King of Sloth (Kings of Sin #4) by Ana Huang

I couldn’t tell if she was joking.

Also, what the fuck? Who bought their daughter a possessed killer doll? Then again, I wouldn’t put it past Caroline Kensington. “Ah.” I shoved the phone back into Rhea’s hand before Murderous Mary climbed out of the screen and stabbed me. “No need to call in Mary. I’m not a doll person, and like I said…”

My tone gentled, turning serious. “I would never hurt Sloane. She means…” The world. “Too much to me.”

Pen’s frown remained for another beat before it melted into something more vulnerable. “Good,” she said, her voice small. “Because she’s been hurt enough already.”

I hadn’t planned on getting punched in the gut by a nine-year-old today, but Pen’s aim was even better than her virtual soccer skills.

A burn spread from my gut to my chest, for Sloane and Pen. Both of them deserved better than what they got from the people who supposedly loved them.

“What did I miss?” Sloane’s voice punctured our bubble. I’d been so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn’t heard her return.

“Nothing,” Pen and I chorused.

“We were just taking a break,” I added.

“Because I was kicking his a—his butt.” Pen giggled when I sent a mock glare her way. “It’s okay. You’re the Vincent to my Asher. I’m just better than you.”

“Okay, that’s it.” I rolled my sleeves up. “No more going easy on you. Now it’s really on.”

We traded insults and banter as the second half ticked down. I was too into the game to pay attention to much else, but once or twice, I caught Sloane staring at us with a strange expression. She averted her gaze every time I turned in her direction, but not before I picked up on the suspicious brightness in her eyes.

The four of us stayed at the simulation center for another half hour before Pen’s energy visibly flagged. She didn’t want to leave, but I could tell the day’s activities had taken their toll on her. I promised we’d come back in the future, and by the time the Harper Security guy picked her and Rhea up, Pen could barely keep her eyes open.

She did, however, muster enough energy to hug both me and Sloane goodbye. I never thought I’d get so attached to someone I’d just met, but a ferocious wave of protectiveness swept over me as I returned her hug.

Thank God she had Rhea and Sloane because the rest of Pen’s family could go straight to hell for ignoring her.

Sloane murmured something to Pen, who nodded, her chin wobbling, before she followed Rhea into the car.

“Thank you,” Sloane said as we watched their car disappear down the street. “That was…You didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to.” My mouth flicked up in a smile. “Though I might’ve changed my mind had I known how badly she’d kick my ass.”

Pen had won the game, seven to three.

Sloane’s small laugh lightened the heaviness following Pen’s departure.

“Also, before you heap too much praise on me, I have a confession to make,” I said, earning a questioning arch of her brow. “I…” I don’t want this day to end. I don’t want you to leave. I don’t think there’ll ever be a day when I want you to leave. “I made us dinner reservations at a restaurant nearby. They’re not until seven, so I guess we’ll have to spend the rest of the day in this area.”

“We do, do we?”

“I’m afraid so. We’ll have to entertain ourselves before I ply you with so many carbs, you’ll dream of pizza and noodles.”

Amusement glinted in her eyes. “I can live with that. I’ve had worse dreams.”

“Good.” I laced my fingers through hers and led her toward the main street. “Seb told me about this great ice cream place we have to try.”


“Sebastian Laurent. He’s like a walking food guide.”

He was name number six on Kai’s list, but I already knew him, so it’d been an easy ask to have his team design and execute the Vault’s menu.

“Right.” Sloane’s palm was warm against mine. The breeze carried her scent into my lungs, and I instinctively squeezed her hand in response.

Sometimes, things got awkward after sex, but not for us. If it hadn’t been for Wednesday night, I might’ve not taken the leap and organized today’s outing with Pen. Something between us had shifted that night, and I wasn’t talking about the sex.

Are you in love with her?

Pen’s question echoed in my head. It lingered for a beat before it dissolved into the memory of Sloane sleeping in my arms. She’d curled into me, her body pressing against mine, her face free of any waking worries. I’d forced myself to stay awake just a bit longer so I could listen to her breathing.

I didn’t know why, but it brought me the most overwhelming sense of peace and something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

A loud rustle yanked me back to the present. It was the type only a large animal could make, but when I searched the overgrown bushes surrounding the simulation center, I didn’t see anything.

Huh. Weird.

I shook my head, blinking away phantom sounds and the ghosts of Wednesday night. What would a large animal be doing in the middle of Queens anyway?

Whatever it was, I must’ve imagined it.