God of Ruin (Legacy of Gods #4) by Rina Kent

“Just like that, they became the outcasts and the targets of bullying. Then he threatened their parents with incriminating pictures of their adulteries and tax evasion proof. He shattered their reputations, jeopardized the foundation of their families, and completely destroyed their minds. At some point, one of them lost it and attacked Landon. He stabbed him in front of the entire school and got arrested. He’s still serving time for that. The second guy had a mental breakdown and is in the psych ward as we speak. The third one hasn’t left his house in six whole years.”

I cup my mouth, unable to control the shock that rattles me to the bone. So the scar on Landon’s stomach is a result from that stabbing.

Brandon continues in the same tone, “I’ll never forget the look on his face when he was stabbed. He was smiling triumphantly for driving someone to the edge and giving them the final shove over it. He didn’t even care about the pain as long as he got what he wanted.”

He tilts his head in my direction. “Do you think Lan did that because he cares about me or my well-being? No, and no. It was for himself. Due to my being his identical twin, Lan has always seen me as his property and an extension of his being. He considers any disrespect toward me a direct attack on his person. Which is why he likes to keep me on a leash. He did the same to Glyn, which is why he hates Killian with a passion. Not only was he not intimidated by Lan’s antisocial tendencies, but he was also the first boyfriend that she chose on her own. All her exes were personally picked by Lan and threatened with bodily harm if they touched her inappropriately.”

“What are you saying?” I sign, not sure if he understands it.

Apparently, he does, because he releases a sigh. “Landon suffers from an antisocial and narcissistic personality disorder. Like Killian. The only difference is that Killian makes an effort to care and I have no doubt that he treats my sister right. Lan would never care or try to. He sees everyone as pawns or possessions. It doesn’t matter what effort he puts into a relationship, he only makes it for egotistical reasons to benefit himself. I like you, Mia, and I don’t want you to be one of the people he destroys.”

I stare at my boots that are covered by the sand, then type on my phone, “How did you know?”

“He likes announcing his possessions. Besides, you’re a bit obvious when he’s around.”

“And here I thought I was discreet.”

He smiles a little. “If it’s any consolation, I’m probably the only one who could pick up on it.”

I smile back. “You’re right. Tonight, I had two wake-up calls. The first was him hurting my brother and the second is this.”

Bran straightens. “Is your brother okay?”

I shake my head.

“Was…he badly hurt?”

“Physically? No. Mentally, however, it’s highly debatable.”

“And it’s because of Lan?”

“The one and only devil lord.” I smile sarcastically as I type, “I almost forgot that he nearly killed my brother with his shenanigans. And now, he’s done this. I should really stay away from him, shouldn’t I?”

“You should.” His brows dip. “I don’t even know what you see in him.”




The monster who can fight the other monster.

“I know, right? You’re a good guy, Bran. I should’ve totally fallen for you.”

“But you didn’t.”


He smiles. “You have terrible taste, but if it’s of any consolation, I understand why girls flock to him. They’re attracted to his charm and, most importantly, to the prospect of being the chosen one who can fix him.”

I shake my head, but I don’t type anything.

Never have I thought about fixing Landon. If anything, I slid down his rabbit hole as if it were where I always belonged.

In the thrilling darkness.

The animalistic chasing.

The explosive fucking.

But now, I realize with clarity that some desires are better left unfulfilled for everyone’s greater good.

“He’s too set in his way of thinking,” Bran continues. “After years of futile clashing with our father, Dad gave up trying to correct him and eventually left him to his own devices. It’s hard to speak reason to him and impossible to change him.”

“And yet something tells me you’re not giving up?”

“I’m an idiot and stuck with him for life. Everyone else should save themselves while they have the opportunity.”

“You’re not an idiot, Bran. You just care.” I show him my phone and then pat his shoulder.

“One of us has to.” A bitter smile crosses his lips. “I’m sorry if your acquaintance with me has caused this trouble—”

I put a hand on his mouth and shake my head, then I type, “Don’t you dare blame yourself. I made this choice about Landon and I’ll handle the consequences. Besides, meeting you is one of the best things that’s happened to me, so don’t avoid me again. We should probably meet outside, though.”


“Because I’d rather not cross paths with your psycho brother.”

“No, I meant why do you still want to see me if Lan is out of the picture?”