Love Redesigned (Lakefront Billionaires #1) by Lauren Asher

Ryder’s gaze swings from me to the carpenter. “I see.”

“He seems too”—I pause in search of the right word—“unfocused.”

“He’s not on the clock yet.”

“Perfect. Less paperwork for Sam.”

He doesn’t try to hide his amusement. “Boss, if you don’t mind me making a suggestion…”

Working with Ryder for seven years comes with many advantages but also a few caveats, such as his ability to read me better than my own mother sometimes. I blame his military background and fascination with too many true crime shows.

“Go ahead.” My deep sigh doesn’t deter his knowing smile.

“If you don’t want him around, then you’ll have to find someone to replace him.”

“Do you know any retired female carpenters?”

His laugh comes out like a low rumble. “I never thought I’d see the day someone got under your skin.”

I peek over at him through the corner of my eye. “Dahlia doesn’t have to try too hard.”


“Don’t you have a job to do or someone to manage?”

He holds up his clipboard. “Nope. I was actually about to go hand Dan some paperwork to sign before he starts working.”

I snatch the paperwork from his hand. “Hold on.”

His lips twitch. “Problem, sir?”

Dahlia shooting Dan a soft smile answers his question for me. Like a shot to the heart, the pain radiates through my chest.

Feeling jealousy toward Oliver was understandable given our history, but getting overwhelmingly frustrated at any man within her vicinity? That’s a whole different issue I never thought I would have to face in this lifetime.

It was easy to ignore my feelings for her when she lived states away, but it wasn’t until she returned to Lake Wisteria that I felt myself drowning in the what-ifs.

What if I hadn’t made the choices I did after my dad died?

What if I had processed my grief differently and stepped up to be the person Dahlia deserved?

Would she have heard me out and given us a chance to fall in love? Or would we have gotten together only to realize we were better off apart?

My world spins around me as I consider the possibilities.

Attempting to avoid her clearly hasn’t been working, so what are you going to do now?

“I have an idea.” Ryder fidgets with the pencil tucked behind his ear.


“If you don’t want to hire Dan because he seems unfocused,”—Ryder shoots me a knowing look—“there is one guy I’ve heard who could easily replace him.”



“Really?” Excitement bleeds into Dahlia’s voice.

The wood step creaks beneath my shoe as I pause halfway down the stairs. Dahlia doesn’t notice my presence as she walks toward the back of my truck, disappearing from my view.

“Wow.” Whoever is speaking to her on the other end must share something good based on the tiny squeal she lets out.

I’m not one to eavesdrop, but she is blocking my one way off the property.

“A show with them would be huge!”

My stomach sinks. “So much for sticking around until the house is done,” I mutter under my breath.

“Would they want to film in San Francisco again?” She pauses. “Oh. That’s good, then.” She waits a few seconds to speak again. “January? That soon?”

I don’t need to hear the entire conversation to jump to conclusions. Rather than feel relieved by her leaving town, I’m suffering from a serious case of heartburn.

You’ve done everything possible to make something like this happen, and now you’re disappointed? Pick a lane and stay in it.

I ignore the pain in my chest and walk toward my truck, scaring Dahlia in the process. She steps out of the way, and I keep my eye contact to a minimum as I climb inside the cab and turn on the engine.

This is for the best, I lie to myself as I drive away from the Founder’s house.

You wanted her to leave, I’m quick to remind myself as I park outside my office.

Dahlia dreamed of a life bigger than this small town, and you will never be able to give her that, so stop pining over her and pull yourself together. My mind goes blank as I get to work, drowning myself in paperwork rather than regrets.



When I got my mom’s 911 text ten minutes ago during one of my last meetings of the day, I assumed a tent might be on fire or a cat stuck in a tree, but a quick walk through the park shows nothing amiss outside of the usual Thursday preparations for the weekend.

Come tomorrow, this place will be packed with volunteers since Fridays before the Harvest Festival are considered a town holiday, with everyone taking off from work to help prepare for a full Saturday and Sunday of events.

“You’re here! Thank God.” Mom makes a big show of throwing her arms around me and pulls me into a hug, turning my ears pink as the volunteers stare at us.

It takes an insane amount of strength to pry her off me. “So, what’s the emergency?”

Her shoulders slump. “You’re going to kill me.”

“Only if you don’t get to the point fast enough.”

She pops her hands on her hips. “Luis Julian Lopez Junior. Don’t you dare talk to your mother like that.”