King of Wrath (Kings of Sin #1) by Ana Huang

He smoothed my hair back from my face and kissed my shoulder as I gradually drifted down from my peak.

I slumped forward, trying to catch my breath while Dante cleaned me up with a tissue and pulled my dress down.

He didn’t speak, but the tenderness of his actions said more than words could.

When my breathing evened out, he lifted me onto the seat again and handed me my purse.

“We’re here.” His voice smoothed into its usual velvet, albeit one with a faintly ragged edge.

“What?” I tried to make sense of his words through my post-climax fog.

A smile tugged on his mouth. I didn’t know when, but he’d somehow already fixed his clothes. Save for his tousled hair and the color on his cheekbones, he looked like he’d spent the past half hour chatting about the weather instead of fucking me into oblivion.

“We’re here,” he repeated. He rubbed a gentle thumb over my bottom lip. “Might want to fix your lipstick, mia cara. As beautiful as you look freshly fucked, I would hate to ruin our evening by having to kill every other man who sees you like this.”

My cheeks flushed, doubly so when I caught my reflection in the car window and saw the distinctive white building outside.

We were at Valhalla, which meant we’d passed through security while we were…

Heat raced from my face down over my neck and chest.

My hair was a mess, my mascara and lipstick smudged, and little red marks from Dante’s teeth and stubble peppered my skin. Anyone looking at me would know exactly what I’d been up to.

But despite my embarrassment, I couldn’t bring myself to regret what happened.

That had been the best sex of my life. Hands down.

“Don’t worry.” Dante accurately assessed my worry. “The windows are tinted, and Thomas is on the authorized guests list. They couldn’t see us from the front.”

Thomas. Oh God. What if he’d looked in the rearview mirror and…

“The partition is also tinted,” Dante added.

“Right.” I avoided his gaze as I fixed myself the best I could. Luckily, I always carried a mini makeup kit with me, but there wasn’t much I could do about the marks on my skin, so I settled for borrowing Dante’s jacket.

My heart thumped when Thomas opened the door for us. He bid us a polite good evening, his face studiously blank.

My skin flamed anew.

He might not have seen or heard us, but he definitely knew what we’d been doing.

“Don’t say a word,” I warned as Dante and I walked toward Valhalla’s entrance.

“I won’t.” Laughter lurked beneath his voice. “But if it makes you feel better, it’s not the first time Thomas has seen…action in his backseat.”

I slid a sideways glance at him. “Make a habit of limo sex, do you?”

Amusement pulled at the corners of his mouth. “He used to work for William Haverton. The man is in his sixties but has a fat wallet and the libido of a college frat boy. You do the math.” We passed through the club’s foyer. “I assure you, I don’t make a habit of limo sex.”

“Oh.” I cleared my throat. “I see.”

His smile blossomed in full, dark and wicked. “Jealous?”

“Not in the least.”

I held my head high and ignored his knowing chuckle.

It was only when we reached the elevator that I realized I’d completely forgotten to ask him about the surprise date before we arrived.

Since Valhalla’s top two floors had been closed during the fall gala, Dante gave me a quick tour of the places we’d missed during my last visit, including the spa, an indoor bowling alley, and an arcade lined with rare vintage games.

I would’ve enjoyed it more had I not been so impatient to find out what the big mystery date was.

“Are you still mad you didn’t get the surprise out of me in the car?” Dante asked as we stopped in front of a set of double doors on the fourth floor.

“No.” Yes.

“At least we both got orgasms out of it,” he drawled. “It was a win-win situation.”

Laughter crinkled the edges of his eyes when I swatted his arm, my face hot, but his boyish smile was so endearing I couldn’t hold onto my annoyance.

“Like I said, it’s something that’s better seen than told.” He tilted his head toward the closed room. “This is the club’s multipurpose space. Members can reserve it and turn it into anything they want. It’s been a private concert hall, a vintage porcelain doll exhibit…”

My eyebrows shot up.

“One of the members is a collector. Don’t ask.” He opened the doors. “Hopefully, this makes up for the wait.”

Oh my God.

I sucked in a sharp inhale.

When he’d said multipurpose space, I’d pictured whiteboards and industrial gray carpet. Theoretically, I knew Valhalla wouldn’t house something so generic, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the sight before me.

He’d turned the room into a planetarium.

No, not a planetarium. A virtual galaxy.

Brilliant stars splashed across the soaring walls and ceiling and swirled beneath our feet. Constellations dotted the “sky,” including Andromeda, Perseus, and a distinctive hourglass shape that made my breath hitch.

Orion. My favorite.