was some kiss.”

Christian smiled warmly and stroked hair away from my face. “I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I met you.”

“Uhh, the first time you met me, I lectured you about sexually harassing women.”

He grinned. “I know. You were so cute and serious. And your glasses were crooked. Sort of like they are now again.”

“Are they?” I reached up and righted them, or at least I attempted to. “I fall asleep with them on all the time, and then they get a little bent. I should just wear contacts.”

“Nah.” Christian leaned in and dropped a sweet kiss on the tip of my nose. “They’re like you, a little warped.”