Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



One Year Later

I throwthe last pitch of the season and run off the field. My teammates are all celebrating, but not me. I have a better place to be. I was going to skip the game tonight, but Trinity promised she would wait for me.

I pass the locker room, and my assistant has my car parked by the back entrance with the keys in and the engine already running. He holds his phone away from his ear. “You better hurry. There’s not much time left.”

He doesn’t have to tell me. There’s a policeman in front of me. He turns on his lights and I follow right behind him to the hospital. I park illegally, running through the hallways in my cleats.

I head straight for Birth and Delivery. They’re standing in the hallway and as soon as I get to them, they open the door, letting me in.

But what I see causes me to about fall over. The doctor is already in position and Trinity is covered in sweat, breathing in and out quickly.

She starts to cry when she sees me. “Oh my God, you made it. I was so worried you would miss it.”

I shake my head, throwing my baseball cap across the room to the chair. I grab on to Trinity’s hand. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

The doctor interrupts us. “Hell of a game, Reilly. You won the championship.”

“We won it,” I say to him. And not only do I mean my team. Trinity too. This has been my best year, on and off the field. She finally agreed to marry me and now she’s bringing me a little Jasper Junior into the world. I couldn’t have asked for a better life.

Trinity starts grunting, and I hear the doctor say, “It’s time,” but it doesn’t register until I feel Trinity squeezing my hand, screaming, and then the room fills with the sounds of our baby crying. Our baby. I’m a dad. The thought hits me right in the chest.

I look between my wife and then my brand new daughter, and I can’t stop the tears from falling down my face.

They take our daughter to clean her up, and I kneel next to the bed to look at my beautiful other half, my everything. She’s exhausted, but she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. “I love you, Trin.”

She smiles and looks at me through hooded eyes. “I love you too.”