Love Redesigned (Lakefront Billionaires #1) by Lauren Asher

At one point, he smacks my chopsticks away with his own before lifting the piece to my mouth himself. Goose bumps spread across my skin as he feeds me, turning a casual lunch into our own version of foreplay.

I love the little ways he shows he cares, like giving me the last piece from his favorite sushi roll or only stealing a single bite of dessert before handing it over, although I know we both suffer from the same unfortunate sweet tooth.

As a thank-you for today’s meal, I lift the spoon and feed him the last bit of dessert. His eyes darken as he steals a kiss, flooding my mouth with the taste of peaches.

I tug him closer, not wanting to let him go.

“People are working upstairs.” He pulls me to him.

I reach for his shirt. “We can be quiet.”

“You just don’t want me to go.”

Not at all. The more time I spend around Julian, the less time I want to spend apart, and that kind of reliance on someone else is what scares me most.

After Julian went out of his way to bring me sushi from Aomi earlier, I almost feel bad about the prank Lily and I have planned.

It only took me finding one of the crew members laughing at my video for me to remember today’s mission. Lily assured me the plan is still on, so I need to get Julian into position and let the rest fall into place.

The flaps of the tent slap together after I walk inside. “Oh, good. You’re still here.”

Julian looks up from the half-carved wooden post. “Yeah. Why?”

I walk around the makeshift woodshop. Based on the number of balusters stacked in neat columns beside him, I doubt Julian has taken much of a break since he arrived at noon.

“I was wondering if you had plans tonight.”

“We both know I don’t.” He wipes his damp brow, spreading sawdust across his forehead.

I walk up to him and wipe it away. “Do you want to get out of here? I’m hungry.”

He leans into my touch. “Sure.”

“I was thinking we could grab something to eat on the way back to your place.”

His brows jump. “Where are you thinking?”

“Nothing too fancy.”

“That’s a relief, seeing as the upscale restaurant options in town are probably closed for the night.”

“Maybe another time.” I wink.

“What about Early Bird?”

“That’s perfect.”

Julian holds the tent flap back for me, turning my stomach into a ball of knots.

It’s not too late to cancel everything.

I give my head a hard shake. There is no way in hell I’m skipping out on the opportunity to pull the ultimate prank, especially after what he did to me in the attic.

“Should we go in two cars or one?” I bat my lashes.

His thick swallow nearly makes me drop my cover. “You could drop yours off at your house, and I’ll drive us to the diner.”

“Sounds good to me.”

I pull out my phone and shoot Lily a text.


Plan is a go.

My phone vibrates from an incoming call from my agent before we make it out the front door.

“Give me a second,” I tell Julian before answering. “Hey, Jamie.”

“Dahlia! How are you?”

“Good. And you?”

“Doing well. I know it’s late, but I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to call you.”

My heart rate increases with each beat. “What’s up?”

“We got a new offer.”


Julian’s face strains as he tries to listen, so I put Jamie on speakerphone to save him the trouble. “An offer from who?”

“Archer Media.”

“No way.” The Creswells always complained about their growing web of networks and record-breaking viewer numbers.

Julian pulls out his phone and taps away while I process Jamie’s news. Until I have a contract in my hand, I probably won’t believe Archer Media wants to work with me, especially after being burned once before.

She laughs. “They’re in the market for a show like yours for their fixer-upper network.”


“And the best part? They’re willing to pay you double what you made with your last contract.”

My lips part.

“I can get started on discussing logistics with filming in San Francisco. They seem eager to get started as soon as possible.”

Julian gives me his back, either out of privacy or to shield his disappointment. My excitement dies with every rise and fall of his shoulders.

“If you’re interested, we can schedule a meeting with them to discuss everything.”

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. “Yes. Of course I’m interested.”

Then why do you sound less than enthusiastic about the offer?

Probably because while renovating the Founder’s house, I fell in love with the man who bought it.

Are you considering giving up a television opportunity like this for Julian?

Yes? No? Probably, although I hate admitting it. As much as I love connecting with families and helping make their dream homes come true one television episode at a time, I also love working with Julian and his team. Just like I love being back at Lake Wisteria with my family.

San Francisco has been my home since I started at Stanford, but Lake Wisteria has my heart…and Julian along with it.