God of Ruin (Legacy of Gods #4) by Rina Kent

There’s no trace of Maya.

I pull out my phone to call her, but she’s already hurrying in from the patio, cheeks kissed by the cold.

She avoids my gaze and breezes past me to the dining room. I narrow my eyes on her back. There’s something wrong with her and I need to figure out what.

I’m about to join them when my phone vibrates in my hand. I would ignore it, but then I catch a glimpse of the name of the man who refuses to be ignored under any circumstances.

It doesn’t help that I’ve kept myself busy the entire day, just so I wouldn’t think about the next thing his defective mind might come up with.

Devil Lord: I’m outside.

I read the text and tilt my head. That’s it? He spent the whole day doing fuck knows what just to say he’s outside?

Devil Lord: That was an invitation to come and see me if you didn’t notice.

Mia: I’m not at the dorm.

Devil Lord: I know. You’ve developed this annoying habit of hiding in the Heathens’ mansion. Didn’t take you for the type who needs other people’s protection.

The damn—

Wait a minute.

Mia: Please tell me that by outside, you mean you’re outside the dorm.

Devil Lord: Why would I be there if you aren’t?

He sends me a selfie of him cocking his head to the side and grinning like a little suicidal idiot. Behind him, I can see the gate of the mansion and the lights from where we all are. A dash of panic explodes at the base of my stomach and I inhale deeply.

Mia: Have you lost your damn mind? Everyone is here. Niko, Kill, and Jeremy included.

Devil Lord: Why, yes, the holy trinity that’s out for my head due to dreadfully childish reasons.

Mia: Kidnapping and assault are childish reasons?

Devil Lord: They’re not dead, now, are they? Matter of fact, they’re enjoying your company while I’m being hugged by the cold, merciless wind.

A doctor needs to dissect this monster’s head and see if he has anything normal in there.

Mia: Just leave before they find out.

Devil Lord: Not without you.

Mia: Are you serious?

Devil Lord: A million percent. You can either come out and spare everyone the drama or you can let them find out, or tell them yourself if you’re in the mood for some mayhem, then watch as they come out and maim me. Of course, you’ll have to live with the fact that Glyn will break up with Kill and Cecily will leave Jeremy, because I will definitely make it look as if I were kidnapped and lured here. I’ll convince them that their men don’t love them enough to spare me for their sake. So what do you say, little muse? Peace or havoc?

My hand shakes around the phone. I have no doubt that he’ll do exactly what he said. Someone like Landon isn’t afraid of getting physically hurt for the sake of chaos.

I’m starting to suspect that it runs in his veins instead of blood.

“Who’s that?”

I freeze when Nikolai stops in front of me, eyes narrowed. Shit. I was so focused on Landon’s antics that I didn’t notice my brother approaching me.

With a smile, I tuck my phone into my dress’s pocket. “No one. I just got a reminder that I have a school project I forgot about.”

“Is Brandon a school project now?” he asks.

My brow furrows. “What? What does Bran have to do with this?”

“You’re still friends with him despite my clear order not to be.”

“Well, he’s a great guy.”

“He’s one of them.”

“Not all of them are bad. Kill, Jeremy, and Annika are dating people from there and you seem to be okay with that.” I pat his shoulder. “Anyway, I have to go.”

“Have dinner first.”

“I’m not hungry.” I don’t wait for his or the others’ comments as I slip out the front entrance and jog for about five minutes to reach beyond the gate.

I’m out of breath, but I search on the sides, where I assume he could be hiding.

Maybe he thought better of it and left. Though I doubt it. His go-getter personality resembles a hunting dog. It’s highly unlikely that he’d leave without securing prey.

I veer farther into the bushes, then stop when it gets too dark and retrieve my phone.

Hot breath swarms my ear as a hard body glues itself against my back and a strong hand wraps around my throat. “You made the right choice, but I’m afraid it’s too late. We’re going to play a little game, muse.”



Turns out, Landon was being literal when he mentioned a game.

We’re sitting in the haunted house that could be used as a sequel of The Nun. Landon and I are on opposite tall Victorian chairs that were covered by sheets and there’s a table between us.

To make matters worse, we’re surrounded by candles of different colors and shapes, representing a mismatched symphony of chaos.

The shadows dance around us like demons, casting an ominous edge on Landon’s already fucked-up existence.

“Your turn.” He motions at the chessboard with a provocative smirk that will get him killed one day.

I narrow my eyes as I grab my knight. His smirk widens as if celebrating my next move, which he probably thinks is leading me to my doom, but I still make it anyway.

The worst thing possible is letting someone like Landon access my head. He’s already affecting my body in a way I don’t care for, and I’m simply not allowing him more space.