God of Ruin (Legacy of Gods #4) by Rina Kent

“Dad…” Eli says, all humor absent. “Remember when I said I want Lan gone?”

“Yes, constantly.”

“I still want him gone.”

“Too bad I’m here to stay.” Lan makes a face. “And stop asking your dad for help like a little bitch. How old are you? Six?”

“You’re playing with fire, twat.”

“Burn, dear cousin. Burn.”

“Boys,” Levi says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “When are you going to grow out of this meaningless rivalry?”

“Let them be.” Aiden smiles. “It’s amusing.”

Lan's expression goes from playful to burning hot when he spots me with his mother.

He comes to escort me, his hand landing on the small of my back as he guides me to the center of the living area.

Eli offers me his charming smile. “We meet again, Mia.”


“Isn’t it about time you decide this one right here isn’t worth your time?”

“Ignore the waste of space.” Lan doesn’t even pay him attention. “Uncle, meet Mia. The future queen to my kingdom.”

My cheeks heat and I hope it’s not as obvious as I think it is. What’s with him and all the labels today?

I offer my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. King.”

“Please. Call me Aiden.” He returns the shake with a firm but brief one. “I must say, you’re one brave young lady for putting up with someone like Lan.”

“I’ve been saying that for months,” Eli agrees.

“Hey.” Lan seems offended. “You’re supposed to be on my side, Uncle.”

“It takes courage to put up with you, so of course I have to give credit where credit is due.” He leans over. “Give me a call if this one gives you trouble.”

“Me, too,” Levi says.

“Dad!” Lan scoffs.

“Leave my boy alone.” Astrid wraps her arms around his waist in a hug and he smirks, then pretends to be wounded.

“See, Mum? No one understands my worth.”

“I’ll add my number to the Landon Hotline,” Eli says, almost too excitedly.

“Can’t be busier than the Eli Hotline,” Lan shoots back. “I know because I’ve been taking care of the fallout for years.”

Eli glares at him and Lan merely waggles his brows.

Aiden and Levi share a look, then shake their heads, almost exasperatingly.

I only just met this family and I already love them.

They’re different from mine. While I always thought we were so close-knit, what Maya did ruined everything.

We’ve been taking it slow, but I’m learning to forgive her. She hit rock bottom after that incident. Apparently, as I suspected, she had a major crush on Ilya, Jeremy’s senior bodyguard, and probably even started a secret relationship with him.

But evidently, she did something so unforgivable, he broke up with her. Then the thing with Mrs. Pratt happened and I cut ties with her.

She had a mental breakdown.

I was there for her. Unlike what I would’ve thought, I couldn’t just watch her disintegrate. She’s still my twin, and like Bran said, it’s in our DNA to love our twins, no matter what they do.

Our family has been healing, but I’m not sure how long this process will take. I guess, as the family counselor said, it can take as long necessary.

The positive thing is that Nikolai apologized again for ignoring me that day and promised not to interfere in my relationship with Landon from now on. There’s no love lost between them, but I’ll take any peace offerings I can get.

“What are you thinking about?” Lan whispers in my ear as we fall behind while everyone else goes to the dining room.

“How much I like your family.”

“Everyone except for the nuisance Eli, you mean!” he shouts the last part.

“The only nuisance is you, prick!” Eli shouts back without hesitation.

“Hey, Lan.” I stop in front of him and wrap my arms around his waist.

More than his gorgeous statues, he’s the brutal beauty that always, without doubt, steals my attention.


“Thank you for letting me into your world.”

“Thank you for being my world.”

“Thank you for helping me get my voice back.”

“Thank you for letting me hear it.”

“Seriously, you’ve been taking Bran’s lessons so well.”

“No lessons are needed. Besides, Bran is the one who’s in dire need of lessons, not me.”

The bell rings and he frowns. “Mum, are we expecting someone else?”

“I invited someone over.” Eli comes rushing through.

As he opens the door, Glyn jumps Lan in a hug. “Surprise!”

The surprise is, of course, that she brought Kill along.

I wince. This is such a terrible idea.

It doesn’t matter how many truces exist between the Heathens and the Elites. Lan and Kill can’t stomach each other to save their lives.

“Your presence isn’t enough, so you added another obnoxious presence?” Lan asks Eli.

“Of course. The more the merrier, am I right, Kill?”

“Right.” My cousin grins as I greet him with a hug. When I back away, his face reverts to the usual coldness. “Landon.”