Final Offer (Dreamland Billionaires #3) by Lauren Asher

Rowan’s eyes connect with mine. “Because I’m interested in buying your recipe.”

“What for?”

“We’ve been considering expanding our Princess Marianna section in the park, and I want this to be a part of it.”

The room spins around me as I take in everything he is saying.

“So, name a price.” He folds his hands over his lap.

Cal pulls me closer and whispers in my ear, “Tell him you’ll think about it.”

My brows furrow. “But—”

“It will only make him want it more. Trust me.”

This calculating version of Cal isn’t one I’m used to, and it’s a major turn-on. Naturally, I listen to him. “I’ll need to get back to you.”

Rowan’s lips press together. “I’ll give you a million.”

My eyes widen. “For a recipe?”

Cal shakes his head ever so slightly.

Rowan glares at him. “Stop influencing her.”

“I will when you stop giving her bad offers. The park makes about twenty million in a single day, and a good chunk of that comes from food and beverages. With how many people come through the golden gates ready to open their wallets and their stomachs, Alana deserves more. And don’t think I forgot how much you spent on buying that secret Hawaiian frozen drink recipe.”

My mouth drops open.

Damn. Where has this business savvy Cal been hiding my whole life and how soon can I fuck him?

Rowan’s eyes sparkle with admiration. “I thought you weren’t paying attention in meetings.”

“The worst mistake you could have made was underestimating me.” Cal winks, making my stomach muscles tighten from the wave of pleasure swirling inside of me.

Iris raises her wineglass. “To the smartest Kane.”

Declan shoots her a glare, and Iris ignores him as she sips her drink.

I give Cal’s hand a squeeze before looking up at Rowan. “I need to think about it. That recipe has been in my family for years, and I’m not sure how I would feel about giving it up, especially when I wouldn’t have control over the final product.”

Sharing it with Chef Gabriel was one thing, but handing it over to the Kanes feels like a risk I’m not too sure about.

“What’s your number?” Rowan pulls out his phone.

“Why? So you can add her to the group chat too?” Declan’s eyes narrow.

Iris swats Declan on the back of his head, making his perfectly styled hair go everywhere.

Zahra snorts into her wineglass. “Serves you right.”

I recite my number so Rowan can save it.

“We’ll be in touch.”

Cal sighs. “Are we done talking business now? I hear Declan got some Cubans to celebrate my thirty-fourth trip around the sun and I’m dying to try them.”

And just like that, the conversation is tabled, although the excitement building in my chest at the idea of Rowan buying my recipe doesn’t go away.

The boys leave the house to go outside and smoke the cigars Declan bought, leaving us to bond over drinks. Well, Zahra and Iris each nurse a glass of wine while I stick to my water.

“So, how’s the house renovation going?” Zahra leans back against the couch and tucks her legs under her. She reminds me of Delilah, always trying to burrow herself deep into the cushions.

“Good. The contractor has been hard at work with his team while we’ve been enjoying the park.”

“When is it going to be finished?” Iris takes a sip of her wine.

“We actually already put it on the market.” My hands clutching my glass of water tighten.

“You did?” Iris perks up.

“Cal didn’t say anything,” Zahra says.

“Yeah. It’s time.” Yet no matter how many times I tell myself that, I feel like someone grabbed my heart and squeezed hard enough to make the organ pop.

“You’re not happy about it.” Iris frowns.

“No, but I’ll get over it.” I sigh.

“Are you sure?” The skin between Zahra’s eyebrows creases.

“If it means helping Cal, then so be it.”

“What do you mean?” Iris’s brows tug together.

“Cal told me he would go to rehab if we put the house up for sale this week, so it was an easy choice. I was already willing to sell it so I could send Cami to a private school, so Cal only sped up the timeline a bit.”

Iris’s eyes widen. “He promised to go to rehab?”

“He didn’t tell you?”

“No.” Her brows scrunch together. “When does he leave?”

“Next week.”

“Next week?” Zahra squeaks. She and Iris share a look.

The hairs on my arms raise from how strange they’re acting. “What?”

“Nothing. It just seems…” Zahra’s voice drifts off.

“Sudden,” Iris finishes for her.

“I’m not putting up with his drinking anymore. He can either get his life together or see himself out of mine.” I lift my water glass in the air.

Whatever nervous energy that was building in the air disappears with everyone breaking out into laughter.

“I like you already.” Iris’s eyes glitter.

“Same.” I grin.

Zahra raises her glass. “Let’s toast.”