The Game by Vi Keeland by Vi Keeland

“Oh my God. Yes!” I yelled. “Like that.”

He clamped a hand over my mouth before pumping again. And again. And again. I knew he liked it when I maintained eye contact, but by the fourth hard thrust, I lost the battle and my eyes rolled back in my head. When I began to whimper into his palm, Christian tilted my hips and hit the perfect spot. Each thrust milked my orgasm more and more. After I started to level out, he unclasped his hand from my mouth.

“Hold on to the sides of the desk,” he grunted.

If I’d thought it was hard before, I had another thing coming. The desk shook, my body shook, and I didn’t just need to hold on to the desk, I had to white knuckle as he increased the intensity of his thrusts. Christian fucked me like it was the Super Bowl of all fucking. His eyes lost focus as he planted himself one last time and let go.

It took a few minutes for our breathing to return to normal. “Wow.” I shook my head. I’d never experienced an earthquake before, but I imagined when it was over, it felt a lot like I did at the moment—aftershocks rippling through me and not quite certain what had just happened.

Christian brushed damp hair from my face and smiled. “Yeah. That’s all I got too.” He kissed me softly. “I don’t want to move. But if I don’t get us something, you’re going to be wearing me all over the skirt that’s still under your ass. Stay here.”

I found the command not to move amusing, considering my legs felt like Jell-O, and I barely had the energy to speak.

Christian went into the bathroom and came back with a towel. He thumbed over his shoulder as he pressed the cloth between my legs. “I’ve never been in there. That bathroom is bigger than your apartment.”

I smiled and took the towel from him to finish cleaning myself up. “Not for long. I called a realtor. I’m going to look for a new apartment with a little more space.”

Christian studied me.


“You told Julian you weren’t interested, outed us, let me have you bare, and you’re going to find a new apartment. Not that I’m complaining, but what brought about all the change?”

I finished righting my disheveled clothes and shrugged. “I’m not sure. I guess it was just time.”

“Time for what?”

I thought about that for a minute, then held out my hand to Christian. “Time to start trusting again.”


* * *


“Hey, what are you doing tonight?”

I’d called Coach as I walked out of practice. I hadn’t been to see him lately, between being busy back at work and spending time with Bella. So I’d asked if she minded if I brought him to Wyatt’s game later. After he stopped coaching, he still loved going to watch the young kids play, but he didn’t get to do it often since the stroke.

“Big plans,” he said. “Gonna decide between the Stouffer’s baked chicken with mashed potatoes or the Marie Callender’s chicken pot pie. Why? You want to come have the other one?”

I chuckled. “As tempting as that sounds, I think I’ll pass. But I have something better for you. I’m going to a high school game at St. Francis in Queens. So is Bella. A kid on the team is her friend’s son. He’s really good. You want to come?”

“Are you gonna feed me?”

“Does a hot dog and pretzel from the snack stand count?”

“Now you’re talking my language. What time?”

I smiled. “I’ll pick you up around six. Kickoff is at seven thirty.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

I got to my truck and tossed my bag in the backseat before typing out a text to Bella.

Christian: Coach is in.

Half the time she was in meetings, so I didn’t expect a response right away. But my phone dinged as I put the key into the ignition.

Bella: Great! I’ll meet you guys there.


“So are you ever gonna tell me that you’re schtupping my granddaughter? Or just gonna keep that to yourself?”

I glanced over at Coach and back to the road. “I was actually going to talk to you about that.”

“Sure you were…”

“I’m serious. We haven’t had a chance to talk in a while, and Bella wanted to keep things on the downlow at first. She’s trying to earn credibility with the team, so she didn’t want people focused on her dating one of the players, especially me. You know how it is—I take a woman to one event and the media’s either got me married or cheating on her within a week.”

“I guess credibility takes a hit when you’re dating a clown…”

“Bite me, old man.”

Coach chuckled. “Do you and I need to talk about what she’s been through? She’s a strong girl with brains, but I don’t think I need to tell you that people have had a tendency to disappear on her. That means trust issues, and when a person with that baggage gives their trust to someone and it’s broken, it’s like re-opening a gaping wound, not just the little new one.”

I was quiet for a while as we drove, letting that sink in. Eventually, I nodded. “I hear what you’re saying, but I’m crazy about Bella. She’s not some woman I’m spending time with because I’m bored or need to get lai…” I caught myself and shook my head. “Sorry, but you know what I mean.”