Love Redesigned (Lakefront Billionaires #1) by Lauren Asher

She laughs. “That’s fair after all you did for me during Thanksgiving.”

“Because of everything that needs to be done, it’s probably best that you stay with me. Indefinitely.”

She shakes her head.

“Fine.” I sigh. “I’ll respect your wish not to live together until marriage.”

“Assuming we get married to begin with.”

I tap her nose. “It’s cute that you think you have a choice.”

She lets out a half laugh, half scoff. “God. What will I do with you?”

“I have a few ideas.” I kiss the back of her left hand.

“Dahlia!” Rosa runs out of the house in fuzzy slippers and a head full of Velcro rollers.


Rosa pulls her daughter into a quick, crushing hug before throwing her arms around me and squeezing all the air from my lungs.

Posada: Mexican Christmas festival to commemorate the nativity story.

Guess she forgave you for the jail cell incident.

She pulls away. “You brought our girl back home.”

“She made the choice all on her own. I was only there to drive the truck back.”

Rosa stares up at me with shiny brown eyes that remind me so much of Dahlia’s. “You did a lot more than that.”

Dahlia turns away and swipes at her cheek.

“Are you crying?” I laugh.

She flips me off as she walks into her house. “I hate you.”

Some things never change.

When I helped Callahan Kane remodel his house last summer within a nearly impossible time frame, I knew I’d call in the favor he owed me one day, but I hadn’t planned on using it on Dahlia’s behalf.

My plan could crash and burn, but if it means helping Dahlia get a TV deal that makes her one hundred percent happy, then I will reach out to a man who owes me a big favor.

Callahan Kane is a difficult man to get in touch with. All of my calls go to voicemail, which only makes my anxiety worse with each passing day.

During that time, I focus on my project and getting ready for the holidays. Dahlia helps me decorate my house, and I repay her by fucking her underneath the Christmas tree and watching a few episodes of her favorite telenovela.

Sam keeps his calls to a minimum, which gives me faith in Ryder’s abilities to help me run Lopez Luxury. I know he won’t let me down, and everyone’s feedback about him supports that, so I’m feeling more confident about stepping back and starting a few private projects of my own with Dahlia.

I retry Callahan Kane’s number for a second time today, and he picks up after the third ring.

Miracles do come true.

“Julian Lopez. To what do I owe this rare phone call?”

I clear my throat. “Remember that favor you owe me?”

“Straight to the point. I like it. Reminds me of my brother—”

I stop him before he starts rambling. “Do. You. Remember?”

“Why don’t you refresh my memory?”

I tap my fingers against my workbench. “I fixed your house in exchange for a favor of my choosing.”

“Ah, right. Do you want me to connect you with Declan or Rowan?”

“I want to speak with whoever runs the DreamStream part of the Kane Company.”

“You’d like to meet with the television streaming division? What for?”

I stay quiet.

“Why would a developer like you—” He cuts himself off and makes a confirmatory noise. “Oh. I think I know why.”

“Can you help me or not?”

“Sure, but you have to answer three questions of mine first.”

“What?” I ask.

“Does this request to meet with our streaming department have something to do with Dahlia?”


“Are you in love with her?”

“What does that have to—”

“Answer the question so I understand the severity of the situation.”

Este pendejo. “Yes, I’m in love with her.”

“Great. That means you’ll do anything to help her.”

“What’s your final question?”

“Are you available tonight?”


“Is that a problem?”

“No.” Although I’ll have to think up a good reason for canceling dinner plans with Dahlia.

“Great. Meet me at the private airport at seven.”

I have no idea what I’m getting myself into, but I know Dahlia is worth all the trouble, including putting up with Callahan Kane and his annoyingly sunny disposition.



My phone lights up as Ryder discusses the schedule for the Lake Aurora renovation project.

“Excuse me.” I step out of the conference room and answer my agent’s call.

“You’re not going to believe who I just got off the phone with!” Jamie squeals.

I hold my phone at a distance to protect my eardrums from rupturing. “Who?”


“The Kane Company subdivision?”

“Yes! You’ve heard of them?”

“Is there someone who hasn’t?”

Jamie laughs. “True. Well, they reached out to me, asking if you were available for a show idea they have.”