King of Pride (Kings of Sin #2) by Ana Huang

A wave of protectiveness crested in my chest. I gave her hand a small squeeze, which she returned.

My mother’s mouth pursed. “Yes. Clarissa understands the nature of the date and has agreed to help. We need to rehabilitate your image. Every little bit helps, especially this close to the vote.”

“I hardly think—”

“You should do it.”

Three pairs of shocked eyes swung toward Isabella, including mine.

“Excuse me?” I said, sure I’d heard wrong.

“You should do it,” she repeated. “You and Clarissa both know it’s not a real date, which solves the problem of leading her on. It’s a PR stunt, and if it helps you win the vote, then it’s worth doing.”

A shadow of approval crossed my mother’s face. “For once, we’re in agreement.”

“It’s a good idea,” Abigail chimed in. “One date equals at least a week of press.”

Jesus Christ.

I disliked the idea of using Clarissa to further my own means. It was tacky, but I knew how the media worked. Every little bit did help.

“Fine,” I said, wondering how my work life had devolved from mergers to publicity stunts. “One date. I’ll do it.”

I only hoped it didn’t come back to bite me in the ass later.

Two days after my mother and sister’s visit, I gritted my teeth and paid Richard Chu a visit in his Fifth Avenue home. After the initial rancor following their surprise arrival, the four of us, Isabella included, had put aside our differences to iron out my plan for the next two weeks. Step one was the PR date with Clarissa. Step two was a face-to-face with the company’s most powerful board member.

Like my mother said, Tobias’s withdrawal eased some of the pressure, but I couldn’t afford complacency.

“This is a surprise.” Richard folded his hands across his stomach and regarded me with amusement. A touch of triumph gleamed in his eyes, making my stomach turn. “The intrepid Kai Young seeking me out in my home. What an honor.”

My jaw locked, biting back a snappish reply.

I hated the old, musty scent of his office.

I hated the smug look on his face.

Most of all, I hated having to slink to him for help, like a stray dog begging for scraps.

Part of me would rather jump off the Brooklyn Bridge than bend the knee, but there was more than my pride at stake. At least that was what I kept telling myself.

“We have much to discuss.” My smile masked my distaste. “I’m sure you’ll agree.”

“Funny how you’d like to talk now that your future is on the line.” Richard raised a bushy gray brow. “You certainly didn’t want to listen to me when I told you we’re moving too fast with all this digital noise.”

Because your advice is more outdated than your taste in decor.

His office could be plunked whole in a museum for late twentieth-century artifacts and no one would bat an eye.

“Since Tobias is out of the running, it’s in both our interests to work together,” I said, deflecting from his pointed remark. “You and I both know I’m the best person for the job. Paxton is too inexperienced, Russell is too docile, and Laura is talented at communications but doesn’t have the range for CEO. Meanwhile, I’ve been preparing for this since I was born. You may not like me, but you still want what’s best for the company. That would be me leading it.”

Richard snorted. “There’s nothing like the arrogance of youth. Fine.” He spread his hands. “Since you came all this way, let me hear what you have to say.”

I bristled at his patronizing tone, but I forced myself to ignore it.

I laid out my proposal. It was simple. If he promised me his vote, I would appoint him as senior adviser during my first year as CEO, which would give him considerable influence over the company’s initiatives. The first year, especially the first one hundred days, were crucial for a new CEO. That was when they set the tone and priorities for their leadership going forward.

Bringing Richard into my inner circle was a significant concession on my part, but it was the only way to alleviate his concerns and secure his vote.

“Interesting,” he said after I finished. “I’ll think about it.”

My spine locked. He’d think about it? Heat simmered slow and thick in my veins. “This is the best offer you’ll get.”

I wasn’t going to beg. Not anymore than I already had.

Richard gave me an enigmatic smile. “I’m sure.” He stood and held out his hand in an obvious dismissal. “Good to see you, Kai. Best of luck with the vote.”

I kept my calm during the elevator ride and the walk through the lobby, but the frigid January air blasted the doors off my control. Frustration surged, unchecked, through my blood.

Me: Are you free for a match tonight?

Dante answered less than a minute later.

Dante: Emergency?

Me: Friendly request

Dante: Right. See you at 7

Dante: Btw you owe me. I was supposed to watch a movie with Viv tonight

Me: I’m sure your twentieth rewatch of Stardust would’ve been as scintillating as the first

Dante: Fuck off

I pocketed my phone, my anger easing with the promise of a guaranteed fight later. Some people went to therapy; Dante and I punched each other. It was faster, more efficient, and doubled as a workout.