Troping Through the Snow by Alexa Riley

“Are you working on that, because we need to be pregnant together.”

“Tins,” I hiss and look around us to make sure no one is listening.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Excellent.” Wait, is she pregnant or working on it?

“Frostie Charm, is that you?” Both Tins and I turn to see Ray Harrow before I can ask any more questions.

“I’m right here too.” Tins raises her hand.

“Maybe it’s the undercover gear,” I tease her under my breath.

“Tinsel.” Ray’s mouth forms a straight line when he sees her.

Ray was in the police academy with Tins. She actually had to stay in the city off and on during that time, and I’d go out and see her over long weekends. I met a handful of the people she trained with, and Ray was one of them. He asked me out more than once, and one time I felt guilty and agreed. Thankfully when your best friend is Tins, she is more than willing to crash your date. Which thankfully she did. I haven’t seen Ray since, and that was years ago.

It's funny he’s here today because when Tins and Jack came over for dinner, she told the story about crashing my one and only date with Ray. Clause didn’t have much of a response to the story as Tins laughed about it.

I could see on one hand him not wanting to hear about me going out with someone, but on the other, Tins ruined it, so it wasn’t much of a date. I quickly changed the subject, not wanting to go into details because Tins was trying to say all the men in her class had the hots for me. I kicked her under the table because she was full of shit. If they did, she never told me that. I think she was needling Clause to see what kind of reaction she would get out of him. The man is a bear, and he doesn’t need to be poked.

“So you’ve missed me.” Tins smiles up at him. “Clearly.”

“I heard you're a sheriff now. How in the hell did that happen?”

“I was voted in. Obviously I’m popular.” I bite the inside of my cheek to suppress a laugh while Ray here is trying to not be pissed at the idea of Tinsel being a sheriff.

“Troping is—”

“Watch it.” Tins cuts him off, all the teasing fun in her tone gone. “How about I get you a cider or hot chocolate?”

“Ah sure.” Ray is as confused as I am at her sudden change.

“Be right back.” She beams and practically skips off. Then I remember the liquid Colace.

“How the hell is she sheriff?” he asks me.

“She’s what Troping needs, and I’m not saying that because she’s my best friend. Our town is different.” Some might not understand it, but we don’t care.

“Fair enough. I guess I agree with you there. A lot of special things come from Troping.” He steps toward me, and I want to back up, but I can’t or I’ll fall over my table. “I saw your name on the competition list and thought I might swing by. I’m friends with the owner of the Westchester Sweetway Bakery.”

“I’ve never actually tried them,” I admit.

I was told they’d be my biggest competition today and not because of how good their cake is but because this is their hometown. I haven’t heard the nicest things about Mr. Sweetway. In fact, I’ve been told he’s not sweet in any way, especially to his staff, but that could just be gossip.

“How about we sneak off to his booth?” Ray suddenly grabs me by the wrist.

“I should probably stay with my table,” I rush to say, but he pulls me to walk with him, and I’m not expecting it. He does it so fast that I trip over my own feet and start to fall. Ray catches me, and of course, his hands go straight to my butt. The man was always too damn handsy.

“Ray…” I try to push away, but he only pulls me against him. I drop my head back to tell him to let go, but I see his mouth is descending toward mine. I turn my face so his mouth doesn’t meet mine, but it doesn’t matter because it never would have landed.

A very familiar hand wraps around Ray’s throat, and then he’s yanked away from me. If people thought Clause was grumpy before, what the hell are they going to call him now?



“You back the fuck away from my girl, or I’ll kill you with my bare hands,” I say through clenched teeth, and I toss Ray back a few steps. He sputters and coughs as he glares at me, but all I can think about is pulling his arms clean off his body.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Jack places a hand on my shoulder, and I feel him give it a little squeeze. “Let’s not threaten to kill the Westchester cop in a room full of people.” His voice lowers, and he leans in closer to me. “We can do that out back away from all these eyes.”

I decide he’s probably right because my actions have just caught the attention of almost everyone nearby.

“You watch your back or—”

“Fresh hot apple cider coming up!” Tinsel announces as she steps between Ray and me and passes the drink to him.

What the fuck is she doing? She’s supposed to be on Frostie’s side, and that pencil dick just put his hands on her.

“At least somebody around here knows how to be polite,” Ray says as he takes the cup and chugs half of it. He clears his throat that’s already starting to bruise from where I grabbed him. “Get your boy out of my town before he does something he regrets,” Ray says before glancing back at Frostie. “See ya around.” I take a step toward him, but Tinsel blocks me as he drinks the rest of his cider and tosses the empty cup at my feet.