King of Sloth (Kings of Sin #4) by Ana Huang

Buzz cut, tanned skin, bulging muscles. He looked like the type of guy who spent half his life chugging protein shakes and working out. He wore a black T-shirt and jeans and stared at Sloane in a way that made me want to punch him in his generically handsome face.

“Excuse us, but we’re in the middle of a conversation,” I said. I usually wasn’t so rude to strangers, but there was something about this guy that I instantly disliked.

“You haven’t answered any of my calls or texts,” he said, ignoring me. “What’s going on?”

Sloane stared at him, her face frozen. She seemed too stunned to answer.

“I’m sorry, but who are you?” I didn’t bother hiding my irritation this time.

Protein Shake glanced at me, his eyes narrowing as he took me in. “I’m her boyfriend, asshole. Who the hell are you?”



I’d worked with Xavier for years, and I’d never seen him angry. Frustrated, yes. Annoyed, definitely. But angry? No.

Until now.

The shift in his countenance was subtle but unmistakable: The tightening of his jaw. The glint in his eyes. The way his muscles coiled.

He was seconds away from losing his temper, and I needed to take control fast before we landed ourselves on Perry fucking Wilson’s blog again.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” I finally found my words and pinned an annoyed glare at the man standing across from me. “Since you asked, I haven’t answered your calls or texts because I already made it clear: We’re over.”

“I thought you were joking. We had such a good thing going. Why would you want to end it?” Mark demanded. He appeared genuinely baffled.

Oh, for Christ’s sake. This was what I got for indulging in a regular hookup instead of one-night stands.

I didn’t want a relationship, but I had physical needs like everyone else, and having a consistent booty call was easier than wading into the sewage of online dating or waiting for lightning to strike in real life.

The problem? Men always got so attached. Sleep with them a couple of times and they suddenly thought we were going to ride off into the sunset together.

I didn’t even like sunsets. They were depressing.

“I told you our time together has expired.” I looked around for our server. There had to be a rule against unlawful loitering at diners’ tables. “Now, as Xavier mentioned, we were in the middle of a conversation. Please leave.”

My talk with Xavier had been uncomfortable, off-putting, and surprising in a multitude of ways, but I’d rather spend the entire day rehashing our kiss than speak with Mark.

I’d broken things off with him right before Greece. We met when he was bartending at the happy hour spot my friends and I frequented, and we hooked up for a few months until he booked us a weekend getaway at a bed-and-breakfast. That was when I knew it was over.

“Oh, come on,” Mark wheedled. If I hadn’t been sure we were over before, I was now. There was nothing more unattractive than a grown man whining. “If you—”

“She said leave.” Xavier cut him off, his voice lethally soft.

He hadn’t moved since Mark called himself my boyfriend, but his eyes smoldered with deadly warning.

Despite his relaxed pose, one arm tossed over the back of the booth and the other resting on the table, tension filled every line of his body. He resembled a predator lying in the weeds, waiting to strike.

A shiver breathed cold down my spine.

Xavier wasn’t the violent type, but I had a gut feeling that if he and Mark went head to head, one of them would end up on the ground—and it’d be the one standing right now.

“This doesn’t involve you,” Mark snapped, but he took a tiny step to the right, away from Xavier. “I still don’t know who the fuck you are.”

“You don’t need to know who I am.” Xavier’s affable smile didn’t reach his eyes. “You do, however, need to take a hint. Sloane broke up with you, and you didn’t listen. She told you to leave, and you didn’t listen. That’s two strikes. I highly suggest you don’t make a third.”

Some people’s anger ran hot, exploding in outbursts and impulsive violence.

Xavier’s ran cold, smoothing his tone, frosting the air, and sending another breathless shiver over my skin.

I could and did take care of myself. I didn’t want to play the damsel in distress, and I didn’t need a man barging in to reiterate things I’d already said.

But fuck, sometimes it felt good to have backup, especially when it came wrapped in muscles and devastating charm.

Mark’s gaze slid from Xavier to me and back again. Whatever he saw in our faces must’ve spooked him because he turned tail and fled without another word.

My fork clattered against my plate when he disappeared from view. I’d clutched it in a death grip this entire time, and the metal left a cold imprint against my skin.

Xavier dropped his arm from the booth, tension unwinding from his body like a spool of rope. The dangerous gleam vanished from his eyes, and he observed me for a quiet moment.

“Luna,” he said, “you have unequivocally shitty taste in past men.”

I groaned, already over this day even though it was only noon. “Thank you for brunch, but we’re done here.” I tossed a twenty on the table for tip, grabbed my bag, and stood. “I have...” He knew about my cleared calendar. Dammit, Jillian. If she weren’t such a great assistant otherwise, I would fire her for sharing that information with Xavier. “Emails to check.”