God of Ruin (Legacy of Gods #4) by Rina Kent

Desperate much? Abso-fucking-lutely.

I park my McLaren opposite the entrance and step out, only to be greeted by the most miserable weather England has to offer. The wind slaps me across the face, and I close my eyes to ward off the assault. When I open them, I see none other than Mia getting out of her car.

My lips pull in a wide smile.

Despite her occasional reluctance, she can’t get enough of me either, and her face lights up whenever we meet. Which is why I had a hunch she would be here…

As she approaches me, her black tulle dress swishes, and her ribbons fly in the wind. She comes to a slow halt in front of me, her eyes entirely fucking wrong.

I cross my arms even as I keep my smile in place—only, it’s much more fake now. “I thought we weren’t supposed to meet since you’re apparently scared shitless of everyone in your family finding out about us. Changed your mind?”

“This is my club, too, last I checked,” she signs and lifts her chin.

“Which you knew I’d be coming to. Does that mean you miss me?”

“In your dreams.”

“I’ll take that as you don’t mind Nikolai and the others finding out about our very secret, very intimate rendezvous.”

Her cheeks heat and rage blares in her eyes that are more wrong than vanilla sex.

“It doesn’t matter, because I’m getting bored and could send you packing any second. In fact, I’m doing it right now.”

“I’m disappointed.” I release a dramatic sigh. “You put all this effort into pretending to be someone else, so the least you can do is be more subtle about it, Maya.”

She flinches, but instead of trying to go on with the charade, she clicks her tongue and says, “What gave me away? Not too many ribbons? Not quick enough sign language?”

“Neither. You could’ve done the outside to perfection, but you still wouldn’t have fooled me. Your eyes are entirely wrong and extremely revolting.”

“Fuck you, asshole.”

“No, thanks. I much prefer your sister.”

She hikes a hand on her hip. “Of all the people who could’ve warranted your deranged attention, why did it have to be her?”

Because she makes me see sides of me I didn’t know existed before.

But I don’t tell Maya that since I don’t owe her shit, and she narrows her eyes. “Just so you know, I don’t approve.”

“Just so you know, I can’t find any fucks to give.” I pause. “Besides, shouldn’t you all learn how to respect her wishes? Ever thought that this excessive overprotection might be suffocating her?”

“We just want what’s best for her.”

“And she doesn’t?”

“That’s not what I said.”

“That’s what you mean. She’s old enough to make her own decisions without your or anyone else’s unwanted interference.”

She opens her mouth, but she looks behind me and her eyes turn into big pools of panic.

I stare back and catch a shadow of two men before they disappear into a side building.

“Maya?” I call her name and snap my fingers in her face.

She startles and the fear spreads to her shaking limbs. It’s similar to Mia’s state when she was scared shitless of the dark.

“I… I have to go.” She runs back to Mia’s car and has to try twice before she can open the door.

I continue staring at where the men disappeared to. Interesting.

I shelve that information for later as I text Mia.

Landon: Your sister just pretended to be you so she could break us apart. I figured her out the second I saw her pretentious eyes. Don’t I get a reward for that?

No answer.

I tap my finger against the back of the phone for a few beats, then type again.

Landon: In my modest opinion (I’m just playing—there’s nothing modest about me), the forbidden love vibes are hitting so hard. But fuck that, am I right?

Again, she reads the text but doesn’t reply.

While Mia gets a kick out of playing the role of a medieval princess who’s into courting and talking about feelings, she hasn’t been ignoring me lately.

Or maybe she was the one who sent Maya over—

No, she’s not the type who shies away from confrontation. If she wanted to tell me something, she wouldn’t hesitate to invade my space and give me a piece of her mind.

My phone lights up in my hand and I stare at her name. Mia doesn’t call, for obvious reasons. She’s not a fan of FaceTime calls either, except for when her parents are involved.


I answer it. “Is something the matter?”

“Everything is grand, minus your annoying interference. Mia and I are having a good time, so how about you piss off?”




I stare at the screen of my phone as that very familiar—soon very dead—voice rings in my ear.

Fucking Rory seems to have been praying for his funeral.

What am I if not an extremely good sport?



Today has been an epic proportion of completely random events.

First, Maya asked to take my car because hers broke down and she refuses to have her bodyguards drive her in their, and I quote, ‘super-old businessman Mercedes.’