King of Wrath (Kings of Sin #1) by Ana Huang

Where else…

“What are you doing?”

The smoke from my cigar obscured Vivian’s face, but her disapproval came through loud and clear.

That was fast. I’d expected at least five more minutes before her parents forced her to come after me.

“Enjoying a smoke break.” I took another lazy drag.

I didn’t touch cigarettes, but I indulged in the occasional Cohiba. At least Francis had good taste in tobacco.

“In my father’s office?”

“Obviously.” Dark satisfaction filled my chest when the smoke dissolved to reveal Vivian’s frown.

Finally. Some visible emotion.

I’d started to think I was stuck with a robot for the remainder of our ridiculous engagement.

She crossed the room, plucked the cigar from my hand, and dropped it in the half-empty glass of water on the desk without taking her eyes off mine.

“I understand you’re probably used to doing whatever you want, but it’s exceedingly rude to sneak off during a dinner party and smoke in your host’s office.” Tension lined her elegant features. “Please rejoin us in the dining room. Your food is getting cold.”

“That’s my problem, not yours.” I leaned back. “Why don’t you join me for a break? I promise it’ll be more enjoyable than your mother’s hand wringing over floral arrangements.”

“Based on our interactions so far, I doubt it,” she snapped.

I watched, amused, as she took a deep breath and released it in one long, controlled exhale.

“I don’t understand why you’re here,” Vivian said, her voice calmer. You’re clearly unhappy about the arrangement, you don’t need the money or connection with my family, and you can have any woman you want.”

“Can I?” I drawled. “What if I want you?”

Her fingers curled into loose fists. “You don’t.”

“You give yourself too little credit.” I rose and circled the desk until I stood close enough to see the pulse fluttering in her neck. How much faster would it beat if I wrapped her hair around my fist and pulled her head back? If I kissed her until her mouth bruised and hiked up her skirt until she begged me to fuck her?

Heat ran to my groin.

I wasn’t interested in actually fucking her, but she was so prim and proper she begged for corruption.

The silence was deafening as I lifted my hand and grazed my thumb over her bottom lip. Vivian’s breathing shallowed, but she didn’t move away.

She stared at me, eyes full of defiance as I took my time exploring the lush curve of her mouth. It was full, soft, and disturbingly tempting compared to the stiff formality of the rest of her appearance.

“You’re a beautiful woman,” I said lazily. “Perhaps I saw you at an event and was so enamored I asked your father for your hand in marriage.”

“Somehow, I doubt that’s what happened.” Her breath drifted over my skin. “What kind of deal did you make with my father?”

The reminder of the deal killed the sensuality of the moment as quickly as it came.

My thumb paused on the center of her bottom lip before I dropped my hand with a silent curse. My skin tingled with heat from the memory of her softness.

I hated Francis for the blackmail, but I loathed Vivian for being his pawn. So what the fuck was I doing, toying with her in his office?

“You should ask your dear father that question.” My smile cut across my face, cruel and devoid of humor as I regathered my composure. “The details don’t matter. Just know that if I had any other choice, I damn well wouldn’t be getting married. But business is business, and you…” I shrugged. “You’re simply part of the deal.”

Vivian didn’t know about her father’s manipulation. Francis had warned me not to tell her, not that I would’ve, anyway. The fewer people who knew about the blackmail, the better.

He’d uncovered one of my few weak spots, and I’d be damned if I broadcast it to the world.

Vivian’s eyes glowed with anger. “You’re an asshole.”

“Yes, I am. Better get used to it, mia cara, because I’m also your future husband. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” I straightened my jacket with deliberate care. “I have to return to dinner. As you said earlier, my food’s getting cold.”

I brushed past her, reveling in the delicious taste of her indignation.

One day, she’d get her unspoken wish and wake up to a broken engagement.

Until then, I’d bide my time and play along because Francis’s ultimatum had been clear.

Marry Vivian, or my brother dies.



Neither Francis nor Cecelia said a word about my long absence from the dinner table Friday night. Vivian didn’t mention our little chat in the office, and I returned to New York dissatisfied and on edge.

I could’ve burned the Lau mansion to the ground with one flick of my lighter.

Unfortunately, doing so would’ve brought the authorities straight to my doorstep. Arson was bad for business, and I’d never stooped to murder…yet. But certain people tempted me to cross the line every day, one of whom I happened to share blood with.

“What’s the emergency?” Luca slouched in the chair opposite mine with a yawn. “I just got off the plane. Give a guy time to sleep.”