Final Offer (Dreamland Billionaires #3) by Lauren Asher

Cami slams her hand on the horn for emphasis. Lana moves to grab the handle of the cart, but I step in before she has a chance.

I turn the cart slowly, being mindful not to jostle Cami. “This thing is heavier than it looks.”

Lana pokes at my straining arms. “Don’t tell me those muscles are just for show.”

“There’s a few ways we can test that theory out.” I wink at her.

She walks ahead of us with her list. I’m hypnotized by the sway of her hips, my skin turning hot with each step she takes.

“Go, go, go!” Cami honks her horn again to get my attention.

I take off after Lana, who is already speaking to the butcher. He smiles at her before shooting me a scowl. I’m quick to smile and wave, although my right eye twitches from how hard I fake the grin.

The rest of the shopping trip goes similarly. A few other people I recognize from my summers here give me a range of looks, varying from surprised to downright angry at my existence. By now, I should be used to how people treat me, but I’m not. It’s hard knowing everyone had a front-row seat to the lowest moment of my life.

You have no one to blame but yourself.

The only thing that saves me from walking out the door is Cami. I treat every aisle like a racetrack, making zipping and zooming noises as I gain speed and glide. She absolutely loves it. Between her clapping, chanting, and cheering, I completely forget about everyone around us. Even Lana cracks and ends up laughing when I create a driving obstacle course with some of the displays scattered throughout the store.

Maybe small towns aren’t the worst. I could never get away with this kind of thing at a busy supermarket in Chicago.

It isn’t until we get to the baking supplies aisle that Cami loses interest in me and our game. She climbs out of the cart and abandons me for Lana.

“Hey!” I call out.

Cami pokes her tongue out through the gap of her missing tooth before running off.

I roll the cart toward the two of them.

“What flavor do you want for your birthday cake?” Lana drops a bag of confectioner’s sugar into the cart.

“Chocolate!” Cami claps her hands together, making her wonky pigtails shake.

Lana grabs some baker’s chocolate chips and dumps them in the cart.

“When is your birthday?” I ask Cami.

She grins. “July 15.”

Turns out little Cami is a Cancer just like me.

No wonder you both get along so well.

“That’s on Saturday.”

“Yup.” She points to a set of birthday candles. “I like that one, Mommy!”

“Let’s hope I can get decorations delivered by Friday.” Lana throws the candles into the cart.

I check out the latest Dreamland princess and laugh. “You like Princess Marianna?”

“Yes! She’s my favorite.” She spins in a circle while pressing her clasped hands against her heart.

“I like her too. She was nice when I met her.” I wink.

Lana’s eyes widen and she shakes her head.

Shit. Was that the wrong thing to say?

“You met Princess Marianna? When?” Cami nearly rips my arm out of its socket from how hard she tugs.

I kneel in front of her. “When I went to visit my brother at Dreamland.”

Lana shuts her eyes with a sigh.

“You went to Dreamland?” Cami’s voice hits the highest pitch I’ve ever heard.

I rub at my eardrum to stop it from ringing. “Yes?”

Her eyes stretch so wide, I’m afraid they might pop out. “When?”

“A few months ago. My brother has a house there.”

“At Dreamland?” Her mouth drops open.


She gasps. Lana groans.

“Can we go?” She looks up at me with the biggest blue eyes. “Please, Cow-l. Pretty, pretty please can we go to Dreamland? It’ll be the bestest birthday ever.” The way she looks up at me with her gap-toothed smile makes me weak in the knees.

You got yourself into this mess by opening your big mouth. Now fix it.

“You need to ask your mom.” I throw the invisible stick of dynamite into Lana’s hands.

Lana mouths I’m going to kill you.

At least I’ll leave this world knowing I gave a five-year-old kid the bestest birthday present.

Cami turns to her mother and latches on to her legs. “Please, Mommy? I will pick up my toys and eat all my vegetables forever. I swears.”

I snicker, earning a death glare from Lana.

She looks up at the ceiling and sighs. “I guess we’re going to Dreamland.”

I fire off a quick text to Rowan while Cami and Lana debate which ice cream they want to buy. Lana is pushing for the BOGO Ben and Jerry’s while Cami moans about popsicles.

I’m going to need a favor.

I grab the box of colorful Popsicles and drop them in the cart while Lana isn’t looking, earning a wide grin from Cami. Having them argue over a budget is pointless when I planned on paying for the whole cart anyway. It’s the least I can do if Lana is cooking dinner for me.

My phone buzzes a second later, which is a fast turnaround time for Rowan. He usually only looks at his phone a few times a day now with all the Dreamland meetings he packs into his schedule.


What favor?

Shit. I texted the family group chat instead of Rowan individually.