The Game by Vi Keeland by Vi Keeland

“Christian…” My second orgasm built faster than the first, and my body began to shudder in anticipation.

“Right here with you. Come around my cock, baby.”

That did it. Sweet and dirty, the combination detonated the bomb inside me. My body pulsed as I cried out his name over and over. Christian went into overdrive, quickening his pace and thrusting deep. Finally, with a groan, he buried himself to the hilt and stilled. I could feel his cock jerk inside of me as he released.

Spent, I waited for the moment he would collapse on top of me or roll off. But it never came. Instead, Christian smiled down at me, gliding in and out at a leisurely pace and kissing me until he had to get up to deal with the condom. He came back with a warm facecloth. When I tried to take it, he insisted he be the one to clean me up. That just added to the intimacy we’d shared.

“Thank you,” I said.

Christian leaned over me and tossed the facecloth. It flew through the bedroom, slipped through the partially open bathroom door, and landed somewhere inside.

“Well, there’s a perk of having a quarterback’s arm I’d never thought of.”

Christian scooped me up and repositioned me so my head was on his chest. He lay on his back, stroking my damp hair. “Thank you.”

I turned to look up at him, resting my chin on my fist, and smiled. “I think I should be thanking you.”

He pushed a lock of hair from my face. “I meant for giving me more than just your body. You stuck with me when you wanted to run the other way, so to speak.”

I nodded. “It’s easier for me to give someone my body than my trust.”

“I know. But I promise I’m not the guy you dated in high school, or any of the people you loved who weren’t there for you, or even your old man. I’m not going anywhere.”

I felt a prickle of unease somewhere deep inside. “For how long?”

Christian’s brows dipped. “You mean how long am I sticking around?”

I nodded again.

“I’m not going to break a promise to you and say forever. Because it’s too soon for that. But I will promise not to vanish without an explanation. Or leave you wondering what you did, when you didn’t do anything wrong. We’re adults, and we’ll communicate if things ever go off track.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “Okay.”

“Plus, I’m pretty sure if one of our hearts gets broken in this, it’s going to be mine, not yours.”


* * *


“I love when you say my name when you come.” I brought the hand towel between Bella’s legs for the second time in as many hours and gently wiped her clean.

She rolled onto her side. “Because it’s not enough that millions of people wear your name on their back and chant it every Sunday.”

I chucked the towel in the direction of the bathroom, and it sailed straight inside. “It’s different. When you do it, I feel like it comes from a place that’s uncontrolled. That’s not a side you show too often. And maybe it gives me a little validation, because my feelings for you are definitely uncontrollable.”

A growl came from the vicinity of Bella’s stomach. I raised a brow. “Was that you?”

She covered her mouth in a demure laugh. “Well, what do you expect? You gave my dinner to the doorman. Are you going to ever feed me or what?”

I reached for her. “Oh, I’ll feed you alright…”

Bella pointed to my bottom half. “That thing… It’s a little intimidating to think about…you know.”

“No, I don’t know. What are you referring to, Bella?”

She squinted at me. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

I rolled us so she was on her back, gathered her hands in one of mine, and yanked them high above her head. My other hand went to her waist. “Say it. What action is a little intimidating to you? If you don’t say it, I’m going to tickle you until you do.”

“My God, you’re an egomaniac.”

I tickled her, and she squirmed beneath me. “Stop… Christian, stop! You’re going to make me pee.”

“Say it.”


I tickled her harder.

“Stop!” she cried.

“Say it!”

“Fine,” she spat. “It’s a little intimidating to think about sucking your cock.”

Was it demented that I started to harden just from hearing her say the word cock? Maybe, but I didn’t give two shits. I traced the outline of her lips with my finger. “Say suck your cock again.”

She rolled her eyes, but she was smiling ear to ear. “Will you let me up to pee if I do?”


“Fine. I’m never going to suck your cock if you keep making me say suck your cock.” She laughed. “You didn’t specify that I couldn’t add to my statement, so let me up to pee, you big oaf.”

While Bella was in the bathroom, I grabbed my phone and reordered the same food we’d requested hours ago. Can’t have my girl’s stomach making noise. When she strutted back in, buck-ass naked, my cock twitched to life, as if it hadn’t just been inside her ten minutes ago. I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the urge so I didn’t make her sore. “I placed a duplicate order for the food we never got earlier.”