Troping Through the Snow by Alexa Riley

I take her hand and move it between us so her fingers are around my length while the tip of my cock is lodged inside her pussy. She pulls on my cock for me to go deeper, so I give her only a little more.

“Please, Jack.” Her voice is soft as she raises her hips and then lowers them back on the couch. She does it again, and it’s like we’re fucking even though I’m not moving.

“Say you belong to me.” The words are out of my mouth before I have time to consider them, but I’ve never had anything that was only mine. In this moment, I realize that maybe that’s what’s been keeping me at a distance more than her brother or more than her pushing me away. Maybe all along it’s been the fear of losing Tinsel like I lost my family. “Tell me you’ll never leave me.”

“Jack,” she says softly and then reaches up to touch my face.

“Say it.”

“I’m yours.” There’s a light in her eyes as I thrust all the way inside her virgin pussy and seal her fate to mine.

I’m so fucking close from the spanking and from eating her pussy that as soon as I’m surrounded by her wet heat, I start cumming. I hold myself deep in her as I grind against her clit and fill her up. The friction is so sweet and then I feel her clench as she goes off too.

Together we fall into oblivion as our shared pleasure combines into one. It’s the single greatest moment of my life, and I never want to let her go.



With every step I take, I can still feel Jack all over my body. After that first time, things hadn’t ended in his office. We quickly went to his home, and I lost track of how many times we’d either made love or flat-out fucked. There’s really no other way to put it. At times, he seemed out of control, and his eyes took on a primal look. Then other times, he was soft and sweet, and I truly loved him both ways.

It wasn’t just the things we did but the things he made me say. That I belonged to him and that no one would ever touch me but him. In the moment, even though it was intense, I loved every second of it. Now that the sun has started to rise, doubt and the reality of our situation has started to come back to me. He never once said he belonged to me.

“This is one hell of a walk of shame,” Frostie laughs with her window rolled down. I told her to wait at the bottom of the driveaway for me. All I have on is a pair of oversized snow boots that belong to Jack and one of his sweaters that hangs almost to my knees.

“Shut up.” I jerk open the car door and quickly get in.

“Why are we sneaking out?” Frostie glances back up the driveway. I’m sure she’s thinking Jack is about to come barreling down it.

Sneaking out was no easy feat. It was a slow creep, but thankfully, I think I wore him out. That’s my story at least.

“Because when he puts that mouth of his on me, I forget I don’t like him.”

“But you love him,” she says, and I glare over at my best friend.

“Whose side are you on?”

“Yours, I swear, but you’re not going to get far. There are only so many places in Troping a girl can hide.”

“It’s not about hiding. It’s about giving myself a minute to think.”

“You’ll probably only have seconds,” Frostie sing-songs as she starts to back out of the driveway.

“I might have cuffed him to the bed.” That should give me a little extra time.

“What!” she howls.

“It was just one hand, and his phone was right there. He’ll be fine,” I explain, and Frostie keeps on laughing.

“He’s going to be so pissed.” She has no idea. My ass still stings. “Why are you fighting this?” she asks when she gets her laughing under control.

“It hurts,” I finally admit.

“What do you mean?”

“Why now? I’ve been in love with that man from the moment he walked into my parents’ house, but for some reason I wasn’t good enough. What’s changed? Why now? Do I just give in after how he’s treated me?”

“You’ve been dishing it out as good as he has,” Frostie points out.

“He started it.” I fold my arms over my chest.

“Maybe it’s because of your brother, and he was worried about crossing that line?” I know that might be true, but why wasn’t I worth fighting for? He can marry my brother if he’s so worried about how he feels about this.

“It still doesn’t make up for him scaring away anyone that might have wanted to date me. God knows what he’s been up to all these years.” I close my eyes when the sudden burn of tears hits. I can’t think about him with anyone else.

“You really think you would have dated any of them?” I shake my head, but that’s so not the point.

“I feel…” My breath hitches. “Pathetic.”

“Oh, honey.” Frostie pulls into the back of the bakery and unclicks her seatbelt to reach over and hug me. “Men are stupid,” she whispers in my ear. “We all have our hang-ups and some of us have demons. But you’re making him chase you and I’m sure he’ll tell you why.”

“Maybe,” I mutter as we get out of the car. I hurry inside and up to our apartment to shower and change into my uniform. I check my phone, thinking that Jack is going to blow it up, but nothing so far.