Player Loves Curves Box Set #1-3 by Hope Ford



I can’t believeI ever doubted her. When we get to the party, I act surprised and I’m pretty sure everyone believed us. Holly stays right by my side. The other wives and girlfriends ask her to go dance and she says yes, looking over at me before she goes. Just the way she walks away from me, I can tell she doesn’t want to be apart from me. Why didn’t I notice this sooner? I nod my head at her before pecking at my watch, reminding her that we agreed on one hour. It’s not like I’m controlling. Now that we had our talk, I’m a lot more relaxed, knowing for sure that she’s going home with me tonight… and hopefully every night after.

I watch her as she spins on the dance floor. I can see other men looking her way, but I hold on to my cool, because it’s obvious now she only has eyes for me.

Reagan slaps me on the back, pulling my gaze from Holly. “I guess you’re good now?”

Nodding my head, I turn back to Holly and take a drink of water. “Yep.”

He laughs next to me. “She’s got your balls in a vise, buddy. But as long as you’re happy…”

He trails off, but his words make me think. I’ve always been a content guy. But now I am happy. Every day since I met Holly, I have been happy. She brings so much to my life and I haven’t even thanked her for it. “Yeah, I’m happy,” I assure him.

He holds his mug out to me. “Happy birthday, buddy.”

I clink my mug with his, telling him, “Thanks.”

I smile at Holly across the room, who’s still dancing, but now she’s smiling at me. Right when I’m about to go and drag her off the dance floor and take her home, they start playing a slow song. I can’t resist holding her in my arms.

I walk out to where she’s at. “Can I have this dance?”

She smiles almost shyly at me. “Yes.”

I take her in my arms and fit her snugly against me. I rest my chin on the top of her head. My cock is hard, pressed against the zipper of my jeans, but I don’t care. It’s a good pain right now and I can handle anything as long as I have her.

“I’m so sorry, Holly. For earlier and how I acted. I misunderstood and was jealous,” I tell her honestly. “I know it’s not an excuse, but you drive me crazy, honey. There isn’t a moment that goes by that I don’t want you. And when I thought I was losing you—”

“Losing me?” she exclaims loudly. She looks around when the couple next to us looks our way. She lowers her voice, her big green eyes still large as saucers. “You won’t lose me. Well, unless you want to. I’m too far into this. I –”

But I interrupt her. I don’t want her to say it first. “I love you, Holly. I love you so much that I can’t stand the thought of losing you. I want you with me. Always.”

Her face lights up and a tear falls down her cheek. She laughs and wipes it away quickly. “I love you too, Shawn. So much. Forever.”

I pull her up into my arms and hold her in a fierce hug. We stand there like that for I don’t know how long before a voice interrupts us.

“Hey old man, isn’t it past your bedtime?” I lift my head and look at Carter.

Holly freezes and I drop my arms. Carter’s been gunning for a fight and Coach has already left, so there’s nothing to stop me. But then I feel Holly’s hand slide up my chest and I look into her big, green eyes, which are filled with love. “Can we go home, Shawn?”

I refuse to let Carter ruin this night for us. I tell her yes, ignoring Carter. I have my woman in my arms, and she wants to go home with me. So that’s where I take her… our home.