God of Fury (Legacy of Gods #5) by Rina Kent

Please tell me you do that half naked. It’s blasphemous to hide beautiful bodies, you know.

Want to exchange numbers? Here’s mine XXXXXXXX.

Hello, lotus flower’s inbox, lovely to see you again this evening.

You looked hot today.

Not that I’m hitting on you or anything since you’re sooo straight.

Let’s consider this my hopeless one-sided crush on a straight guy. You don’t have to reciprocate.

Unless you want to *eyebrow wiggle emoji* *sunglasses emoji*

Yup. All good. My texts are still sitting prettily in here. Will check again later to make sure.

I sent that text two days ago, before I saw him with Clara.

I didn’t text him after that, but now, I see the first reply from him. Earlier this evening.

Stop bugging me or I’ll block you.

But he didn’t block me. He even accepted my text that was in his requests since I follow him and he obviously doesn’t follow me.

I narrow my eyes on the screen. Is there a meaning behind this?

Why would he reply days later?

Fuck this shit. Seriously. I’m losing my few remaining brain cells because of this asshole.

I put on my shorts, and yes, I was swimming naked. If any of the guys came in, well, tough shit.

When I arrive at the main hall, I’m greeted by one of my guards who my parents made follow us here. Jeremy and I use them to cause mayhem more than anything.

“Sir,” he starts with a Russian accent. “I thought you might want to know that your cousin Killian was attacked. He’s upstairs now.”

I narrow my eyes. “Upstairs, as in alive, or upstairs, as in, in his casket?”

A crease appears on his forehead and he says slowly, almost like he’s not sure, “Alive. He lost consciousness, I think.”

Thank fuck.

Kill’s death would probably be inconvenient. Not to mention bad. At least, for Aunt Reina, who’s Mom’s identical twin.

But then again, this is an opportunity for violence.

How will I punish those who hurt my cousin? Punch them to death? Waterboard them? Step on them—in a non-erotic way, of course?

Too many options.

I take the stairs two at a time and swing his door open, my head sliding in first. “Heard Kill nearly got killed. See what I did there? Also, whose head do I have to cut from their body, rip the flesh from, and hang on a stick—”

I stop mid-sentence.

Well, well, well. Guess who’s here?

Killian’s lying in his bed like a Sleeping Beauty, sans the beauty, and his new girlfriend, Glyn, and Gareth are by his side.

But that’s not what makes me stop. It’s Glyn’s beautiful specimen of an older brother. Also known as the asshole Brandon.

In my house.

I walk inside, deliberately slowly, keeping my attention on him. For a second, his eyes widen, as if he didn’t want to see me in my own fucking place.

Happy to crush your hopes, lotus flower.

He’s dressed in a white button-down that’s tucked into his khaki slacks. Khaki. Jesus. He’s so prim and proper.

All the more reason to ruin the fuck out of that image. See what truly lurks behind his standoffish persona and control-freak façade.

I stop a small distance away. “Now, what do we fucking have here? Did a lotus get lost?”

His expression doesn’t change, imitating a perfect robot, but then he lifts his hand to the back of his neck and pulls. Hard. As if he has a beef with his own hair.

That’s it, lotus flower. Break for me.

This situation is amusing after the shit he pulled yesterday, so I summon my threatening tone. “Was it this one who hurt our Kill, Gaz?”

Glyn watches me with slightly trembling limbs, her eyes flying from me to her overly tense brother.

She hasn’t known me for long, but even she has heard of my notorious reputation and tendencies to punch first and ask questions later.

Though I am asking first this time.

Has her brother also heard of me? I wonder what he thinks of me, and I never wonder what other people’s thoughts are.

But lotus flower is this golden boy who hides more than he shows and I’m thirsty for any crumb I can get.

Not that he makes it easy.

“No,” Gareth says. “Brandon and Glyndon drove him here. They found him near their campus. For more details about the culprit, we have to wait for Killian to wake up.”

“Is that so?” My attention remains on Bran, who’s basically ripping his hair out at this point. “You carried the motherfucker Kill all on your own? I thought you were a dainty lotus, but maybe you’re stronger than you look.”

“I’m going back.” His voice catches at the end as he lowers his hand and smiles at his sister in that fake-ass way. “Want to come, Glyn?”

“No, I’m staying the night,” she says, her gaze falling on Killian, who’s slumbering away without a worry in the world.

Thank you for your services, cousin.

If it weren’t for him, Glyn’s brother wouldn’t be here.

Maybe Kill should get hurt more in the future, work on strengthening his immune system and shit.

Bran frowns but nods. “Call me if you need anything.”