Troping Through the Snow by Alexa Riley

“Why can’t you just let me go to sleep?” She pretends to complain as I start to set her on her feet.

“Because I know you, and I know you like to be clean when you go to sleep.” I kiss the top of her head before I step into the shower and turn on the water.

I’ve got my hand under the stream waiting for it to warm up when I hear Caroline say something behind me. “What was that, sweetheart?” I say before turning to face her.

There she stands with her mouth open and a shocked expression on her face. It takes me a second before I look down and see that her water has broken. We’re old pros at this point, so I know not to freak out. But when I see the sheepish look she gives me, I raise an eyebrow.

“What did I tell you?” I say because I have to get my dig in.

“It’s not like it was my fault.” She glances down at my cock that is still full and pointing at her.

“Tell that to Dr. Laura,” I say. I turn off the water and scoop her up in my arms once more. “Good thing she’s on call tonight.”

“She was the one that bet we'd have a Christmas Eve baby. I should have listened to her.”

“Because clearly your husband doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Caroline smacks my chest playfully as we go into the closet and grab the go-bag along with some comfortable clothes for her to put on.

“Should we wake your parents?” she asks as I make her sit in the chair so I can put her shoes on for her.

My parents are already here and sleeping in the guest wing of the house. We alternate years with my twin brother’s family so that we can share Christmas morning with them too. I knew that Caroline would be due any day now and gave them the heads-up.

“I’ll send them a text when we get to the hospital. I told them when they went to bed that tonight was the night.”

Caroline huffs, and I smirk. “You think I don’t know my wife? The woman who has already had five of my children and is the love of my life?” She softens a little, and I lean up to kiss her. “Now let’s get you out of here before the contractions start.”

On cue, she puts her hand on her stomach and begins to groan. “Damn it, I hate when you’re right.”

“Too bad for you I’m never going anywhere. Even if you try to run, I’ll hunt you down again and again.”

“I’m counting on it,” she says before I hold her in my arms and we begin a new chapter of our life together.

* * *





“Are you going to answer that?” Frostie asks as my phone vibrates on the counter.


“Really?” Frostie’s brows rise in surprise. Probably because the phone is lighting up with the name Mom on it. I’d clear it but then she would know I sent her to voicemail. Instead I let it ring because unlike her, I'd rather her think I’m busy than I don’t want to talk to her. “She’s called five times. What if it’s an emergency?”

“It’s not,” I say but never draw my attention away from the creation in front of me. Baking has always been my outlet. When my mom was out doing whatever it is she does or my father was gone for weeks on end for work, I spent my free time in the kitchen.

“That’s really amazing.” Frostie steps back to get a better view of the cake I’m decorating for the New Year’s party.

I want it to be perfect. I’m new here in Troping since Frostie gave me this job. She also gave me more than that because not only did I get a job as manager of her bakery, but she also put a roof over my head.

The small apartment over the bakery had been vacant since Frostie started shacking up with some giant lumberjack that does more grunting than speaking. I lick my lips as I think about a certain someone that could give her man a run for his money.


I shake the thought of him away because I'm in a new town with a new job and a new apartment. There aren’t any reminders of Ryder here, and it’s a fresh start. This is a chance for me to move forward and leave him in the past. At least that’s what I’m trying to do, but I can’t stop the dreams. Gosh, before I left, I would crave dirty dreams about him, but now they haunt me. It’s like a part of my subconscious is unable to let go.

“Your frosting makes it easier. I swear.” I’m seriously impressed with myself, and this might be one of my best cakes to date. Frostie’s famous frosting is so easy to work with.

“It’s your frosting now too. You’re the first person that I could actually teach to make it correctly.”

I can’t help but blush with excitement under her praise. I’m too needy for it. If I sent a picture of the cake to my mom, she’d ask when and where the party was. Sadly, I wouldn’t try to send it to my father. I know he’s at work, and when he’s working, all his attention has to be on his job.

I love my father, and I know he loves me too, but the truth is, I was an accident. My father probably never would have had kids because it wasn’t ideal for a career like his. With him, I can see it bothers him to be away and absent. When he comes to see me, he’ll shower me with attention, and he tries when he’s not here, but the same cannot be said about my mother.